Wife and I made a trip down into southern 400 for a few days looking for an elk and white tails. Saw lots of game, only one elk, where we couldn't shoot

. That area is crawling with moose, we saw 9 moose our first evening, 5 cows and calves and 4 bulls. Deer of both species were plentiful but no white tail bucks I wanted to hang a tag on.
Saturday evening we met 2 brothers who were from Taber and one had drawn a bull moose tag. We chatted while glassing the country and seeing moose just about any where we looked. The guy holding the tag wanted a big bull and he wasn't disappointed, half an hour later he killed a bull that went 54 inches. My wife and I helped them get it out, we had my small trailer and were able to winch the bull into it, that was the easy part

. With all that new snow on top of grass it made for pretty slick wheeling but with some winching and pulling we got them onto the road. The Missus and I got back to camp around 10.30 and just went to bed without eating.
Sunday the typical southern wind kicked in and it howled all day, any game we saw was hunkered down in the bush and spooky. Rain started about 2 a.m. Monday and never let up so we packed it in. Was a great trip all in all and looking forward to getting down there again.
Our home.

The new stove, it's awesome

A few deer pics.