Author Topic: Latest Calgary Sun Suffield  (Read 1494 times)


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Latest Calgary Sun Suffield
« on: February 04, 2015, 08:18:54 AM »

 I was wondering how the first cow cull was going ,when I came upon
   This in the Sun . I guess the fallout from the management of this
   Event won't be going away soon .
       This is just my take but I don't think Hunting needs this kind of press .
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Re: Latest Calgary Sun Suffield
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2015, 08:52:21 AM »
I dealt with the military on the base for a few years and a more difficult arrogant group you have never met. I really don't have one good experience to talk about in dealing with them. I remember being in a meeting with the commander one day and he had an assistant with him. My associate and I were sitting across the desk from him and in our discussion the man would not talk to us directly but would comment to his assistant and his assistant would then repeat it to us,, yah I am serious. They do the things they do on there just because it goes against what others think they should do... It's really that sad.

The native thing on the base really doesn't bother me that much,, so what.. Let em have at er. It is a bit disturbing that it's not an equal opportunity system but really does this surprise anyone,, when is it an equal playing field when it comes to dealing with natives in this country.. As far as I am concerned there are more pressing issues we should be looking at when dealing with these groups.

But power to the people that are making waves about it,, good on yah.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Latest Calgary Sun Suffield
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2015, 11:08:25 AM »
You are right on . It's not the culling of the animals itself , it's the run around from
 The different levels of Govt that is distressing . This whole event is a preview
 of the future in dealing with the new ESRD ,  who claimed no knowledge , some
  Knowledge , ok we were wrong but will make it right with taxpayers .
  The Feds blamed it all on the ESRD .

   It's not going to get anymore user friendly or cooperative in the near
    Future  . What amazes me is the info some people have on these  forums
     about what is going on behind the scenes .....we are in Machiavellian times .
      Like some on here I was dismissed for calling a spade a shovel from another
       endeavour . Probably needed a little quiet time anyway .
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Re: Latest Calgary Sun Suffield
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2015, 01:21:37 PM »
This is what I would call a wasted opportunity by SRD. They could have put 1000 either sex tags on the table and cleared years of priority. Instead they had a cull hunt and no ones priority drops off. Why didn't SRD call the base and ask to operate the hunt before the herd grew to the size it is now? At least one of the high priority draw problems could have been relieved to some extent


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Re: Latest Calgary Sun Suffield
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2015, 02:03:14 PM »
What some don't realize is no one has any athouraty what so ever on the base other than the military. I wouldn't doubt one bit SRD inquired about this some time ago and were flat out denied by the base commander. The military is the governing law on the base on all matters. And like I said they will go against anyones better judgment in most cases just because.. If people keep making this an issue I wouldn't doubt one bit the military closes the hunt to all but natives,, you watch and see. It all depends on what the commander at the time feels like doing he is the law on the base, no ands ifs or buts about it and certainly not the SRD is going to sway him.

Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

Never run away a boy, When you can walk away a man