Author Topic: OHV regulation  (Read 12254 times)


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2013, 12:42:13 PM »
No OHV's, anywhere on public lands.

That concept has little or nothing to do with the present regulation and the resolution this thread is about.

Have you heard a rumor or is this a bad dream you have had?


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #41 on: February 14, 2013, 01:25:55 PM »
No OHV's, anywhere on public lands.

LOl,, not in this lifetime..

I am not sure what it is,, if people live in a small world and think it only exists around the south sask river and the eastern slopes.. Get out once and a while and see whats out there.. Tranportation on anything but an OHV in most of the boreal region in this province is non exsistant.. You would have such a mess with road hunters fighting over road corridors it would be insane,, kind of like it is in your part of the world now.. Nope,, never happen,, and I am glad for it.. You guys in the south and in the rocks don't want quads,, good power to you,, what ever.. We in the north like our machines, need our machines and we plan on keeping them and we will.. The majority of public lands is in the north,, closing off all OHV use to all this land,, foolishness even to think it.. I will garuntee you no resolution was ever brought forward from any AFGA from the north regarding the ban of OHV on public lands. If the southern groups feel this way about their regions,, like I said power to them,, but this will never fly in the north.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 01:35:38 PM by walleyes »


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2013, 01:39:38 PM »
Where and when?
 This does not apply to a person who is traveling on a direct route to or from a location accessible by vehicles designed for highway travel and his or her isolated campsite, and the weapons and ammunition are carried out of view in separate locked containers (and remain locked during the trip).

Where and when????
The whole province. Throw a pup tent on your quad and you are on a direct route to your camp.


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #43 on: February 14, 2013, 02:09:39 PM »
LOl,, not in this lifetime..

I am not sure what it is,, if people live in a small world and think it only exists around the south sask river and the eastern slopes.. Get out once and a while and see whats out there.. Tranportation on anything but an OHV in most of the boreal region in this province is non exsistant.. You would have such a mess with road hunters fighting over road corridors it would be insane,, kind of like it is in your part of the world now.. Nope,, never happen,, and I am glad for it.. You guys in the south and in the rocks don't want quads,, good power to you,, what ever.. We in the north like our machines, need our machines and we plan on keeping them and we will.. The majority of public lands is in the north,, closing off all OHV use to all this land,, foolishness even to think it.. I will garuntee you no resolution was ever brought forward from any AFGA from the north regarding the ban of OHV on public lands. If the southern groups feel this way about their regions,, like I said power to them,, but this will never fly in the north.

Well no shit!

I'm from Cold Lake btw, so I have a pretty good clue about the North and use of OHV.

Maybe take a peak at the LUF.


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #44 on: February 14, 2013, 03:21:28 PM »
Well no shit!

I'm from Cold Lake btw, so I have a pretty good clue about the North and use of OHV.

Maybe take a peak at the LUF.

My bad 340,, didn't realise you were from the north,, so used to dealing with the southern boys on these forums we are a little out numbered on here.. Didn't mean my post to come across as rude as it sounded,, just making a point.
But you have to agree there is no way that SRD would get away with a rule like this,, it just covers way to much land,, northern groups would not back a decision like this..

And I have read some articles on LUF and I fail to see where any of this comes up in any of the documents.. Not saying it isn't there I just havn't seen it. All I have seen is some tougher guidlines for industry and municipalities,, which we all agree is probablya good thing for this province.

Where does it say all OHV use will be banned from public land ??
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 03:32:59 PM by walleyes »


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2013, 04:02:10 PM »
Well no shit!

I'm from Cold Lake btw, so I have a pretty good clue about the North and use of OHV.

Maybe take a peak at the LUF.

I remember reading it Walleyes. And it is not just OHV on public land - random camping is another one on the block.

In all fairness - this is the South Saskatchewan plan - so only the bottom third of the Province lol.

What do you have against us southern guys anyway lol  ;D


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #46 on: February 14, 2013, 04:07:23 PM »
Done deal already.  Were is this club??

The Alberta Fish & Game Association is having its annual conference in several days in RedDeer.  There they will vote on their Resolutions and this Atv resolution is one of them.

So it is not a done deal for AF&GA.

Once the resolutions have been voted on the AF&GA send a package of resolutions (that effect Fish & Wildlife rules) that pased to Fish and Wildlife.  After a time AF&GA get a responce from F&W and sometimes they take the advice and make changes.

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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #47 on: February 14, 2013, 04:17:43 PM »
Where and when?

Hunting with Motorized Vehicles
It is unlawful to

discharge a weapon at antelope from within 46 m (50 yards) of a vehicle;

use motorized travel within Willmore Wilderness Park; and

carry a weapon (see definition) on an OHV between 1 hour before sunrise and the following noon during an open season for big game* on public land in the following WMUs: 102-166, 200-260, 300-351, 354-360, 400-446, 507, 508, 514, 521, 522, 526 and 841. This does not apply to a person who is traveling on a direct route to or from a location accessible by vehicles designed for highway travel and his or her isolated campsite, and the weapons and ammunition are carried out of view in separate locked containers (and remain locked during the trip). Also, the restriction does not apply in a WMU when the only big game season open is a spring black bear season.
* this restriction applies to all hunters (including bird game hunters).

I like this rule in the area I hunt pretty much as it is. Maybe with the number of gated oil patch roads that only allow quad, horse back or walking access only the rules could be tweeked a little.


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #48 on: February 14, 2013, 04:35:37 PM »
I remember reading it Walleyes. And it is not just OHV on public land - random camping is another one on the block.

In all fairness - this is the South Saskatchewan plan - so only the bottom third of the Province lol.

What do you have against us southern guys anyway lol  ;D

Nothing againts southern boys at all,, but there is definetly a differant sentiment from north to south when it comes to OHV use and rightly so. The south and south west regions are a differant beast all together from the north. The odd tract of public land that is not controled by ranchers in the south see's heavy public use, use to the point of abuse. There has to be new rules in place for these regions,, its bound to happen. The north is a vast region with open country,there is no need for these same rules to apply here.

Now,, I have only heard on these forums about these drastic changes coming no one has yet been able to produce these documents for reading,, again not saying they aren't there but they are elusive. And again lets not mix up the South Sask River LUF with the other regions. With that in mind one never knows what may come later for other regions but I would think any measures this severe are years down the road for the north..


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #49 on: February 14, 2013, 08:00:13 PM »
Nothing againts southern boys at all,, but there is definetly a differant sentiment from north to south when it comes to OHV use and rightly so. The south and south west regions are a differant beast all together from the north. The odd tract of public land that is not controled by ranchers in the south see's heavy public use, use to the point of abuse. There has to be new rules in place for these regions,, its bound to happen. The north is a vast region with open country,there is no need for these same rules to apply here.

Now,, I have only heard on these forums about these drastic changes coming no one has yet been able to produce these documents for reading,, again not saying they aren't there but they are elusive. And again lets not mix up the South Sask River LUF with the other regions. With that in mind one never knows what may come later for other regions but I would think any measures this severe are years down the road for the north..

This is where you can find the results from 2010 - they have just completed another round of consultation and the resluts are not yet compiled.

These are the comments of this paper that are relevant:

OHV access and regulation
• Some respondents advocated that OHV use be regulated and limited;
• Others mentioned that separate areas for motorized vehicle use need to be clearly identified to
preserve natural areas;
• Some wanted sustainable trails and better networks,with one respondent suggesting that
standards such as those created by the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council
should be implemented;
• A few wanted clear guidelines and laws;
• A few indicated that OHV use is not going away, and more facilities and trails are needed; and
• A few wanted to ban OHV use altogether


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2013, 08:33:18 PM »
Good stuff,, thx lurch..

As I read it there are far more proponents for regulation and proper trails than there is for a total ban..


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2013, 08:37:16 PM »
Good stuff,, thx lurch..

As I read it there are far more proponents for regulation and proper trails than there is for a total ban..

I hope you're right, but even then, will REDford and her gang listen??


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2013, 09:02:21 PM »
Good stuff,, thx lurch..

As I read it there are far more proponents for regulation and proper trails than there is for a total ban..

That was the first stage of consultation Walleyes. There have been two since.

I attended the last one, and let me tell you, there is a real desire for Joe Urbanite to see heavy restrictions on OHV - and just as scary, regulations on farming, oil and gas etc.

The Gov't is moving full speed ahead on economic development - so I don't expect oil and gas or logging to be hit, but I think smaller groups like OHV users may be offered up on the alter of "progess" as the government looks to appease the enviro types.

Just my take.


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2013, 07:49:42 AM »
What part of done don't you understand??  I can surely see you have no idea how things work.

(way bigger then your local club or just afga).  DONE DEAL ON REMOVING RULES ON OHV OUT OF THE REGULATIONS.

Would you have a link to this info? It would be an interesting read.


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2013, 07:59:47 AM »
What part of done don't you understand??  I can surely see you have no idea how things work.

(way bigger then your local club or just afga).  DONE DEAL ON REMOVING RULES ON OHV OUT OF THE REGULATIONS.

I also would like to see something "official" in print on this.  I reckon that AGMAG is way bigger than our local club but without AFGA sitting on it AGMAG would not be too relevant.

I would be very surprised and disappointed if the AF&GA rep voted for removing the OHV restrictions knowing that the resolution was to go before conference.  If AF&GA vote it down he will have some egg on his face.  And if AF&GA do vote it down I think that could take the "done" out of the deal.  If Fish & wildlife actually said it was a go.


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2013, 03:15:01 PM »

I went to the ABA site and could not see a news letter anywhere.

I did find an interesting comment on the crossbow question that has a different point of view that you were expressing on the bow hunting thread.

 The SRD proposal (thru the AGMAG process) to allow crossbows in the archery season for 2011 was pulled from the table at the Dec 2010 meeting.  Now that their own survey shows the majority of general hunters do NOT want crossbows in the archery seasons, we will see what comes from subsequent meetings/discussions.


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2013, 04:11:55 PM »

Are you talking about sending me a picture of the ABA news letter where they say something about the OHV regulation comments at the AGMAG meeting?

Why don't you just put it up on here so others can see it as well.  Guido had asked about it too.

You realize that this quote from ABA web site is concerning crossbows in the archery season, right?

The SRD proposal (thru the AGMAG process) to allow crossbows in the archery season for 2011 was pulled from the table at the Dec 2010 meeting.  Now that their own survey shows the majority of general hunters do NOT want crossbows in the archery seasons, we will see what comes from subsequent meetings/discussions.


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #57 on: February 22, 2013, 05:24:21 PM »
At AF&GA conference.

Fish and Wildlife gave their list of "proposed regulation changes."

The only OHV change mentioned was to allow hunters to carry weapons on an OHV when the only season open was black bear (this is presently the case) and cougar (this is the new proposed change)

So it seems it is not a change for this year.

The resolution will go before the delegates to be voted on tomorrow.  If it were to pass it would not go into effect until 1. Fish & Wildlife OKed it and 2. untilg change to the regulations could be effected (probably a year or two)


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #58 on: February 22, 2013, 06:00:22 PM »
Well I guess the good news is they aren't taking any privileges away,, and this day and age I am happy with that..


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Re: OHV regulation
« Reply #59 on: February 23, 2013, 05:04:25 PM »
The AF&GA voted to request a change to the OHV regulations, allowing weapons on them in the a.m.