Well here are a few pics and a bit of a story of our first bighorn hunt of the season.
We packed up our gear the evening of the 22nd,

And loaded the Ranger,

On the 23rd we headed into our hiking departure point in some great country and seeing a ton of bear sign as well as 1 sow Grizz and a big 2 year old cub,

We left the ranger and hiked 3.5km into where we would camp and hunt from,

We were loaded pretty good and the young fella was a bit tuckered,

Toured a bit that evening,

Rained hard when we got to camp so we cooked and ate in the tent and drank a few cups of hot chocolate,

Then had a good nights sleep to wake up to,

We sat in camp most of the morning due to visability and weather, We checked in with home ,

then headed out spotting,a decent legal ram but he was on a rock bluff in some very steep timbered area.

We decided that he wasnt near big enough to cross the deep valley and river at the bottom to go after as to approach him was next to impossible when we did get there unless he would move to a different ridge. Which he failed to do.
Opening morning started out with freezing rain the ended up with a run in with,

After some .280AI coaxing

they slowly moved off but were hanging within a 1/4 mile of camp.
We covered some nice country,

Leaving some Kenetrek K's on the hill tops,

Finally finding 8 rams,

but non legal
And and one,

It was a great trip with my boy seeing 9 rams and 37 ewes and lambs and due to the 4 bears we had around we decided to head out early as I didnt want the boy to get to worried with the bears around camp and risk him not wanting to come back. We packed out hunting some more area on the way home. We even saw what we thought was a wolf cross the road as we drove down the trunk road at dusk but when we pulled up to the spot we saw a huge cougar sitting just in the edge of the bush just far enough in that we could still see it in the faint light. The boy though this was cool as it was only the second live cat he has seen in the wild.
We are already looking forward to the next day off and some bowhunting for elk and hopefully a couple more days looking for a good ram!!