Started her off with a sheep hunt, had 14 days of food. Ended up coming home early, due to heat. Didnt have time to try and find a second ram.
We were looking at this on the 24th. There was three rams. One legal.

The Ukranian Assasin only smiles when he takes a life.

We had a to put a pack horse down just before our trip, that we broke that summer. Quick call to nube, and he graciously lent us a damn good horse.

Being home early with holidays left got out for some mule deer spot n stalk. KIlled this guy first stalk of the morning. The UA sat back 300yds and watched through the spotter. I got to 24yds and watched him take 5 second naps and snap his back up after every nap. Laying on the prairie getting smoked by the sun, I was way over dressed once the morning chill wore off. Finally he stood up.

Got the buck I was after. I first seen him three years ago, and my buddy actually wounded him and I missed him on the 3 count. No idea how he survived that winter.
Never seen him since, then got a early november trailcam pic of him. Buddy has some pics of him in a feild 3 years ago, has to be 4 1/2 yrs old in them. Maybe he will post them here.
He was green scored by by Rigby on here, he's an official scorer. At 209'' gross and 191'' and change net Non Typ.

One of the coolest hunts this year, shared with my GF. A buddy was kind enough to let us use he box blinds to stay comfortable.
We hunted 3 days from dark to dark. First day we should have tagged out but I was being way to greedy and we were passing up bucks that we shouldnt have. Second day was slow. Third day, this guy stepped out 100 yds away on the line. A perfect shot out of the 7-08 to the lungs and he barely made it off the line. Her first deer.