Author Topic: Moose Hunt 2013.  (Read 1827 times)


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Moose Hunt 2013.
« on: October 13, 2013, 08:08:39 PM »
Another moose season is over for us and another successful season as well. Not an easy hunt this year,, not only did we work hard for our animal but Mother Nature worked us as well. The first 4 days were almost constant rain which on Tuesday morning turned to snow combine all this with strong winds it made for poor calling and just plain old tough hunting. But we did persist, kept the stove full in the tent to dry our clothes at night and came in at noon every day to dry out and load up on groceries to keep the inner fire going. My middle son Jordan joined us for the first 3 days but had to leave Tuesday afternoon to be back for work unfortunately he didn't get to be part of the kill but it was good to have him in camp for a few days anyways.

The hunt was tough, I thought going into it this year a little later than usual that calling would be prime and it should have been but for us it was not the case. The Wolves have done their part in that area and moose numbers are way down, the worst I have seen or even imagined. In our whole hunting area we located only 3 sets of animals each consisting of a single cow with a bull. The best as we could tell we only saw one set of lone bull tracks and possibly one set of lone cow tracks, pretty low numbers combine that with the lack of any industry activity in the area and Mother Nature is taking her ground back, we lost at least half of our access into prime hunting grounds. But we persevered, we found our animals and concentrated on them. Jesse and I both had tags this year so we did split up for a coupe days to cover more ground but we both decided it just wasn't any fun hunting alone and we grouped back up. Jesse worked a bull and cow for 3 days with not a grunt out of the bull, two mornings in a row he would return to his calling spot to find fresh track over his after he left, very frustrating for him. I kept on him not to give up but stay on them we would get our chance. Every day we went to our calling spots and called from legal to 10 then a quad ride until noon which would take us back to camp, a good lunch then back out on the bikes doing our tour and in calling position by 4:30 and call until legal again. For 5 days we repeated our routine I kept assuring the boys and then Jesse if we stick to it we will get rewarded it doesn't pay to start chasing around. Oh we would go for our tours and try and find some more animals but we just never did they just weren't there all the usual places were dead, no fresh sign to be seen so we stayed with our plan. Thursday night our 5th day found us both on Jesse's lease early, we parked the quads a good half mile out and walked in early, we were in position by 4:30 and called until 7:15 at which point I told Jesse let's just leave a little early and maybe we will get lucky and catch them on the line. We got to our quads and wouldn't you know it we never went 500 yards we came around a bend in the line and there they were, the bull and cow.. Off the quad Jesse jumped, slammed his clip in his gun and one shot with his new 338 mag is all it took,, down the bull was. We looked at our clocks it was 7:30,, just minutes to spare on legal shooting.

I was very surprised when we started to dress the bull, he wasn't stinky or beat up at all, he was in very good shape like he never had to rut at all his stomach was full it was like he was in vacation not in the heat of the rut.. Just no competition at all.

This hunt just go's to show that we shouldn't get rattled when out there just work hard and stick with a plan and you will get rewarded. This kill was a little tough for both of us for a couple reasons. First we worked so hard calling that when killing the bull on the line it was a little unrewarding and we both kind of felt sorry for the bull,, he was smart enough to out do us in the bush but he just screwed up and got caught out on the line and it cost him,, he deserved better. That and the fact we both agree its time for us to move on from Keg River. It's been good to us over the years. Over a period of 9 years and 8 hunts we have taken 13 bulls out of there but it's over now. At least half of what we did hunt this year will be lost next year do to beavers and over growth. It's good though, it's good to know nature is taking care of itself and taking back her ground. I am sure the game will flourish in there for the next few years until there is some activity in there again to open it up,, who knows we may head back some day again.. Jesse has hunted there since he was 15 he is 24 now so just about all his moose adventures have been in Keg, he shot his first in there so it's good maybe he took our last in there as well.

The grouse hunting was insane, we came home with our limit of grouse, it was crazy. We went out one afternoon and in 1 hour we had our limit of ten grouse. Never seen so many ruffies in all my years of being in the bush.

A few pics of the trip.
The usual camp set up.

Us calling on the lease,, one of our favourite spots,, Jesse shot his first moose here, it's not far from here where we shot the bull on our way out.

Jesse's bull, sorry no animal pics, it was just to late in the day for decent pics the evening we got him.

The weapon.

And a few grouse.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 08:17:01 PM by walleyes »


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Re: Moose Hunt 2013.
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2013, 10:09:18 PM »
Nice pics Walleyes, were you guys N.W. of Notiken


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Re: Moose Hunt 2013.
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2013, 10:33:53 PM »
Glad you guys got that bull.   :)
Conditions change and the wolves are pressuring a lot of areas including ours too.
Congrats on the hunt.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Moose Hunt 2013.
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2013, 12:11:25 AM »
Great report Walleyes...sounds like a good time was had. :)


Dang those chickens look good.. :)

« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 12:15:29 AM by Sonny »

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Re: Moose Hunt 2013.
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2013, 06:07:56 AM »
Awesome ,great hunt , glad to hear the 338 did the job. Nice pics ,sounds like you had a good time.
If you are too busy to hunt , you are too busy.


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Re: Moose Hunt 2013.
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2013, 08:52:48 AM »
Camp looks smaller this year?
How did the new bike run?
Any recovered bullets? 
A fine looking bull and yes it is a fantastic year for grouse dog and I got two more last night.   


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Re: Moose Hunt 2013.
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2013, 04:44:20 PM »
Thx fellas..

He's all cut and ground,up and in the freezer..


We hunt north of there closer to Keg River.


The camp set up was one we use for two or three guys some years we take two tents some years just the one, depends. Yes the new bike was a pleasure to ride, a guy can sure get spoiled fast. That power steering is a treat, I could fill my travel mug with hot coffee in the morning and travel out to my calling spot with one hand while sipping on my coffee,, bad eh lol.. No recovered bullets, Jesse just caught it high in the back bone just behind the shoulder and we had a complete pass through.. I keep bugging him that he just about missed it but like he says,, but I didn't lol..