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Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum
Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion
Hunting in Alberta
New Bow is almost done!
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Topic: New Bow is almost done! (Read 2579 times)
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Posts: 123
New Bow is almost done!
March 16, 2012, 02:48:26 PM »
I ordered a 55# @ 28" quartermoon longbow.
I picked bloodwood for the riser and bamboo core limbs with bamboo lamination on the exterior. Bert at quartermoon stained the bamboo a nice brown and blonde color. and added moose antler tips. Should be a perfect set up for my trip to the Yukon for caribou. I also picked my perfect broadhead for the trip. The new Vpa two blade. look them up they are seriously rugged. total arrow weight is 660 grains, but I'm currently playing with a heavier set up.
I'll keep you guys all posted its arrival and a few pictures.
thanks for your time,
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"
Hope this goes over well....
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If I'm not Hunting then I am planning my next hunt
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #1 on:
March 17, 2012, 09:09:27 PM »
Sounds exciting. Let me know if you need a sherpa in the Yukon. Will be coming through Calgary again next Friday if you are around.
Full Member
Posts: 123
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #2 on:
March 17, 2012, 09:57:31 PM »
I'll keep you posted on the Yukon trip. You keep me posted on Washington turkeys next month and also let me know when your here man.
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"
Hope this goes over well....
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #3 on:
March 19, 2012, 11:41:47 AM »
Sounds like a buet,, get those pics up soon so we can all drool on it..
Full Member
Posts: 123
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #4 on:
March 20, 2012, 12:34:06 PM »
Will do Walleyes
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"
Hope this goes over well....
New Member
Posts: 37
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #5 on:
March 24, 2012, 02:20:42 PM »
Looking forward to the picts! Sounds like a beautiful bow. And ... a trip to the Yukon??? You're having a great year.
Full Member
Posts: 123
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #6 on:
March 24, 2012, 03:38:25 PM »
your year is starting out right away isn't it?
when are you here for spring bear?
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"
Hope this goes over well....
New Member
Posts: 37
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #7 on:
March 24, 2012, 08:30:43 PM »
Yeah, turkey hunting starts in a couple of weeks, for a couple weeks and then on May 20 I fly into Edmonton. Really, I'm looking right past the turkey thing and just can't wait to get to Alberta. Like I've said so many times, I just want to experience the bear hunting there ... from all I've heard and read, there's nothing like it.
The weather here in MI has been much like the rest of central Canada ... warm and a lack of snow. It's been really strange but the good thing is I've been able to be outside shooting my bow all winter. It's been great.
When do you go to the Yukon? What will you be hunting? Now THAT'S a DREAM trip for sure. Definitely looking forward to the picts from THAT trip!
Full Member
Posts: 123
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #8 on:
April 06, 2012, 02:29:57 PM »
I leave Beginning of August for 2 weeks. I just got my new bow and can't wait to get an arrow tuned up for it. Can't shoot until sunday because the finish needs time to dry. Bert rushed it up to me so i could have it 2 weeks early, but i had to promise not to shoot it until sunday. My Hillcountry bow has a small crack in the riser so its down until I can get some locktite in the crack. that being said I had to shoot Weste's recurve last night. Frankly its a bow I have been avoiding for a while. Well as it turns out its a great bow and I was able to drop some jaws at the local range (99% compound guys). Turkeys is something I would love to hunt. As this site grows I'm sure you and I will have to stick it out as traditional allies
hahaha. Anyways down the road we should consider a hunt swap. Alberta has much to offer and being guided to bear would really be an easy task.
Anyways good luck on your bear hunt, cant wait to see the pictures when your done.
If anything happens and you need gear of any kind when your up hear, make sure you look up Git-r-donearchery.
Good luck,
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"
Hope this goes over well....
New Member
Posts: 37
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #9 on:
April 06, 2012, 03:59:55 PM »
Adam - if you can, post some picts of your new bow. Would love to see it!
What will you be hunting in the Yukon? When do you go?
Yup, Alberta is just around the corner now! Just came in from shooting my bow which I've been doing every single day now, up to 40 arrows or so a day. Shooting off a stand and the ground. Just can't wait to experience Alberta. I heard you guys been getting a little snow lately though ... bummer. Hope it starts warming up for you soon. It's been unbelievable here lately. Sunny and in the 50's and 60's almost every day. Crazy.
Here's a little turkey hunting primer for you ...
Full Member
Posts: 123
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #10 on:
April 06, 2012, 04:30:57 PM »
Great looking Bird!
I'll be hunting Mountain caribou, I Named my new Bow Peak-A-Bou in reference to the mountain as well as the caribou.
I'll be there early august, Oh yeah and great blind in the back ground. As for the snow its leaving us quickly and by the time you get here it will be perfect. I would recommend a change of cooler clothes in case we get warmer weather and you need it.
The pictures are coming. I'm having internet issues at home and forgot to load them to my laptop when I left for school today, but you can bet I'll have them on here soon enough. I'm envious of your practice. I have been swamped with school and haven't shot much lately, well last night I broke 4 arrows! If that's not a quick reminded to get back on the horse I don't know what is.
Oh and what species of turkey is that?
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"
Hope this goes over well....
New Member
Posts: 37
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #11 on:
April 06, 2012, 08:04:30 PM »
Sounds like you've got a terrific trip planned. You have really, really got to be looking forward to that!
I forgot to comment on your earlier thought that we'd potentially be the only two guys on the forum that shot traditional equip. Like you said, as the forum grows and more and more bowhunters show up, generally speaking about 10-20 % of bowhunters shoot trad equipment so at some point, the numbers will grow.
In terms of the whole "traditional" thing, I really don't consider myself to be a "traditional" guy. I just happen to be a bowhunter that just stuck with the recurve from the time I was a kid and never saw the point in using anything else.
Re stuff to bring to Alberta, yeah, I'm gonna try to get everything I need into one suitcase (50 pounds). I'll be going barebones for sure. I'll bring one warm set of camo for cold weather and one set for warmer weather and then just the stuff I'd take normally take with me in my pack. My carry-on will be packed full for sure.
In terms of any forthcoming "hero" picts from the bear hunt, well, like I said, I'm just really looking forward to the whole Alberta experience of hunting bears up there!
Looking forward to your picts of the new bow. Best wishes ...
Full Member
Posts: 123
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #12 on:
April 07, 2012, 12:07:53 AM »
Sorry about the lighting when I took the pictures. The bows is the same color as honey but with an old banana peel look.
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"
Hope this goes over well....
New Member
Posts: 37
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #13 on:
April 07, 2012, 08:05:38 AM »
Wow, very nice. Love the contrasting woods. That's a beauty for sure! Having a new bow you feel good about is just one of those ingredients that gives you the confidence you need to be successful!
Full Member
Posts: 123
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #14 on:
April 07, 2012, 11:58:48 AM »
Thanks guys,
Wish you could see it in person. It's so much better that way.
Shooting it tomorrow so I'll give you guys a report on that as well.
Justinc it's not that hard. Smokers are wicked good at smoking because theyre addicted.
I tend to think that's how longbows got me as well.
If your ever in Calgary and want to take one of my boss for a rip let me know.
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"
Hope this goes over well....
Full Member
Posts: 123
Re: New Bow is almost done!
Reply #15 on:
April 07, 2012, 03:37:31 PM »
Pm being sent
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"
Hope this goes over well....
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Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum
Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion
Hunting in Alberta
New Bow is almost done!