Author Topic: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!  (Read 15143 times)


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #80 on: June 21, 2011, 10:23:46 AM »
Here is a couple from this weekend, I seen alot but most were along ways away.

[attachment deleted 180 days old]
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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #81 on: June 21, 2011, 01:57:14 PM »
Decker, nice pics but I do not think he will grow that extra little bit for you before the season to make him legal :'(

Where abouts did you find these boys?  I saw a few at lake Minnewanka the other day and wish I had my camera  Couple of them were legal. 


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #82 on: June 21, 2011, 05:35:44 PM »
These were on the Highwood pass on highway 40
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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #83 on: July 04, 2011, 06:28:19 PM »
My 2010 ram:


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #84 on: July 04, 2011, 06:55:13 PM »
Awesome Rocks!!!  That is cool to get a picture like that before you shoot him.  What did he have for age?  About 8.5 or 9.5?  He is nice and heavy at the tips for sure and it looks good on the wall. 


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #85 on: July 04, 2011, 08:58:14 PM »
Ya I sat on him at 240 yards for 4 hours so I had lots of time to take pics, I coudn't quite make him legal on his left. Took him that long to show me his right side...
He is 10.5 years old, and thanks, I think he looks pretty good too, that ram was a long time coming and he means alot to me!

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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #86 on: July 04, 2011, 10:12:08 PM »
Congrats again Rocks, looks great!

walking buffalo

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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #87 on: July 05, 2011, 08:42:35 AM »
sweet ram rocks..... What part of the province did that ram come from?

Rocks told me that it came from WMU 431.


The mount looks great. Now to find his brother for your brother.


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #88 on: July 05, 2011, 09:12:57 AM »

Rocks told me that it came from WMU 431.


The mount looks great. Now to find his brother for your brother.

LOL. 431 it is then, or something like that... ;)
Looking forward to finding his brother(s).


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #89 on: July 05, 2011, 12:25:35 PM »
sweet ram rocks..... What part of the province did that ram come from?

Along ways from any roads is my best bet!! :)


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #90 on: July 05, 2011, 04:02:52 PM »
Dont take it as an insult Justin. Have you seen many guys that say much about the area they kill sheep?
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #91 on: July 05, 2011, 06:36:55 PM »
No offence intended Justin... I did like the 431 answer, it made me look at the WMU map... yes it's from where I live... and nube was right it was a long ways away from the nearest road.  8)



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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #92 on: July 05, 2011, 07:08:29 PM »
Thanks for all the smart ass comments. What a joke...   I was wondering if it was from up north were rocks live or down in 412 were all of some one elses rams came from.......  this is why I am starting to see why people get banned from sites.......
Sounds like you took that a little personal there Justin.  If you knew where Rocks likes to hunt then it would not be hard to guess it was far from a road.  I happen to know a little about the area he hunts (I think) and I guessed about right.  Personally I think the best hunt for sheep comes from the big huge area this ram came from.  They won't score the best but they are the best to hunt as far as I am concerned. 

And for the comment about where you think all of my rams come from you really don't have me pegged very well as only a couple have come from that area.  And they are not the bigger ones either!  Still beats going for a day hike or spotting them from my truck anyday!! ;)
If you can't handle a few smart arse comment once in a while whether for fun or not, your going to have a tough life there brother. ;)  If you did shoot your ram next to a road and feel like this comment bugs you then next time buckle up the boots or throw a saddle on and go looking for a better place to hunt and then you won't have anything to worry about. 


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #93 on: July 05, 2011, 08:09:52 PM »
Hey Nube I never shot my ram off the side of the road. I put on more miles on my boots than alot of people. Also I never said anything about were you shot your sheep. I dont care aswell. I asked a question and all of you big mouths threw up a bs comment. I never asked for that.I asked what part of the provice the ram came from. Far north mid province or south. That is all. I never asked What zone and what tree he got it under. Also Just cause you have the highest post count on here dont mean you know everything.

Rocks no problem... Dale thanks for starting....

So this all about the highest post count and who knows the most?? ::)  And who else were you talking about when you mentioned 412?  And I never did say you shot your ram from the road.  But you did tell someone in a past post to go on a day hike from the truck and keep checking areas out all day long didn't you. 
Good luck this year justin.  I'm not going to get into it with you.  It's not worth it to me. 
I hope you have a good one to tell you the truth.  And I mean that :)

Rocks, thanks for the pictures!!  ;DI may have a couple pics of a few of those rams as well.  We all might.  Thank goodness they are there to tease us all year. 


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #94 on: July 05, 2011, 08:18:15 PM »
imagin guys arguing on where they killed rams LOL  here are where i killed them...  3 on shale pass in forbidden creek, 1 on the castle in the blackstone, 2 just outside the blackstone gap, 1 head of bull creek on the lower ranger creek, 2 on indian head mountain, 1 in the false gap between the blackstone and wapiapi. I've killed a couple and would rather help someone get theirs than try and keep it all a big secret.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #95 on: July 05, 2011, 08:31:08 PM »
Fact is Darcy, they are all over.  Soem areas hold more than others.  Someareas are harder to get into.  Some are better to hunt later or early.  Heck i could tell a guy where to go and put the X's on the map which i have done for a few guys even on this forum but the fact is you have to find them.  They like the little hidden spots and it does take time and a little knowhow.  once you figure them out, it is not hard at all.  I'm taking 3 guys out this fall myself for their first rams.  Hopefully with some luck we can knock a couple down.  I was a couple inches off last year and had one run into the park on us while we were stalking last year with one of them or we would have had it done. 


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #96 on: July 05, 2011, 10:37:44 PM »
Hey Nube I never shot my ram off the side of the road. I put on more miles on my boots than alot of people. Also I never said anything about were you shot your sheep. I dont care aswell. I asked a question and all of you big mouths threw up a bs comment. I never asked for that.I asked what part of the provice the ram came from. Far north mid province or south. That is all. I never asked What zone and what tree he got it under. Also Just cause you have the highest post count on here dont mean you know everything.

Rocks no problem... Dale thanks for starting....

Hey Justin

Don't sweat it - a trophy is truly in the eye of hunter who harvests it. Sometimes guys are jealous, but often guys will go to great lengths to achieve a kill on something because they think it will bring respect and admiration.
Sometimes it is better to walk away from a discussion as well - these guys are giving you an out, perhaps you should take it.

Just my 2 cents, and what would I know as I have yet to harvest a Ram....

keep bringing the pictures guys - love seeing the Rams


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #97 on: July 06, 2011, 08:29:28 AM »
It is all good lurch. Mike and you will get one this year. As for the rest of you.... Including you Nube. Sorry to get all wound up over this.Hope I did not offend anybody to bad.

Hey Justin,

I am not too concerned about getting a Ram. I have declined a couple of chances looking for the right Ram.

The real driver for me is the hunt - putting in the time, making good friends and challenging myself. When I do pull the trigger I want to be able to look at the Ram on the wall and have it represent a whole lot more than a nice cape and a set of horns. It isn't about score or any external pressure to kill a Ram.  I owe that to myself and more importantly to the Sheep.

walking buffalo

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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #98 on: July 06, 2011, 08:35:35 AM »
It is all good lurch. Mike and you will get one this year. As for the rest of you.... Including you Nube. Sorry to get all wound up over this.Hope I did not offend anybody to bad.

Blame it on the heat and lack of an open hunting season... lots of people are getting cranky these days.  :)

Of course 431 was in jest, it's not my place to say where another person shot their ram. That and it was fun to imagine the guys looking for the WMU on the map. I hope Rocks and others didn't waste too much time on that one.  ;D


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Re: Nube wants a sheep picture thread so LETS GO !!!
« Reply #99 on: July 06, 2011, 10:18:54 AM »
It is all good lurch. Mike and you will get one this year. As for the rest of you.... Including you Nube. Sorry to get all wound up over this.Hope I did not offend anybody to bad.

Hey Justin,

I am not too concerned about getting a Ram. I have declined a couple of chances looking for the right Ram.

The real driver for me is the hunt - putting in the time, making good friends and challenging myself. When I do pull the trigger I want to be able to look at the Ram on the wall and have it represent a whole lot more than a nice cape and a set of horns. It isn't about score or any external pressure to kill a Ram.  I owe that to myself and more importantly to the Sheep.
- remember you saying that the day I met you. I know you have passed lots of legal rams. I also know that you will get the one you want soon enough. I can't wait to get out and run around the mountains again. Way to addicting.

It sure is addicting....

I would never stay up on the rocks for a week with a lack of food, heat and all other comforts for any other reason! Not to mention subjecting myself to the Sheap Reaper's bs - which make the other things seem insignificant.... :)

Good luck on that Elk tag.

Now back to those sheep pics.....