Author Topic: New 2012 CWD map  (Read 10405 times)


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 05:32:54 PM »

I'm surprised someone with superior knowledge of wildlife and fish habitat has not come on to tell you its all propergander.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2013, 05:50:07 PM »
after that wind yesterday there will be more even further west, I'm sure I seen a wobbly legged buggeyed Muley roll by me like a tumble weed on hwy 16 . lol
 the postitve moose is troubling, I often wonder if the result of simply doing more tests results in more positive results. I heard rumors there have been positives closer to Calgary on roadkills but it is hush hush. oh well just shut down general archery in all but a few eastern zones and pretend its for the good of the western zones when really your just having hunters do another discreet cull.
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2013, 08:08:13 PM »
I'm surprised someone with superior knowledge of wildlife and fish habitat has not come on to tell you its all propergander.

Lets just leave to our career bureaucrats to worry about,, they will do stand up job on handling it.. They will have meetings across the country for 3 years sucking out of the public trough draining any funds put in the project. When the time comes to act they will cry there are no funds to help. More money will be put in. Then they will have more meetings to discuss when to allocate the process. By then the funds will be blown,, you get the idea..

In the end they will just shoot a bunch of animals and call it wildlife control lol..

Brain dead moronic process but hey it's working miracles.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 08:18:52 PM by walleyes »


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 10:24:18 PM »

Walleyes, you have a strange sense of humour.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2013, 08:14:25 AM »
Correct me if I'm wrong walleyes, but deerman the sad part is he's not joking and he's actually right about the whole "process" by which it will be handled and discussed LOL. Sad but true.....

Only funny because they believe they have control over what's happening....and thinking they're helping or making a difference :(
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2013, 08:19:26 AM »
Deerman,, you have asked me my point of view on a couple different issues and I gave my point of view. You obviously don't agree that's fine, but I will ask,, please do not torment me. You tormented another member to the point he was banned which had a lot to do the way you two treated each other. You tormented him and he was not able to bite his tongue and on numerous occasion told you what he thought of you.

I ask again, do not be a little weasel with your shots at me. You and I have different views on the stewards of our fish and game either defend them with solid evidence or drop it all together.

I ask politely do not be a weasel and torment me please.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2013, 11:00:03 AM »
Correct me if I'm wrong walleyes, but deerman the sad part is he's not joking and he's actually right about the whole "process" by which it will be handled and discussed LOL. Sad but true.....

Only funny because they believe they have control over what's happening....and thinking they're helping or making a difference :(

It is his opinion and apparently you agree.

I guess I was hoping he was joking as I think his statements concerning "SRD"are absurd.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2013, 01:14:48 PM »

I guess I was hoping he was joking as I think his statements concerning "SRD"are absurd.

You are allowed your opinion.
My opinion is that you are of a very small minority thinking his statements are absurd.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2013, 02:46:35 PM »
You also are allowed your opinion.

I think that people who support something don't often get up on a soap box to declare their support.  However people who are against something most often want to shout it to the world to hear.

There may be more people who think that F&W is trying the best they can to manage wildlife and fish, than you realize.

It would not bother me if someone came on here and said "I don't think F&W is doing a very good job of managing ....

But when people come on and say "Those ^%$$##$ don't know their &*^*& from a hole in the ground and couldn't manage a (*&&&* if their life depended on it" That is to me not expressing an opinion but something else.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2013, 06:01:13 PM »
You also are allowed your opinion.

I think that people who support something don't often get up on a soap box to declare their support.  However people who are against something most often want to shout it to the world to hear.

There may be more people who think that F&W is trying the best they can to manage wildlife and fish, than you realize.

It would not bother me if someone came on here and said "I don't think F&W is doing a very good job of managing ....

But when people come on and say "Those ^%$$##$ don't know their &*^*& from a hole in the ground and couldn't manage a (*&&&* if their life depended on it" That is to me not expressing an opinion but something else.

I don't think he cares what you think.
He is expressing his feelings, so he can't be wrong.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2013, 05:47:20 AM »
I can see both points of view, for one thing it is not an easy job. And I don't think you would make a career out of it if you didn't believe you were doing things in best interest of the animals. Other the other had like so much in politics there seems to be zero accountability when things go bad. Ministers come and go but the beuracray stays the same. And that I believe is the biggest issue most have within the ESRD . While hunting and resident hunters are one of the largest components in game management in this province it seems we are the last to be consulted on issues and the first to be punished when things go south. Other then the one absolute anti hunting bio that was in charge of the Grizz count , I don't believe those within SRD intentionally make decisions detrimental to the animals. I believe that sometimes desicions are made without all the facts, statistics , and info. Ie the cull of a few years ago.
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!

walking buffalo

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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2013, 10:30:07 AM »
I can see both points of view, for one thing it is not an easy job. And I don't think you would make a career out of it if you didn't believe you were doing things in best interest of the animals. Other the other had like so much in politics there seems to be zero accountability when things go bad. Ministers come and go but the beuracray stays the same. And that I believe is the biggest issue most have within the ESRD . While hunting and resident hunters are one of the largest components in game management in this province it seems we are the last to be consulted on issues and the first to be punished when things go south. Other then the one absolute anti hunting bio that was in charge of the Grizz count , I don't believe those within SRD intentionally make decisions detrimental to the animals. I believe that sometimes desicions are made without all the facts, statistics , and info. Ie the cull of a few years ago.

Are you up to speed with all the Facts, Stats, and info on CWD? Is one capable to judge accurately without complete knowledge?

What was the internationally recognized protocol for dealing with CWD when it was first identified in Alberta wild deer populations?

CWD is a enormously complex and serious International (World wide)  Human, Agriculture and Wildlife issue. Very few people have an understanding to form anything but an uninformed opinion, as can be seen in this thread. Keeping up with CWD research is a full time job.

How about if we tried to become informed instead of simply bashing those who are working on solutions to this problem?

Post up some current research on CWD.   


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2013, 09:14:41 AM »
WB I'm no expert don't claim to be .  There were several factors about the cull that were over looked at the time, and didn't come into the light until after.
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2013, 11:10:13 AM »
here is some more news

David :)

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Wyoming : Game and Fish Begins Study to Evaluate Chronic Wasting Disease Vaccine

Date: February 19, 2013
Source: Wyoming Game and Fish Department

Eric Keszler (307) 777-4594

CHEYENNE - The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has begun a multi-year study at its Thorne-Williams Wildlife Research Unit (formerly Sybille) near Wheatland to evaluate the efficacy of a vaccine against chronic wasting disease.

Chronic wasting disease is a neurological disease of elk, deer, and moose. The disease appears to be invariably fatal to the animal, but it is not thought to affect humans.

The vaccine was developed in Canada by the Pan-Provincial Vaccine Enterprise (PREVENT), a partnership of three leading infectious disease centers. PREVENT works closely with academia, industry, government, and not-for-profit sectors to accelerate vaccine development so that promising vaccines can move readily into clinical development and production.

In January, researchers trapped 50 elk calves at Game and Fish’s South Park feedground (south of Jackson) and transported them to the research unit. There, calves were split into two groups. One group was vaccinated and one was an unvaccinated control group. “Previous research has demonstrated that elk will naturally contract chronic wasting disease by being housed at the unit,” said Game and Fish Chief Wildlife Veterinarian Dr. Terry Kreeger. “We predict that the vaccinated group will live longer than the control group. It’s important to understand that even if the vaccine does not provide lifelong protection from chronic wasting disease, every extra year of survival the vaccine provides will mean increased production in an affected population.”

The vaccine is administered by hand at the research unit, which would not be practical for vaccinating wild elk. However, if the vaccine is found to be effective, future research will focus on delivery methods more appropriate for wild elk, such as baits. At a minimum, an effective vaccine administered to elk raised on private ranches could greatly reduce the spread of the disease. Chronic wasting disease is thought to have been primarily spread throughout parts of the United States and Canada by the unintentional movement of infected deer and elk among private game ranches.

“We figured that research over time would start providing wildlife managers with tools that could be used to combat this disease,” said Kreeger. “This is just the start of a long journey to evaluate and perfect these tools.”

A parallel vaccine study is being conducted on deer in Colorado. 

Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter

walking buffalo

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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2013, 03:55:49 PM »
WB I'm no expert don't claim to be .  There were several factors about the cull that were over looked at the time, and didn't come into the light until after.

My intent is to try and bring this discussion away from pure conjecture and towards some enlightenment for all. I have no issue with personal opinion, however, lets at least back them up with some facts.

What factors were overlooked? Were they really overlooked, or were these factors accepted realities of the difficult task at hand based on the knowledge of the day?

I personally felt that the intial cull plan was doomed to failure. For the cull to be effective, both Alberta and Sask. would have had to both completely exterminate all deer in the hotspots, with zero escapement. Realistically, this was a near impossibility due to public support, land access issues, manpower, financing, and the almost guaranteed possibility of escapement.

I believe that SRD did what they could with the best of intentions based on the understanding of CWD at that time. There never were any guarantees that the cull would be effective at any level. It was an attempt to achieve the best result possible in a nearly impossible task.

Present CWD concerns are almost unimaginable. Government, public and private health organizations around the world are putting a fantastic amount of effort into finding a solution to avoid what could become a disasterous outcome, the required complete annihilation of several wildlife species. The concern is if CWD mutates into a form transferable to humans or domestic species, how do we keep the public and our food sources safe?

Mad Cow was once a disease considered not to be transferable to humans. Evolution changed that. The same change can and almost likely will happen with CWD. In that event, how governments react in the name of human health safety will bring on a whole new ball game regarding treatment of infected wildlife populations and landscapes.

As I mentioned, just keeping up with the research on CWD is a full time job. Thousands of researchers wildlife managers are focused on CWD, be it tracking the spread, identifying variants, examining potential cross species transfers, dispersal vectors, vaccines, prion neutralization techniques, action plans in potential scenarios, tracking of potential past human infections, and on and on....

CWD is not a topic to be short sighted on....


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2013, 06:25:55 AM »
WB , I don't want to rehash the mistakes made in the past hopefully something was learned from it. You touched on the oversight that since the problem stems from Sask that working in coordination with them would have been wise.  The worst thing was/is the way they left land owner relationships , not good. But that's all in the past, the thing they may have been the best as far as cwd goes but bad for the general deer herd was the tough 2010 winter.  At least Mother Nature thins the weak and unfit out of the herd, a blanket cull removes to many good genitic healthy animals.  Things are not real good here for the deer again in the east central zones, and that last storm will take its toll again here , as long as SRD isn't taking credit for Mother Nature taking its course .
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2013, 08:27:14 AM »

From what I heard at the AF&GA conference there was some success during the "cull years" and there may be somewhat of a return to them.  A hard winter and high winter kill on deer in the east will be a good thing.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2013, 10:55:07 AM »
From what I heard at the AF&GA conference there was some success during the "cull years" and there may be somewhat of a return to them.  A hard winter and high winter kill on deer in the east will be a good thing.

Sure it's a fine thing unless you live here , you guys really have no idea of the before and after  of all this. They were just getting back to some decent numbers and bam hit again. I'm sure if it were in your own stomping grounds you would have a much different view.
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!