Author Topic: My 2014 Season Thread.  (Read 1913 times)


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My 2014 Season Thread.
« on: October 10, 2014, 05:03:28 AM »
Not that it's a big deal boys but just thought I would start a thread for this years season. I have 10 days off work so this will be the start of it for me. Yesterday I secured permission on a few quarters of land around home here where I hope to tag on a moose, bull or cow doesn't matter either or around here for archery. This morning I am just having my morning coffee getting ready to head to my tree stand in the back 40 just to see whats moving around,, maybe my buck from the trail cams will be around today lol,, doubt it but one never knows.

Hope to get in a couple goose shoots this time off as well. Plan on hitting the stand here until about 9 or so then do some driving around the neighbourhood see if I can't spot a field to set up in for a bird shoot tonight.

Later boys,, will keep it up to date every now and then or as stuff happens.


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Re: My 2014 Season Thread.
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2014, 05:04:10 PM »
Good luck. :)


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Re: My 2014 Season Thread.
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2014, 08:43:46 AM »
Not much action so far,, a few does and small bucks under the stand,, mister big seems to be eluding me so far. Moose sign is encouraging but I think any chance of calling one is kind of out, a spot and stalk is my best chance so I will keep at them. Been doing my walks in the morning for moose and sitting in my stand in the evenings. Headed out for a grouse/whitetail. (Rifle whitetail is open just to the north of us )hunt with Sam this afternoon and evening so hopefully we get a few ruffies for the pan.


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Re: My 2014 Season Thread.
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2014, 06:05:08 AM »
Sammy and I were able to get 6 grouse yesterday so that's going to be a nice treat for supper.

One observation I made yesterday which kind of surprised me. There were quite a few deer scrapes being started out there there not big yet but the bucks are starting to mark their grounds. According to the people who study these things and go by the clock it is supposed to be an early rut this year,, sometime around the 8th I believe. Things are pointing to this I would say. I have a 3d buck target that in the fall sits out in the front lawn, for fast daily practice, it's secured to a 4' x 3' piece of plywood so it's very secure to the ground. Two mornings ago when we woke up the target was laying flat on its side. One of the resident bucks didn't like it I guess and decided this was his territory. Just another sign of them getting aggressive early.

Just finishing the morning coffee and headed for my moose stroll again. Later boys.


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Re: My 2014 Season Thread.
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2014, 05:43:47 PM »
Well no archery kill for me this year again. Spent a few good nights in my stand and had 3 small bucks over the days under me that I let walk. Never got to make it out for geese, I did scout a couple decent sized flocks but in both cases I was beat out by a day by other guys having permission. There were numurous smaller flocks around but none I felt were worth the time to set up for. Oh well next year. Sam got to get out a few times this year and has a few geese in the freezer for us so we have some there. Tomorrow morning she's off to work again for a 20 day hitch then I will be back for whitetail rifle season,, really looking forward to that time.


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Re: My 2014 Season Thread.
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2014, 07:34:58 AM »
Been hitting the bush and my stand hard since Monday and it's been a blast of course. I will say the numbers sure seem to be down around here. Not so much on our place but back in the bush away from the agriculture areas they are down. Certainly not wiped out but down. On a positive side so do the wolf numbers seem to be talking a hit. I guess the cycles will follow each other.

Two nights ago I was in my stand early again waiting for my deer. I was in stand by 14:00 and set up. About 16:30 I caught movement in the dark timber and low and behold it was him. He came in from behind a brush pile and held up in cover, all I could make out was half his antlers but it was him. H held up for a good two minutes and wouldn't you know it a big truck went by on the range road about 3/4 mile away and hammered on the jakes and then the fuel at the corner. It was such a calm night the noise was quite loud. I don't know what it was but he didn't like it and turned tail and left. It was quite disappointing. I have been after this deer and watching him for 3 years now and this is the closest I have come. I am not sure if I will get another chance at him this year as I only have 5 days left at home but one never knows. Yesterday I spent on foot and put on close to 12 miles on some lease land south of me and I was quite disappointed in the amount of sign I seen. Did a lot of rattling and grunting in different spots with no action. We will keep at it and enjoy the time I have out there.

She's been cold,, yesterday was -19 but a good day to be walking. Today I have to take the morning off but will be in my stand for the evening.


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Re: My 2014 Season Thread.
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2014, 08:14:57 AM »
Been hitting the bush and my stand hard since Monday and it's been a blast of course. I will say the numbers sure seem to be down around here. Not so much on our place but back in the bush away from the agriculture areas they are down. Certainly not wiped out but down. On a positive side so do the wolf numbers seem to be talking a hit. I guess the cycles will follow each other.

Two nights ago I was in my stand early again waiting for my deer. I was in stand by 14:00 and set up. About 16:30 I caught movement in the dark timber and low and behold it was him. He came in from behind a brush pile and held up in cover, all I could make out was half his antlers but it was him. H held up for a good two minutes and wouldn't you know it a big truck went by on the range road about 3/4 mile away and hammered on the jakes and then the fuel at the corner. It was such a calm night the noise was quite loud. I don't know what it was but he didn't like it and turned tail and left. It was quite disappointing. I have been after this deer and watching him for 3 years now and this is the closest I have come. I am not sure if I will get another chance at him this year as I only have 5 days left at home but one never knows. Yesterday I spent on foot and put on close to 12 miles on some lease land south of me and I was quite disappointed in the amount of sign I seen. Did a lot of rattling and grunting in different spots with no action. We will keep at it and enjoy the time I have out there.

She's been cold,, yesterday was -19 but a good day to be walking. Today I have to take the morning off but will be in my stand for the evening.

Sounds exciting walleyes.  Too bad about the truck, hopefully he comes by again.


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Re: My 2014 Season Thread.
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2014, 04:58:58 PM »
No moose hunt this year?


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Re: My 2014 Season Thread.
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2014, 08:23:02 PM »
So that's it for me this season, back at work today and no days off until December. Never did get a chance at the big one again he went totally nocturnal, any pics of him on the cams were all between, 2 and 4 a:m. Hopefully he stays under cover until after the season and none of the neighbors get a crack at him and he has yet another year to grow. I am excited to see what he comes out like next season if he makes it. Oh well its only been 3 years I have been after him one more year wont kill me lol.

In the end it wasn't the best hunting season I have had, really all I got to kill was a couple Grouse. But thats the way it is in life some good years some bad. Hopefully next summer is busier for me and I have a chance to get out next fall more. Its not that I didn't have a chance at numerous smaller bucks this season but I am focused on a true hog, its been 7 years since I have dropped the hammer on a deer, the life of a trophy hunter I guess.

To answer your question Huntnut I had a pretty slow summer for work and didn't get at it until the beginning of Sept so taking time off a couple weeks after getting to work just didn't make sense this year so we past on our annual moose hunt. Only the 3rd time in 34 years of hunting I have missed a fall moose hunt so I have been fortunate. 


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Re: My 2014 Season Thread.
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2014, 10:54:58 AM »
That's too bad-I always enjoyed reading your moose hunt stories.