Author Topic: Outfitter/Guide questions....?  (Read 3393 times)


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Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« on: May 12, 2013, 03:13:55 PM »
So what better place than here for me to ask...because I know there's a few of you on here. I've been chatting to the APOS and had them send me out their magazine with a list of Outfitters.

How does one become a guide? How many years experience do you need to be even looked at by an Outfitter to get a guiding designation? Can I be someone's camp slave and just apprentice, watch and learn? 

Pretty sure my sole purpose on this Earth is to cater to others, in every avenue. I love nothing more than setting up camp, felling trees, chooping firewood, taking care of and cooking for people, educating people.  More importantly, being a humble spectator in the presence of the wilderness just thankful to be a part of it and to take in as much as possible. Would being a woman in a camp work to an advantage or be considered a disadvantage? I'd like to think advantageous for those who have female clients or children. But how often does that happen?

Next question, is there enough market to hire someone full time? Can you make a living off just being a guide or do you need to be the outfitter too?

I've been asking around down here and everyone says "HINTON!!! HINTON!!! That's where you want to be!!!" But can someone just move up there and get into it? Or would you want that to be your back-up to another full-time job?

Sorry if my questions seem ignorant. I really don't know a lot about it and I'm willing to learn and do what it takes to make hunting and fishing my living. My dream is to open a Bed & Breakfast which specially caters to hunters/guides and outfitters. Selecting the right place to open it, and get as much input from experienced people in the industry will be the key to my success.

I know there's a few of you in the Hinton areas, and hoped you could shed some light on this for me as its all I think about from the minute I get up in the morning til the minute I fall asleep lol. I am looking to leave Southern Alberta no later than September so time's a ticking.

Thanks all for your input and wisdom :) I look forward to hearing about your journies of how you attained your guiding designation and or became outfitters yourselves, and any tips on how a green horn would get their foot in the door!!

« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 05:17:25 AM by Alberta_huntress_83 »
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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2013, 10:32:52 PM »
E-beth.. as far as being a female guide I know a few that worked out of here or did and if you are a good hunter then guiding is a easy trade .. but as in all thing you need to know you big game animal your guiding for as they all differ ..  the camp cook part the guide's are always looking for cook's but it is seasonal .. jobs are here,,, lots including Water treatment in Pulp Mill(4on4off) and Town if your looking for a change .. the reason why everyone said here is the foothills area out here has everything except Antelope.. imo .. the Elk go to 400 inches and Moose over 200.. Mule deer will go to 200 and same for the WT ..Big Horn Sheep the WR came from here .. the Black bear and Cougars go book.. even the Wolves go over 17 inches.. when we were hunting Grizzly there were a few book came from here ..

over the years I have mentored many hunters and lots of anglers so even if you don't move I can help with the learning curve.. I have over 40 years hunting and fishing in the area and am proficient at the arts

Most areas have numbers of tags given out to Guides .. Apos is the group representing them

here is their website

here is one female guide Chris Franke .. website ... you could talk to her

David :)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 10:48:55 PM by Speckle55 »
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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2013, 10:52:17 PM »
Thanks, David. Ill check that site out tomorrow.

Yes, I most definitely need to have more big game critters under my belt before becoming a guide, but will start to put together a proper portfolio as the seasons pass.

Well, conveniently enough I'm writing another Water exam through Alberta Environment on May 31st, so that's reassuring. As for camp slave, I'd be willing to start seasonal and just learn as much as I can until I had enough experience. I'd love a mentor.

Perhaps before the end of the month I can scoot up that way... I'd really like to check out some other areas. Westlock/barrhead is another major region of choice for me. I've read about some of the record Elk from around Hinton and the moose holy balls! Yeah the deer are extremely good genetics up there from what I've seen too. 

Thanks for taking the time to write me back, David :) 
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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2013, 11:04:32 PM »
E-beth .. here is our clubs scoring day a couple years ago that I took ..enjoy

also a trophy display that we had at mall for a few weeks ..for a few years... mounts from people here

David :)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 11:08:33 PM by Speckle55 »
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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2013, 05:28:16 AM »
Wow, those are some incredible trophies and mounts. Thank you for sharing those.

I had a brain fart, apos, of course...that's what I meant I am so rook I thought it was professional board of outfitters in alberta lol. It was several weeks ago I chatted to the lady on the phone while I was @ work hehe.  Catalogue came with all the outfitters and there's a crazy amount for hinton.

What's the housing market like in the Hinton and surrounding areas? Would you reccommend someone buy right away out there, or rent somewhere first until I know the area and can better decide? Is there a municipal water treatment facility in the area?

Sorry for all the questions :) I've got a lot of time on my hands for a few more weeks til I'm back to work.

Thanks, David!

There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer


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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2013, 07:15:01 AM »
If your interested getting into guiding I'd look into heading to Northern BC, Yukon or NWT.
Longer seasons, less pressure and far better wildlife numbers. I have guided in Alberta a fair bit and by far prefer the north country!!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2013, 07:17:34 AM »
While hunting skills & knowledge play a large role in guiding (obviously) we consider it as important or more to have superb people skills. You cant control the weather / rut activity / animals but you can control your meals / accomodations & personality. In my opinion the mark of a real guide is one that works their butt off to get their hunter the animal they seek, and if they are unsuccesful the hunter still goes home raving about what a great time he had!

You sound like you have a real passion for service, and Ive got an offer for you. We are just north of Westlock, if you would like to check out an operation for yourself I invite you to come spend a couple days in our camp. I cant offer much of a wage but what I can offer is that I will cover your fuel for you to come up & we will cover your meals etc while you are here. I am always looking for an extra set of hands checking baits, skinning bears etc & my wife can always use a hand with meals etc.

If you would like to check it all out give me a buzz at 780-843-5338.



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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2013, 10:29:10 AM »
Thanks E-beth ... on the water treatment the mill is looking for a operator for relief full time and the mill is hiring at entry level ..and the town is looking for 2 oper .. housing is high so best to look hard before choosing .. the mines also have tech people and need water people ..

On the hunting side I could help .just ask when your ready or stop in sometime and I will show the area

David :)

Wow, those are some incredible trophies and mounts. Thank you for sharing those.
wwwI had a brain fart, apos, of course...that's what I meant I am so rook I thought it was professional board of outfitters in alberta lol. It was several weeks ago I chatted to the lady on the phone while I was @ work hehe.  Catalogue came with all the outfitters and there's a crazy amount for hinton.

What's the housing market like in the Hinton and surrounding areas? Would you reccommend someone buy right away out there, or rent somewhere first until I know the area and can better decide? Is there a municipal water treatment facility in the area?

Sorry for all the questions :) I've got a lot of time on my hands for a few more weeks til I'm back to work.

Thanks, David!

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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2013, 10:41:49 AM »
If your interested getting into guiding I'd look into heading to Northern BC, Yukon or NWT.
Longer seasons, less pressure and far better wildlife numbers. I have guided in Alberta a fair bit and by far prefer the north country!!

Thanks Sheepguide! I used to live in Yellowknife for a few years, and I just love it up in the North country for sure. Hate the heat, so the colder the better. What's your take on the Peace River area of AB? I've never ventured to Yukon, but would definitely consider it. Northern BC would also be a fantastic option, I just haven't a clue who/where to even begin over there. Thanks for your feedback!!!
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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2013, 11:34:49 AM »
If you were interested in going north I could give you a few leads.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2013, 11:17:14 AM »
And just like anything else, do your home work on whatever operation you look at if you decide to get into it. You will be the front line person to take the heat if something goes wrong and there are more than a couple "shady" operations out there. You dont want to take the heat because your employer can't follow the rules....


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Re: Outfitter/Guide questions....?
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2013, 02:30:13 AM »
Thanks diamonddave. Definitely ethics above and beyond all is THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect in my humble opinion to finding the right fit (for work or personal hunting).  I can tell you right now, (might be a little too personal) but its why I ended my last long term relationship. In no way shape or form, do I want anything to do with unethical rule bending hunters.

If you can't be ethical in the woods, why would you be ethical in other areas of your life? Kinda like 'if a bear poops in the woods'

I can hear a pack of yotes 7+ out in the pasture right now lol...this is the best time of night to be an insomniac lmao. Anyways, David I will be taking you up on a tour offer when I'm in the area. And thanks all for your input, I have a lot of options and much to ponder now :) all I know is if I hunt and fish for a living ill never need to retire lol!
There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer