Author Topic: Ruger #1 for predator hunting  (Read 1777 times)


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Ruger #1 for predator hunting
« on: March 24, 2013, 03:45:44 PM »
I am thinking of getting a Ruger #1 RSI in 243 cal.
This is the full stock version and therefore does not have an attach point for a bipod on the forend.
It is also a short 20 inch barrel. Some say that it takes quite a bit of tweaking to get it to shoot well
I have heard that if the barrel heats up the accuracy declines. Since it is a single shot and to be used on coyotes that may not be a problem
Would this be a good choice for predators or should I be looking at another rifle
Would like to hear from Ruger #1 owners on their opinion

Lance Skene

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Re: Ruger #1 for predator hunting
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 09:25:12 AM »
Ive never had a 243 but Im very pleased with my ruger 1, its small, light, consistant, dont think you can go wrong with it. Mine  was custom built for 7stw before they were available over the counter so its quite a few years old now and still does the job very well, I might be abit bias tho... I have three ruger firearms, and a big black newfoundland cross we call Ruger.


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Re: Ruger #1 for predator hunting
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2013, 07:02:46 PM »
I dont personally own any number ones but have spent a bit of time with a few different varieties of them, I really like them the ones i have shot have all been minute of intended target and like any other rifle can be tweaked to gain a little more. I dont think you would be disappointed.
Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night.


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Re: Ruger #1 for predator hunting
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2013, 09:23:26 AM »

I have never owned or used a Ruger #1but I have known some others that have and all were impressed by them.  I knew a fellow who bought one in 25/06 and was going to have it rebarreled to .243/06 as he had a rifle and dies for that wild-cat.  The 25/06 shot so sweet that he could not make the change.

A predator rifle should be very accurate and as you mentioned a Ruger #1 can be a short barrelled handy pointing gun. But having a quick second and third shot may also be really handy.  If you call in 2 or more coyotes it would be nice to be able to get more that one.

Once I was following a deer track on a snowy day.  I stopped and sat against a tree to rattling antlers hoping he was close enough to hear and come to me.  I wasn't there long and 5 coyotes came trotting into the clearing.  I had a bolt action and got it on the face of the closest one and waited till he looked at me with surprise.  Bang I killed him and had the bolt worked and was on the next one and rolled him before he knew what was going on.  I got one more on the run before they got out of the clearing.

If I had a single shot I doubt I would have been so successful.

I don't know why I didn't skin them all right there because it was a real pain to drag them all out to my truck at once.

I just bought myself a new walk around varmint gun.  A CZ 527 Lux in .222.  It is a joy to carry and has an amazing set trigger and shoots better than I can.


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Re: Ruger #1 for predator hunting
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2013, 09:47:39 AM »
I have had a few number ones and still have two some shoot some don't.  Triggers suck !
The secret to reloading any fire arm is to look at only the firearm and not what you are trying to shoot sounds sounds easy but needs to be practiced. 

  Of course it's not as fast as a bolt gun but you can be pretty darn fast with practice.


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Re: Ruger #1 for predator hunting
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2013, 01:32:03 PM »
Love my #1. I'd rather have a gun I enjoyed and shot well then something where I was more worried about the rare times I might have been able to kill more then 1 had I had a different rifle. If that is the worry get a semi auto.


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Re: Ruger #1 for predator hunting
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2013, 08:39:41 PM »

I love my CZ LUX, it shoots well and gives me the relatively quick second and third shot if I need it.

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