A bullet hole in the horn? I'd feel like jumping off the cliff if I missed this guy...
Awsome as always SkinnydipperKarma points for the pics! I see some Radium rams.... A bullet hole in the horn? I'd feel like jumping off the cliff if I missed this guy... Quote from: Skinnydipper on May 23, 2011, 04:15:51 PM
last one for now,
Gave you a Karma as well! I love that ram pic on the cliff. Can't get that at Cadomin, at least where I get pics there. I wish I new the area better and may have to spend some time there more. Someone said to me before that you can hike through the mine to the hunting areas and they saw rams on the way through 20 yards from them. Anyone know how to access a place like that? I always just watched them at the pullout along the road on the way into Cadomin before you go down the steep hill into town.
Did you see any elk up at the ranch Skinny?SG
Got to the Ranch for the first time last year in March. I was amazed at the wolf sign around there and right down the road to the ranch. I was looking for a wolf but did not see one. Is it a good area to hunt them there? I imagine just driving the road back and forth would produce a few siteings.