Author Topic: NDP anti hunting ......surprise  (Read 1544 times)


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NDP anti hunting ......surprise
« on: August 08, 2016, 07:28:34 AM »
  I borrowed this story , your not likely to read about it
   On the CBC .

    The show applied for the necessary paperwork to bring a film crew to
     Shoot a show with a local outfitter . They were told by a Dipper Lackey
     At dept of tourism that Alberta does not support hunting .
     My take ,I guess the dippers haven't come up with a easy way
       To tax the shit out of these people .

        Now the last couple of years I have been screwed up by APOS
        Members in the field . So I'm starting to develop a bad attitude
         About outfitters and tourists . I quarantee you if Notley gets another
          term , fishing , hunting and tag prices will go through the roof .
           Where the hell are your G&F clubs when you need them .......
             Oh ya having another beer !
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 07:37:50 AM by W101 »
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Re: NDP anti hunting ......surprise
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2016, 08:20:36 AM »
Surprise, surprise. Left wing socialists don't like hunting.

I beleive I eluded to this quite some time back, everyone told me I was being irrational and I should just stand back and watch and not jump to conclusions. Alrighty,, I'm standing back !!
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: NDP anti hunting ......surprise
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2016, 10:23:58 AM »
I can't believe NDP got in over there. I guess after Danielle's screw up the people's vote went south. I'm sure the next election they will be gone.


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Re: NDP anti hunting ......surprise
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2016, 02:11:01 AM »
Im glad not everyone is asleep at the wheel. 
Better today than yesterday, better tomorrow than today.


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Re: NDP anti hunting ......surprise
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2016, 06:08:31 AM »
Here's HOPING that the dippers will be gone next election.  They will undoubtedly leave our children, grandchildren, let alone ourselves a legacy of a massive debt that for the most part would not be necessary.  Idealogical promises made to garner them the vote from the "me" generation have to be filled.  The taxes that the stupid bitch has implemented are instead of a sales tax, so that she can tout not having implemented the dreaded sales tax.  The taxes that were brought in appeased a large portion of "her" support base, while for the most part, alienating a good portion of the rest of the populace, hopefully enough to turf them.  A few more stupid moves should bring our wishes about - seeing the NDP reduced to a "rump" party with no seats in the next election(which can't come soon enough}.   
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 06:10:02 AM by unclebuck »


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Re: NDP anti hunting ......surprise
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2016, 07:42:21 AM »
They got elected the same way 2.0 and 1.0 got elected:  by gov't employee's, those suckling the gov't teat for life, ignorant urban voters and children.
Sadly our ace in the hole in Ab is that their policies are so ludicrous investment money can't leave Ab fast enough and the volume of that money leaving increases exponentially every time they open their mouths.  Read a few weeks ago on another forum's political section that Kazakstan is getting something like 56 BILLION dollars invested into an oil program because (not a direct quote but a fair summation, "Alberta is no longer a stable place to do business)  I have not seen that in print other than on that forum, never bothered to research it as it sounds about right.
Read in the NP the other day 20 businesses/day are closing in Calgary.  Soon all the barrista's and store clerks, etc that voted them in will learn where their wages actually come from.............or they'll happily jump under the gov't umbrealla and say it's Harper's fault.

Our problem is the pc's for some reason refuse to face reality and realize conservatives have no interest in a left wing party posing as center of the road and the conservatives in Wildrose see the left wing pc's true goals a mile away.  That's why the Wildrose was formed in the first place.
Unfortunately  the left have the media as their personal propaganda machine to skew the truth or ignore it and it appears enough people spend all their time on facebook instead of using the wealth of the knowledge of mankind the internet provides for something useful.  The logical thing to do would be for the pc's to fold into Wildrose and those who didn't want that join the lib or communist dip parties where they truly belong.  I have no idea why they're trying so hard to keep that party going.  Must be something lucrative.  With left wing parties..........Always follow the money. 

Talk of the pc's being resurrected is simply stupid.  They're broke and Wildrose is flush.  Forming a new party would mean Wildrose's chest would go to the gov't as the funds can't be carried over to the new party.  I don't know if Jean could win the next election, but what I Do know is if nothing changes all Kenney's going to do is ensure a split vote and another communist gov't.  Haven't done any research on Kenny, is he a conservative or just another liberal that ran as a conservative so he could get a cushy gig?

Far as hunting, left wingers hate everything they personally don't like and feel anything they don't personally like should be banned.  They have no common sense, are seemingly incapable of understanding that actions always have consequences and are incapable of productive debate because they base everything on their emotions, not facts or even reality.  If you try to correct their fallacy with fact their reaction is invariably to resort to name calling or implying aggressive intents.  It's really starting to seem like all hard core left winger are really closet fascists, they're just too ignorant to realize it.
Point being they get hunting on their radar there'll be no reasoning with them.  None at all.


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Re: NDP anti hunting ......surprise
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2016, 12:05:22 PM »


That is an excellent post ^^^^. 

I have been leaning towards Kenney these days, but maybe it is time to hold the horses and start checking things out a little more closely.

You are correct that the situation has to be cleaned up.



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Re: NDP anti hunting ......surprise
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2016, 08:18:32 AM »

It would be nice to know who provided that reply and exactly what it stated.

Seems a bit too nicely wrapped for me.

Pardon me but can I please have my country back?