Author Topic: New 2012 CWD map  (Read 10422 times)


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #100 on: April 21, 2013, 05:06:27 PM »
Yes ass clown that is my name.  I don't hide behind a handle and act like a jack ass.     I am done with your crap. Contribute to this forum and quit posting your garbage.

Watch what you say or maybe you will be golfing with the Flames instead of posting your nonsense on here.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #101 on: April 21, 2013, 05:41:45 PM »
Do you think that the purpose of the culls was to kill positives and thus eliminate CWD in Alberta?

yes, thats exactly what srd proposed back in 05/06.  i was there for the town hall meetings and that is what they were peddling.  today, they say , no no, it was just a reduction to slow the spread.  the story they are telling is changing in an effort to save face.  same as they flatly deny the computer modelling that they pushed so hard at the time.  had i known the lies that were to come, i would have taken a video camera to the meetings.

The killing of some positives was unavoidable and predictable and a side benefit.  But the purpose was TO REDUCE DEER DENSITY.

ive told you before duff, you are buying what srd is selling far too easily.  the story has changed and now thats what they are claiming.  again, that is not what was said back then.  thats why i am so disgusted with the situation.  those that made the mistakes are too spineless to just say oops, sorry we goofed.  instead its a change of story to try to save face.  kinda like when the photos of the pits surfaced.  did you know they chased the guy taking the pictures and tried to take his camera from him.  srd didnt want the truth coming out.

Without the cull the 127 positives would have likely come in contact with some of those thousands of non diseased deer and given them CWD.  The positives would have moved around and died and put CWD into the soil.  All of this would have been very bad do you agree?  But the cull prevented that from happening and reduced the density of deer so it was VERY SUCCESSFUL in its objective.

thats your opinion.  you say that killing thousands to save a dozen is cool.  i say that isnt a good trade.  again, i point to colorado and the density comparison.  history shows that we will never see the infection rates here anywhere close to what colorado has.  if you think that 8-10000 deer dead to save a couple is a good trade, i dont know what to say to you.  remember that today the grand total is 127.

I know that some of you do not trust or believe F&W stats and information.  I do not know why they would lie about this?  Margo stated with datta that during the cull years the spread of CWD was slowed.  And during the "non-cull" years the spread accelerated.  If this is true then the Culls and the culls were a good thing and the hard winter has probably helped out a good deal.

i have faith in scientific numbers.  what i dont have faith in is computer modelling.  i cant believe some ofsrds info because i have seen firsthand how they have lied.  i do know why they would lie.  admitting to being wrong is very difficult for some.  even down to the cull years having slowed numbers and accelerating in non cull years.  thats funny because there have been no non cull years until the fierce winter smashed the herd.  srd refuses to call the ridiculous tag numbers, early muzzy season and late december season a cull at all....yet anyone with a functioning brain cell can see it plain as day.  seems a few srd employees are concerned about their job security.

I look forward to your reply and Justin the C need not reply as this is NOT directed toward him.

on another forum duff, i gave you some links.  you continued to argue that i was mistaken and i knew you hadnt read them.  i told you i would give you the benefit of the doubt and you thanked me for it.  i cant give you that benefit anymore.  you have had more than enough time to look at this stuff yourself, but you wont do it.

i have asked you a couple of direct questions that you have sidestepped.  ill ask again.

why did you change your name here?

why havent you read the links provided showing what i am claiming yet you continue to regurgitate nearly word for word what has been issued by srd?

and please explain how you can justify killing thousands of deer to potentially save at best a dozen with the knowledge that cwd exists in the environment after the host dies?  not one person yet has been able to answer that.
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #102 on: April 21, 2013, 05:56:41 PM »
on another forum 1duff, i gave you some links.  you continued to argue that i was mistaken and i knew you hadnt read them.  i told you i would give you the benefit of the doubt and you thanked me for it.  i cant give you that benefit anymore.  you have had more than enough time to look at this stuff yourself, but you wont do it.

i have asked you a couple of direct questions that you have sidestepped.  ill ask again.

why did you change your name here?2

why havent you read the links provided showing what i am claiming 3yet you continue to regurgitate nearly word for word what has been issued by srd?

and please explain how you can justify killing thousands of deer to potentially save at best a dozen with the knowledge that cwd exists in the environment after the host dies?3  not one person yet has been able to answer that.

Number 1. What happens on another forum is on another forum and I see no need to bring anything from there to here.

Number 2. None of your business it has no relevance to this thread.

Number 3. I thought i just did a pretty good job of explaining that.  Sometimes you have to sacrifice a bunch of deer in the east to protect a lot of deer in the centre and west.
Those deer were NOT killed to "get rid of CWD".  There that has been answered.

It seems that you do not believe anything that Alberta F&W says and yet you seem to base all your "facts" on what is said on the net by other F&W agencies. 

Give me three links that you feel are really relevant and I promise I will read them.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #103 on: April 21, 2013, 07:05:46 PM »

Number 1. What happens on another forum is on another forum and I see no need to bring anything from there to here.

Number 2. None of your business it has no relevance to this thread.

Number 3. I thought i just did a pretty good job of explaining that.  Sometimes you have to sacrifice a bunch of deer in the east to protect a lot of deer in the centre and west.
Those deer were NOT killed to "get rid of CWD".  There that has been answered.

It seems that you do not believe anything that Alberta F&W says and yet you seem to base all your "facts" on what is said on the net by other F&W agencies. 

Give me three links that you feel are really relevant and I promise I will read them.

let me first off say that 127 was the number after the 2011 hunting season.  this years numbers bring the total to mistake.  that comes from more than 48000 heads tested to date.

for one and two, want to ignore the past and start fresh.  ok.  number 3, a lot of deer were sacrificed right there in the east.  you are buying srds claims that it helped....i dont.  if you based your opinion on knowledge from actually reading and learning about this disease it would give your opinions a lot more weight.  you have admitted more than once that you have not read a lot on the subject, yet you regurgitate the srd mantra.  sorry duff, but for me that makes your opinions completely invalid and to me at least completely useless.  again you ask for links, but every time i have offered them you have ignored them.  at this point your promises mean nothing as history shows you wont hold up your end of the deal.

thats exactly why i have no faith in the cwd team here in alberta.  they said that all the deer in alberta would be infected by 2015, and ignored the science known at the time from jurisdictions that had dealt with it for years.  today they are lying about what they said back then.  there was no talk of slowing the spread....the words were to eradicate the disease.  i was there when it was said duffy.  i sat right in front of those srd bios as they presented false information, and now i am watching them not only lie about what was said then, but continue to manipulate stats to cover their mistakes.  it disgusts me to no end to see the lies being told every day surrounding this.  like i said, had i known what was coming i would have had a video camera at the meetings back then.

if you really want to learn duff, there have been several links in this very thread full of good solid info from many jurisdictions.  until you actually do some reading, arguing with me is pointless.  i have made my case many times and all i hear from you is a repeat of what srd has issued.  if you dont want to learn, then feel free to let it go.  and by the way....i did read every link in this thread as well....its the only way to get to the truth.
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #104 on: April 21, 2013, 10:02:34 PM »
To all Hunter's/and concerned Albertans look at the Question's and posts and do your research on my post #29 /#53/#78

To Dale on New York state if you look at what happen they used CDC protocol and keep it contained to the farm as they kept it in isolation from their deer population with a cull

if we had in Canada had done the same when those farms in Sask were id .. wow

But in the end if we had listen to our Canadian expert Dr Val Giest we would not have this issue yet

On the disease front now we have other one's that may effect our herds

in the end a TSE's/prion is just named differn't = Mad Cow /CJD/CWD/Scabbies and others

even CDC and our experts say it will jump spieces and it did with the Moose here .. who's next YOU!!!

Avian Flu?

Food for Thought
David :)
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 10:10:20 PM by Speckle55 »
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #105 on: April 21, 2013, 10:27:21 PM »
finally a post that makes some sense.  absolutely game farming should never have occurred here.  once again, the problems from colorado showed us what we needed to know and it was ignored.  the threat of disease to wild populations was very real, but government at the time wouldnt listen.  now we have this mess.  again i say thank you to sci for their pet shoot reward program that encourages game farming to keep going.  was it possible to stop it in cnada when that first case was found?  who should never have gotten to that point.

yes cwd is closely related and in the family of tse's.  it isnt identical, but ive said from day one that its only a matter of time until a human ends up with a spongy brain.  i could name a few already, but im referring to the tse disease family.  ;D  that moose by the way is no surprise whatsoever.  cwd has been shown capable of showing up in other deer family members for some time.

as for ehd, blue tongue and others....yep they concern me far far more than cwd ever will.  those two in particular are pretty scary in their efficiency to wipe out populations in short order.  most bios agree however that our colder climate isnt likely to see outbreaks.  a look at the map in montana and just how close it is to where i am has me doubting it though.  had you actually bothered to read my posts in the past you would already know how i feel about it.  remember when i threew my hands up and bowed out of talking to you about this?  thats dont read what i said but argued anyway.  just sayin....
opinions are like sphincters......everyone has one, and they all stink!


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #106 on: April 21, 2013, 10:55:48 PM »
Here is a Read on how it was handled in infected areas and containment in New York state and it was in wild deer too but contained close to farms .. New York state is CWD free as of this report.

David :)

Status of CWD
No new Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) cases have been identified in New York since 2005.
CWD Timeline in New York
Below are details on the initiation of DEC's CWD surveillance program, information on the first case of CWD in New York and actions taken by DEC to minimize its spread.

 •New York initiated a statewide CWD surveillance program in response to the first detection of the disease in western states of North America.

 •DEC initiated Part 189: Chronic Wasting Disease regulations to reduce the risk of bringing the disease into New York and to minimize its spread if it was detected in our state.

 •In early April, the first case of CWD was confirmed in five white-tailed deer from two captive breeding facilities in Oneida County.
 •After detection, a containment area was imposed around the infected area in Madison and Oneida counties (Wildlife Management Unit 6P), with a mandatory deer check for harvested deer.
 •An intensive monitoring program was established by DEC to sample deer in the infected area. Monitoring efforts for the month of April resulted in testing 290 deer samples from Oneida County, 2 from Madison County and 25 from Hamilton County.
 •In late April, two wild white-tailed deer were confirmed to have CWD within the infected area.

 •Mandatory testing of deer from the Oneida/Madison county containment area ended, with routine testing to continue statewide.

 •More than 31,000 wild white-tailed deer were tested statewide from 2002 through 2010.
 •In July, the Oneida/Madison containment area was lifted as no new cases of CWD were detected
Learn more about New York's CWD management and surveillance efforts.
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #107 on: April 22, 2013, 09:44:28 AM »
I would imagine it's expensive to test that rigorously but if it works, why not.  I wonder how many farms this State has? As long as we have penned animals CWD will probably always exist.