Author Topic: New 2012 CWD map  (Read 10412 times)


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #60 on: April 20, 2013, 07:32:46 AM »
Here is a read from Colarado. Seems right in there management plan it states  "Reduce cwd prevelance within infected areas by removing Deer and elk from diseased herds" seems to me that would result in a cull in infected areas such as Alberta did, wouldn't it?

A pretty good read on CWD from a few years ago.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 07:46:36 AM by sheepguide »
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #61 on: April 20, 2013, 10:11:29 AM »

Sounds like you probably know more about it than anyone else on this board. 

thats absolute bullsnot!

  anyone that has actually read up on this disease can plainly see that the drivel spewing from srd is so factually flawed its disgusting.  if my employees performed their jobs that poorly id fire their arses in a heartbeat.  the way they have spit in the face of facts surrounding this disease is just plain wrong.
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #62 on: April 20, 2013, 10:16:15 AM »
I have to agree that the srd really doesn't know how to deal with this. I also believe that cwd has existed as long as deer have roamed the earth, naturally with increased populations there will be a higher incidence but it's doesnt mean it's more epidemic. .

evey time i hear that i just shake my head.  the cwd timeline shows quite clearly where it originated and how it spread.  mutations happen all the time....its called evolution.  on a microscopic scale, that can happen much faster than watching a mammoth turn into an elephant.

the timeline also shows very clearly how this disease came to canada.  thanks game farmers for the lovely gift.   ::)

lets throw out a big thanks to sci while we're at it.  if they didnt promote shooting tame animals and have a record book for it, there would be no market left for it and game farms would go away.  pet shoots are the only thing keeping them going.
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #63 on: April 20, 2013, 10:20:57 AM »
To all Hunters/Albertans/Persons
1. Where in North America Has CWD been stopped and how .. Answer...New York Sate USA they used CDC protocol and contained the spread
David :)

i said i couldnt talk to you anymore about this as you refuse to absorb anything new.  this will be the only exception.

for once you are correct....but lets explain the facts rather than toss out a blanket statement that cwd can be stopped.  on a game farm in NY, one positive was found and all animals were destroyed.  of course it was a mighty small game farm, and the positive was found very early in the time of the farm.  by now we all know that prions persist in the soil long after the host has passed, so being that this was fairly recent, to suggest that it is gone forever might be premature.  damn those little details....

hey i am open minded
David :)

thats not what you have shown...
« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 10:24:00 AM by ishootbambi »
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #64 on: April 20, 2013, 10:29:55 AM »
I'm not going to claim to know it all or be an expert, but there were definitely mistakes made prior to and during the intial cull. The biggest mistake being not having sask involved as all we done was to open up more habitat for higher risk deer out of Sask to come into Alberta.

 I would also be as bold to state that one of the real reasons to put Muleys on draw is to force bow hunters east if they want a general tag, but that is purely speculation .

culls have never worked anywhere they have been tried.  srd tried it for two reasons.  first, they had no idea what else to do.  nothing has ever worked to slow stop or prevent cwd.  culls were the proven method for other diseases, but with bacterial or viral issues, you can kill the host and the disease dies with it.  prions persisting in the soil means that culls cant possibly work with this one.  and second, someone told me that they were experimenting trying to discover something that no other jurisdiction could because they felt they were jumping on it at an earlier stage.  when i say someone, i mean someone in the decision making process....not someone down at the local watering hole.

and as for archery draws.  cmon man....srd has some flawed calculations showing
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #65 on: April 20, 2013, 10:39:22 AM »

I believe most of the deer that tested negative, the meat was salvaged from.  Those that went into the famous "pit" were deer that had been gut-shot or did not get dressed soon enough.

Shooting the deer over bait, with spot lights, from a helicopter were all legal activities for those whose job it is to manage wildlife.  Putting out huge numbers of tags was part of the cull strategy and was a good and effective thing.  The hard winter that greatly reduced deer numbers was a blessing .

wrong again duufy.  and why didnt you keep your name like everyone else?  trying to hide?  anyway, no the vast majority of the deer killed by srd went into the pits.  less than 20% of their kills went to the foodbank.  srd released that info themselves.  you are right about the winter being a blessing.  at least the stupidity has subsided for a bit.
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #66 on: April 20, 2013, 10:47:44 AM »
Justin, first off I'm going to ask if you know how to write proper and that includes spelling too.

Question: Do you see other people belittleing your posts.

this is from another post, but deer are shittin pizzin and DROOLING alright....not druelling.

I can see it's just a matter of time before you get your azz punted out of here for good.

tuc you have made it pretty clear you have a personal problem with justin.  thats not the best thing from a mod.  if you are going to criticize spelling and grammar, you might want to get yours straight first, and then dont stop with singling out one poster either.  speckle and duffy have made a mountain of errors in that department in this thread as well, but you have chosen to single out one person.  last i checked, nobody here is a professional writer.  i figure as long as the words make sense, i can get by it.

and to be fair, justin should get his emotion under control too. justin, ive told you before, when you start pounding them keys, its time to step back and cool off.  your opinions are valid, but the manners need work. 

of course, its those things that drive the post count at this site.  this place is becoming known around the internet as the jerry springer forum.  topics like someones hunt reports and photos are lucky to get 3 replies, but when the fights get going a thread takes off.  its why so many good conributing members from elsewhere had a look here but left.  this forum has the roots to be a good place, but there has been so much juvenile behavior that many people were turned off.  id like to see things take a turn for the better.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 11:01:56 AM by ishootbambi »
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #67 on: April 20, 2013, 10:57:26 AM »
in the end CWD is fatal

you have to stop the spread or it will jump spieces as it has to Moose now

in labs it has jumped to other spieces

what happens in Alberta is up to us but it will affect my childrens hunting opportunites please keep it at or close to the border or we will be like Colorado in 30 years

right now we have 12 WMU's effected... lets keep it at 12 any way we can and stop the spread(Europe)

Food for Thought

David :)

you keep insiting that cwd can be stopped or controlled.  that isnt possible for reasons already stated. 

i like that you point to colorado though.  lets have a look at the map from there....

this website will show you all species...

but since mule deer are the most commonly affected, this one seems to tell the story best....

colorado was the first place it was discovered, yet today, we see that about 50% of the state remains cwd free.  again, deer density has proven to accellerate the spread, and statewide, colorado has aorund 6 times the density that alberta does, yet the deer population is at near historical highs and rising. 

as for jumping species....many authorities believe its just a matter of time.  creautzfeld-jakob in humans, scrapie in sheep, bse in cows....its all the same thing with a different name.  to think it wont happen is likely foolish.  hunters need to have their heads tested and protect your families.
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #68 on: April 20, 2013, 11:02:33 AM »
Speckle55 for the win... ;D

id have another look....that aint how i see it.
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #69 on: April 20, 2013, 01:29:36 PM »
I'm so glad we've all been set straight,, my day is now complete..

Thx Jerry..

And Your wrong about this place,, I have introduced a few people to this forum and they love it.. They may not be the most active members but they aren't on any forum that's just their style. This place is becoming known as the place to go.. You can tell by the fact we are growing faster everyday. I would think that someone that lives for controversy as you do would love it..
« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 01:35:48 PM by walleyes »


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #70 on: April 20, 2013, 05:36:05 PM »
Funny Bambi and Justin keep bringing up Colarado but fail to say that CWD testing is minimal therr now with  cwd submissions being down 90% from 2002 so really what are their  numbers at compared to previous test years?
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #71 on: April 20, 2013, 05:40:12 PM »
How about that Colarados true distribution is unclear? And that  testing in the southern state where it seems the state is CWD free is actually insuficiant to Assure this?
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #72 on: April 20, 2013, 06:05:48 PM »
Actually I did read them Justin. The first link he posted I had already posted and has more detailed info if you look at more of the links(see below).  Second the map shows what they know but as I stated they have insuficiant data from the southern state to actually know if it's CWD free as the map states so really the map only shows half truths!! And it seems they are concerned with the submission drops as they are trying to do what they can to increase submissions again. And in the following link in which I got some info it states a couple zones that they have been testing male mule deer since 1996 are at a stable or increasing prevelence of CWD. You speak as of Colarado is a bit of a success but it doesn't look that way to me.

Oh and what was my previous stance on CWD? I'm not for just opening hundreds of tags in random zones. But in areas with out breaks I feel they need to do something and with no one knowing the true route to take culls  was a needed reaction. If they wouldn't have done anything and it spread guys would have cried too. The problem with SRD is they are never going to make decisions that make us all happy. But they do try. They don't want to kill everything off like some make it out.
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #73 on: April 20, 2013, 07:11:34 PM »
Colorado themselves say they don't know true numbers Justin. They themselbws state the map you to push is inconclusive due to insufucuent data. Colorado themselves say their Tested submissions are at 90% less submissions since their active CWD management! But yet if I state this it's picking through the info? It does show your wrong Justin!! Even a place such as Colorado admits they don't know exactly what needs to be done and what is the actual area of CWD coverage in their state but you say to prove tou wrong! That they are the ones to listen to!! Maybe you should prove something! Your fast to say everyone else is wrong but honestly have shown nothing! As for what Dale posted it shows what amout is know but also explains that a lot is unknow and that a lot more testing and research is needed but that CWD control is much needed by removing animals! So before I need to prove you wrong may try proving something first!!
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #74 on: April 20, 2013, 07:23:55 PM »
Dale/Justin here is a post #89 from Colorado's first link bottom of page .. notice they don,t say cull in the red sentence.. roflmao

David :)

Chronic Wasting Disease Management
The Colorado Park and Wildlife’s disease management efforts are focused on:
Preventing the spread of chronic wasting disease beyond historically infected areas.
Reducing chronic wasting disease prevalence within infected areas by removing deer and elk from diseased herds.
Enforcing illegal feeding regulations and transport laws restricting the movement of deer, elk and moose from infected areas or into the state.
Continuing research in conjunction with other agencies and states to further knowledge to manage affected deer, elk and moose herds.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 07:32:48 PM by Speckle55 »
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #75 on: April 20, 2013, 08:00:25 PM »
well well. You just found this? it does not say destroy half the state. also if they were killing everything there sure as hell would not be all these animals they have. LMAO how you take a piece and turn it in to so much more than it is...

Hey! Can you "prove" that Justin?  Where are your facts and science?


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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #76 on: April 20, 2013, 08:13:26 PM »
well well. You just found this? it does not say destroy half the state. also if they were killing everything there sure as hell would not be all these animals they have. LMAO how you take a piece and turn it in to so much more than it is...

Deer numbers are good Justin??

Looks by population numbers in the next link numbers are declining to me!!

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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #77 on: April 20, 2013, 08:17:57 PM »
So Justin please show me where you found that their numbers are at an all time high??
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #78 on: April 20, 2013, 09:42:03 PM »
Yes I have read that numerous times. You also don't have asmany giant deer coming out of a state like they are unless numbers of deer are high.

I will find you some info darcy.

I'll wait for your statistical count numbers showing the population increases you quote and the reductions in CWD cases you state.

I know little about CWD but everything I can come up with shows that no one has a handle onto how to control things and that even the areas that have had the longest testing and management aren't doing much better than Alberta.
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Re: New 2012 CWD map
« Reply #79 on: April 20, 2013, 09:57:28 PM »
Right now I think the people fighting change are worse than SRD.
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