Author Topic: NE1 use a Hind Sight?  (Read 1268 times)

Lance Skene

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NE1 use a Hind Sight?
« on: May 12, 2013, 02:02:48 PM »
Im new to bows, bought a Bowtech Soldier about a yr ago and set it up with a Hind Sight right from day one, and I like it, Ive managed a few gophers with it but havent takin it hunting as of yet, but I dont have any other exp to compare it against, so just curious if anyone here has tried them, or something similar, and what your thoughts are?


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Re: NE1 use a Hind Sight?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2013, 07:34:40 PM »
I haven't used one but one of the guys I hunt with uses it exclusively. I have shot his a couple of times and I am more comfortable with a peep. He has been very successful with a no peep system at both bowhunting and competitive archery. He is in the minority for most Bowhunters but it definitely works for him. If you are comfortable with it then stay with it if you are mostly focused on bowhunting. If competitive archery is your goal then converting to a peep will help if you start using lens or other shooting aids. Anyway, good luck, archery or bowhunting can be very addicting!!