Author Topic: Muleys  (Read 4028 times)


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Re: Muleys
« Reply #20 on: May 25, 2012, 05:50:49 PM »

A good number of years ago now, Russell Thornberry put out a book called "Trophy Deer of Alberta".

I took the book and a map of Alberta.  I looked at where deer were harvested (most often the closes town was entered) and high lighted the town.  For white-tails there was after a time a triangle from Lac La Biche to Provost to Edmonton that held a very large number of big buck entries.

I did the same for the mule deer and there was no area of concentration.  One was from Medicine hat and the next was from Peace river.  One from Cold lake and the next from Pincher Creek.  They were from everywhere.

Obviously an area that has less hunting pressure will have more bucks that have reached the age when they have bigger head gear.  But there are pockets of areas like that in various WMUs.


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Re: Muleys
« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2012, 07:19:54 PM »
there were two listed from med hat.  one got caught chasing girls out of the suffield military base.....the other was imported from saskatchewan and officially listed as walsh.
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