Author Topic: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield  (Read 7429 times)


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Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« on: December 11, 2014, 12:32:34 PM »
From the medhat news today;

Local hunters will get two opportunities early in the new year to help cull the ever-growing elk population at the Canadian Forces Base Suffield.

Alberta Environment and Susatainable Resource Development (ERSD), in partnership with the Department of National Defence, will hold a quota hunt for antlerless elk during two four-day sessions in February.

The first will run from Feb. 2-5, with the second one going Feb. 9-12.

ERSD says each season will have an allocation of 125 antlerless elk licences and each licence will have two tags associated with it, allowing hunters to harvest two antlerless elk.

Hunting antlerless elk in February is not new in Alberta, ESRD says. It is a management tool used in areas where ungulate depredation is consistently a problem in late winter. There is currently a season in wildlife management unit 300 that runs between Dec. 25, 2014, and Feb. 21, 2015.

The licences will be made available through a draw process. Applicants will have a specified time period in which to apply for a licence on-line or via a licence distributor. Successful applicants will be selected through a lottery style draw, making the process equitable for all Albertans.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2014, 01:30:33 PM »
Good to hear that they arent doing the first come first serve on alberta relm that was a joke last time.  Not sure why they dont do this during the regular draw cycle.  With the elk population explosion going on at the base, this will be an annual event.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2014, 02:43:44 PM »
Interesting,, man I wish I knew my winter schedule I would uptake a run at a tag. Maybe one of the boys can make it.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2014, 04:01:35 PM »
I have a feeling there will be around 10,000 applicants for the 250 licenses  so don't be in too big of a hurry to book time off ha ha.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2014, 06:25:47 PM »
Im debating putting in i just dont have freezer room.Need to see if the inlaws would life some elk before i apply.Got a bull elk in the freezer already & a whitetail.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2014, 05:58:39 PM »
Group size for application is limited to two hunters.
No partner licenses will be available.

So to be clear whoever gets drawn will get 2 tags so if you put in with another hunter, 4 tags would be issued to 2 guys? Not sure why they wouldn't allow a partner if they are giving 2 tags per draw I mean if a guy wants some meat one cow elk is plenty for each person.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2014, 08:40:08 PM »
Group size for application is limited to two hunters.
No partner licenses will be available.

So to be clear whoever gets drawn will get 2 tags so if you put in with another hunter, 4 tags would be issued to 2 guys? Not sure why they wouldn't allow a partner if they are giving 2 tags per draw I mean if a guy wants some meat one cow elk is plenty for each person.

             Don't understand why they wouldn't allow a partner either.  If they are worried about number of people on the base why not stretch the season out a bit.  Funny thing is they could have just given out the 250 licences with one tag and no one would have really said much but this way with the 2 tags per licence has seemed to have a lot of people scratching their head.  With that said the Mrs and I are going to put in for it and if we were to get all four elk alloted it would be no problem getting the meat utilized between gifting and the botomless pit that seems to be this household lol.
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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2014, 11:07:43 PM »
Well my question is this. Say I get the draw, am I allowed to bring someone to help me? I mean a big cow elk is no easy task, never mind 2 cow elk. I mean a little more detail about base access permission would be nice, but I suppose this is what we can expect from the ****ing idiots running the show, no details on whats allowed...
« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 11:10:52 PM by Paul »


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2014, 08:52:00 AM »
I wouldn't worry to much about having 4 elk per house hold . With a random draw odds are not very favourable that that would happen.  Guys figure 10,000 putting in by the amount of talk and publicity this hunt has got I would be willing to bet its going to be double that.. 20'000 entry's .
That's just a guess . You have to pick which season 1or 2 , most guys will likley go 1. So say you have a 125 chance out of 12,000.  I'm just guessing here , maybe strategizing lol.
 I have not made up
My up my mind yet to apply or not, time off is no Biggy . I'm more worried about what kinda gong show will be taking place down there. 
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2014, 09:10:38 AM »
Well my question is this. Say I get the draw, am I allowed to bring someone to help me? I mean a big cow elk is no easy task, never mind 2 cow elk. I mean a little more detail about base access permission would be nice, but I suppose this is what we can expect from the ****ing idiots running the show, no details on whats allowed...

I understood that last time they had the quota on the base they allowed helpers but only one vehicle per licence holder.  As for it being a gong show, its only 125 hunters per season and the base is a big place, pretty sure they want these elk dead so every effort will be made to help each hunter be successful.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2014, 10:21:48 AM »
I have not made up
My up my mind yet to apply or not

There's the magic words.  Personally I doubt there'll be anywhere near 10,000 applicants, but I'm always a glass half full kind of guy.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2014, 06:27:27 AM »
I'll apply, not only for the hunt, but help decrease the elk population; which of course will not even make a dint in the decline. Moreover, I would like to experience the terrain of the Base and see some big bulls. It will give me some insight of the quality of bulls on the Base since I have a priority 10 at this time for the surrounding WMU'S.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2014, 08:16:14 AM »
I'll apply, not only for the hunt, but help decrease the elk population; which of course will not even make a dint in the decline. Moreover, I would like to experience the terrain of the Base and see some big bulls. It will give me some insight of the quality of bulls on the Base since I have a priority 10 at this time for the surrounding WMU'S.

I don't know if you will get to see what is truly there but some of the Bulls in there will blow your mind. I just about garentee there is a provincel record in that herd. I spent 9 years on and off drilling on the block and saw some of the most unreal animals. Had a chance to drill in the sands hills before it was closed to drilling some of the mule deer in that area were just crazy.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2014, 07:14:04 PM »
I don't know if you will get to see what is truly there but some of the Bulls in there will blow your mind. I just about garentee there is a provincel record in that herd. I spent 9 years on and off drilling on the block and saw some of the most unreal animals. Had a chance to drill in the sands hills before it was closed to drilling some of the mule deer in that area were just crazy.
Thanks for the information. Hope to get lucky on the antlerless tag and take a tour. Could you tell me what part of the Base has their National Wildlife Sanctuary? I've heard that many monster bulls were sighted in this area.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2014, 06:31:26 AM »
The sanctuary runs along the east border of the block its a strip about 5 miles wide if I remember right that runs along the river. This is also known as the sand hills as I referred to in my post and yes there are some remarkable animals in there.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2015, 07:55:41 AM »
Still have not made up my mind, may still throw in an app and see.   Who here is "in" so far?
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2015, 07:58:17 AM »
Think I am gonna put in and see what happens


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2015, 04:47:17 PM »
Entered wife in the draw at her request.  I've a tag for the season starting Jan. 26th.  Heck, it's 40 minutes from my house and I don't know anyone in our family who doesn't like elk meat.  Plus, we've eaten enough moose that there's some room to top up our freezers.

Personally I wouldn't worry too much about the, "gong show" potential, in my mind it'll be like hunting antelope in the days of lot's of antelope and lot's of hunters;  just use the other hunters to your advantage and assume other savvy hunters will be doing the same with you.  I suspect we'll find we're working together without planning or exchanged words.
It's not like there's one herd and a hundred hunters converging on it from all directions in a section pasture, the suffield base is big with a capital B.  It's literally over a thousand square miles!!!
Option b is to find a hill, spot a small herd off in the distance, hunt them.  'Least, those are my plans.

Will let you know how it goes.

I think the important thing is if you are one of the fortunate tag awardee's to kill your elk or at least give it an honest try.  My mla was talking to me about the, "elk problem" last fall.  My take (and understand this is just MY take, not what was said or implied by my mla) is that if hunters can accomplish the management goals, we'll have elk hunting opportunities here in perpetuity.  If however hunters do not kill target numbers of elk, other options will be considered.
(again, just my guess but I think it's a pretty sound guess)

...........and I would love to be able to put an elk in the freezer 40 minutes from my house every year, so you guys fill your freezers, hear?   ;D


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2015, 09:37:05 PM »
Should have been one required antlerless and then an either sex. SRD hoarding those trophy bulls.


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Re: Province announces two elk hunts in February at CFB Suffield
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2015, 08:22:59 PM »
Maybe I can shed some light on the suffield hunt. You are allowed as many helpers as you can fit in your truck. February hunt should be the same. Each tag is good for two elk. Yes it's a very big area, but you will be surprised at how many trucks show up when a herd is spotted. I've personally seen a thousand elk being chased by nine trucks and only 1 elk taken. Some have referred to it as a fire fight, others flock shooting. U must wear orange.
Ok hears the kicker boys. First Nations are shooting the piss out of the Bulls. While the rest of us can only hunt cows. The First Nations are shooting the monster Bulls we all hope to hunt one day. Jan. 12-13 they shot 73 Bulls. Today one truck had 3 Bulls in it. 2 would easily have scored 425.