Author Topic: Opening Day..  (Read 1740 times)


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Opening Day..
« on: October 30, 2011, 09:46:41 PM »
Well boys its only 2 more sleeps until opening day is everyone else as excited as I am. This is a unique year for me as I am fortunate enough to be working farther north this fall around the Elk Point country. As such I am only 45 min from my land. I have had the trail cam up and so far haven't seen anything big but I have caught a couple smaller bucks on cam. I was able to sneak away for a while this afternoon and was able to get a rough ground blind set up along a well used game trail. It is a trail that runs through my 70 acres and it comes from the heavy treed area along the river and feeds into some of the neighbours hay fields. It shows some promise. As well I have talked to some farmers around where I am working and have gotten some permission to do a bit of hunting close to the rig when I get a chance.  I am not going to be taking any time off this fall to hunt deer do to the fact we are going to the Grey Cup instead so all I will be getting in is the odd afternoon I can sneak away from the rig.

So whats everyones plans for the deer season, does anybody have a monster tied up someplace just waiting for opening morning..

Couple pics of my ground blind..

Best of luck to everyone this season..


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Re: Opening Day..
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2011, 08:34:53 AM »
Looks like a good setup Terry, I am sure you will see a hog come through there.

I got permission from a guy on 400 acres along the Blindman River near Sylvan Lake this year. Although I have lived in Red Deer for over 3 years I never hunted around here because permission was tough to come by so I generally hunt west on crown land. This land is 10 minutes from my shop so I will be maybe coming in a bit late in the mornings.

Mid November I am going up around Lac La Biche to hunt on my moms and surrounding areas where I have permission, she saw a pig of a buck behind her garage a couple weeks ago. Neighbor saw it in his yard too.


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Re: Opening Day..
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2011, 11:19:14 AM »
Looks good.  Is there snow on the ground up north already?


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Re: Opening Day..
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2011, 05:21:39 PM »
Greta looking blind good luck on the hunt..


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Re: Opening Day..
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2011, 07:20:36 PM »
Looks good.  Is there snow on the ground up north already?

Saturday morning we woke up to about 1" on the ground. By this afternoon its pretty much gone other than in the heavy shaded spots. Won't be long though I'm sure and it will be here to stay. Personely I am predicting an early cold winter.. And with that an early rut ...


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Re: Opening Day..
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2011, 08:51:18 PM »
its looking like b4 the weekend here were going to have some negative tempuratures... but no precipitation on the way... unfortunately i get to hunt the weekends only until the 3rd week of november which i took off... finally get to hunt...yay... work is so crazy this year taking time off was hard to come by... but ive fully prepared and have my moose elk and whitetail honey holes cammed out and waiting...  i have 2 supplementary doe tags as well so the first 2 dry does i see are going down....  i have my bull moose draw for 348 and am totally not worried about taking a bull moose there... if its got a rack its going down.... the elk seem to be moving around alot out there and are hard to pinpoint so im making them my last priority... if i see a bull im taking it... if not well then another donation to SRD....  the whitetails in the area are pretty much a give in... i couldve filled my general tag with a 160 buck countless times already.... so im fairly confident... im thinking i wont shoot a buck unless its a hanger... 3 does would suite me just fine... well there you have it.... good luck to everyone else... cant wait to hear everyones stories


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Re: Opening Day..
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2011, 09:49:22 PM »
Well the wife and I, as well as the two boys(skipping school to go hunt ;)) are heading into a new area for the first time. She has a mule deer draw there and will also be hunting whitetails. Another member of our group has a coveted elk draw in the same area and will be just to the east of us hoping to get the monster bull he watched at 9:30am this morning. Should be fun. Drove around the country today to get a lay of the land and think we have a game plan so hope it turns out good. Only get one day to hunt before its back to work so we are gunna do what we can. If not I hope to get 10 days off near the end of the season.
Good luck to all tomorrow and hope to see all your pics on the forum to drool over while im stuck at the rig!
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