Author Topic: New 2012 CWD map  (Read 10408 times)


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2013, 12:16:08 PM »
Sure it's a fine thing unless you live here , you guys really have no idea of the before and after  of all this. They were just getting back to some decent numbers and bam hit again. I'm sure if it were in your own stomping grounds you would have a much different view.

If I lived in the east of Alberta I would hope that I would realize it is important to keep the deer numbers DOWN so as to slow the western spread of CWD.  I would hope that I would not be just concerned with my own personal deer hunting convenience and would be willing to travel to hunt elsewhere.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2013, 02:26:10 PM »



If I lived in the east of Alberta I would hope that I would realize it is important to keep the deer numbers DOWN so as to slow the western spread of CWD.  I would hope that I would not be just concerned with my own personal deer hunting convenience and would be willing to travel to hunt elsewhere.
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2013, 03:24:13 PM »
How many of the deceased deer were found to be diseased?


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2013, 04:35:50 PM »
How many of the deceased deer were found to be diseased?

I think I can find that out but that number is not as important as where diseased deer were located.

During the years a cull was conducted the spread of CWD was slowed and during the years there has not been a cull the spread has accelerated.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2013, 04:51:25 PM »

If I lived in the east of Alberta I would hope that I would realize it is important to keep the deer numbers DOWN so as to slow the western spread of CWD.  I would hope that I would not be just concerned with my own personal deer hunting convenience and would be willing to travel to hunt elsewhere.

  **** off...


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2013, 06:07:49 PM »

If I lived in the east of Alberta I would hope that I would realize it is important to keep the deer numbers DOWN so as to slow the western spread of CWD.  I would hope that I would not be just concerned with my own personal deer hunting convenience and would be willing to travel to hunt elsewhere.

Deerman you have gone full retard
Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2013, 07:14:32 PM »

If I lived in the east of Alberta I would hope that I would realize it is important to keep the deer numbers DOWN so as to slow the western spread of CWD.  I would hope that I would not be just concerned with my own personal deer hunting convenience and would be willing to travel to hunt elsewhere.

Deerman , I've had a crap day not going to arguing about the Merritt's of a cull.  But I still believe that with a cull you don't know what genetic make up your removing from the herd. It could be good or could be bad but it is random.  It is also very probable that the tough winter had more of an effect on the slowing down the spread then the cull. Man simply can't duplicate what happens naturally they keep trying and ussually Fug things up worse.
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2013, 07:40:00 PM »
I think I can find that out but that number is not as important as where diseased deer were located.

During the years a cull was conducted the spread of CWD was slowed and during the years there has not been a cull the spread has accelerated.

Numbers do matter. Have they ever tested the zone you live in? Maybe percentage wise there are just as many infected animals in your area. But nature is taking care of them.
Did you think CWD would spread more rapidly after a cull? of course a cull is going to slow the spread. But is it the best solution??


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2013, 09:31:06 PM »
I think I can find that out but that number is not as important as where diseased deer were located.

During the years a cull was conducted the spread of CWD was slowed and during the years there has not been a cull the spread has accelerated.


Not having a grasp on something and moving ahead with a draconian management plan is indeed what separates Alberta from other jurisdictions.

I don't really have a dog in this fight (but really feel for those that do).

I do have a bit of knowledge with a similar issue - whirling disease in trout. Although we were in full panic mode years back (remember those - clean your waders if you have been in Montana pamphlets), we were fortunate to have cold enough water temperatures to fend off the development of tubifex worms which caused whirling disease.

The jurisdictions that were battling this in the US were trying many different control measures - angling to remove diseased fish - even to poisoning water/electroshocking to completely clean out portions of the river. What they found was that about 90% of the fish were susceptible to tubifex, and that culls had little or no effect in rebuilding populations. The 10% of fish that were resistant to infection were largely responsible for the rebuilding of the fishery.

I just wonder if our indiscriminate slaughter of deer in these WMU's is just setting back what nature might be more adept at handling.



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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2013, 10:56:52 PM »
What do our CWD experts in Canada say we should do .. Trent Bollinger/Margo Pybus

What does CDC do when dealing with a disease that is transmited between people

What did Europe do to stop Scabbies/CDC protocal

Where in North America was CWD stopped and How ?

we can see if you do nothing what happens look at Colorado/countys in state infected /spieces its jumped too

Where do we stop Rats in Alberta ?

Keep it at the border or close to give us time to find answers or what

Food for Thought
David :)
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2013, 06:49:18 AM »
Guys, why can't we keep this civil, no name calling please.

If you dislike someone don't reply to their posts, if you do reply, stay on topic and state your opinion in a polite way.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2013, 07:13:32 PM »
Could this be a case of CWB? :o


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2013, 10:53:45 PM »
Sonny here is some diseases in Alberta .. EHD is killing alot of Whitetails in the states..

David :)
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 10:59:20 PM by Speckle55 »
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2013, 11:01:42 PM »
Sonny here is some diseases in Alberta .. EHD is killing alot of Whitetails in the states..

David :)

Thanks for the links...

To late to check them out tonight but I will have a look at them.. ;)


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2013, 08:22:56 AM »
Your two names posted have been proven with 40 years of actual facts. These two retards you call exsperts done know anything.  Margo proved it on a phone call. She proved that she is not an expert and she has no real clue of what to do.  After she spoke she back peddled on everything she said. 

Actual food for thought.  If they were proven wrong. These people with these jobs would be unemployed like they should be.  Same goes for half the people in SRD and f&w.

And what makes you an expert on any of this nonsense above???


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2013, 09:05:32 AM »
Ooooh this is gunna be good..


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2013, 10:46:25 AM »
Just stated it because I know you are passionate about the whole CWD thing here in AB Justin. You seem to be up to date on what is taking place and if someone can debate the subject I would think it would be you. It seems you have your facts in a row I would think you could prove it is all.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2013, 01:54:03 PM »
Lol. I am not but you two clowns still have NOT proven that everything over the last 40+ years is faulse. Margo and her side kick have not either. They keep lieing to the public to keep there jobs.  So until you or anybody else proves that info wrong I don't buy any of the bullshit that Margo and the alberta cwd circus are selling. So again Duffy enlighten me with proof not garbage that Margo states as facts. As she already stated on a phone call she does not know.

I don't see that I have to prove anything.  You seem to be the one making statements from the hip that you don't have any proof for (I know you made a few phone calls).

"there is no stopping it even with culls"  I believe that the culls in Alberta were and are meant to slow the spread of CWD by keeping population densities lower.  And it was working according to the stats I saw at the AF&GA conference of locations of new cases.

You cannot always say "this is what has happened in wyoming and so it will be exactly the same in Alberta."


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2013, 04:29:52 PM »
What do our CWD experts in Canada say we should do .. Trent Bollinger/Margo Pybus

What does CDC do when dealing with a disease that is transmited between people

What did Europe do to stop Scabbies/CDC protocal

Where in North America was CWD stopped and How ?

we can see if you do nothing what happens look at Colorado/countys in state infected /spieces its jumped too

Where do we stop Rats in Alberta ?

Keep it at the border or close to give us time to find answers or what

Food for Thought
David :)

Yes I believe they are trying to do the best they can.  Political interference has hindered that.  Some amateur (and immature) "experts" cannot see the forest for the trees and are making a lot of noise about it.


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #39 on: April 17, 2013, 10:12:01 AM »
Is everyone just disagreeing about how to stop CWD? Culls in my opinion are not the answer, but at the same time I don't know enough about the subject. Any chance the "sides" in this discussion could reply with a single post, stating what they think is being handled incorrectly, and what should be done?

I do think we need more awareness about it, how to identify CWD, and how to adhere to the regulations in place now to help track it. In the next release of iHunter AB app, we will have some CWD specific information. We will show which zones CWD head submission is required, show locations for dropoff points, and include some general info. Will this be helpful at all? - Regulations and WMU Maps right now your phone