Well I'm pretty much done now other than the wife's late season cow elk and taking her out one last day next week to see if we can find her a good buck. I might get out to help a youth with special needs get his first deer then maybe try and stick a mule in the bowzone.
Anyway here is my Archery elk. I left my camera in the truck and it was 25 degrees that day so it was either get the elk dressed out or waste time and hike to the truck and take chance on spoilage. I opted to be ok with an i phone pic. We called him into 7yrds and I buried a grim reaper to the nock on a quartering shot. We watched him fall within sight and I needed a few moments to sit down and collect myself. My second bull with a bow and this one was awesome. This was a huge team effort I'm and glad I could share it with such a good hunting partner!

Next was my wife's bull moose. She made about a 300yrd shot on this bull with her 7mm-08. When I gutted him the 140 gr ballistic tip completely destroyed his lungs. This was her first moose.

Finally was my archery buck. Had a hard time letting this guy walk for a second time. I hadn't seen any of the big boys in weeks and thought I would take this opportunity. I sailed another grim reaper out of my hoyt and had another bow kill fall within sight.