Author Topic: sheep hunt  (Read 10691 times)


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2012, 06:28:05 PM »
Nice rams.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 10:06:27 PM by AxeMan »
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2012, 06:47:51 PM »
I stated why people thought what they did, after he brought up that so many are dumb for not beleiving his every word.

i already quoted for you what i said.  there was no word to believe.  just said i saw some rams is all.  i guess the quote wasnt good enough, so maybe have a look yourself.

sheephunter started the stoopidity and was followed by the usual donkeys that stalk me like groupies.  there were a few that are smart enough to enjoy some pics....but others just too stupid.  to agree with them clowns makes you the same.  i really dont see how that can be defended.  questions yes....dumbass remarks, not so much.

now you can needle me all you not telling you where they are.  ::)  good try though...... i guess i went sheep hunting to see over the next mouintain and not to measure the next trophy. ;D
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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2012, 07:19:13 PM »
LOL yep your fan club that stalk you. You talk about there stupididy and all that and insult every one but that is kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. You claim to be so much more mature and what not to not stoop to that level but isnt it you that drove to a members house to confront him over something said via a chat forum?
You are a piece of work Bambi.  Again all I said was why people took the route they did. Many due to the comments you have said towards them over their posts in the past. People dont dislike people for no reason, people dont turn others in for no reason and people dont get ganged up on for no reason and with you having such a following of dislikers maybe there is a reason. I never said I didnt beleive you or if I did and if you would have posted your pics with the appropriate explanation 3/4 of the other comments made would not have. Like I said when you post ram pics in an open season and claim they arent in the park people expect a story. Dont give them one then they make up their own. You set yourself up on that one just arent smart enough to realize that your just as stupid as any of the rest of us on these forums and are no less guilty in doing exactly what has been done to your poor spinless sole!!!!
Ya im the bad guy but hey im used to that and ill own up to it. But dude if you think your any better you are a fool! Im done with this joke. Good luck on you next sheep hunt look forward to seeing a detailed hunt and gear report!

Oh and if you need to take all this to heart and stalk me like the last forum member that hurt your feelings look me up @ highway address sign number 365062 NW of Caroline. Ill be home on Oct.2!!!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2012, 08:33:40 PM »
Hopefully everyone feels better now. This is total bullshit and unwanted here, what started at ao should have stayed there. Take it private from here. If there's anything meaningful anyone has to contribute carry on.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 08:36:20 PM by Paul »


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2012, 10:28:06 PM »
"Darcy,, relax for once would you,, before you chase off another valued member.."

Good post


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2012, 10:51:42 PM »
"Darcy,, relax for once would you,, before you chase off another valued member.."

Good post


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2012, 11:12:05 PM »
"Darcy,, relax for once would you,, before you chase off another valued member.."

Good post

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2012, 11:49:15 PM »
You bet guys ill step back now worries. But for you Dale you brought up the circumstances from AO. I just wished you luck on your second round with this thread. Once "YOU" brought up how people reacted I tried to explain why people acted like they did and I guess im an ass for that. But moving forward dont bring it up if you aint man enough to talk about it. Cheers and like I said looking forward to your future hunt reports. Maybe you sheep hunters will even grace the Mountain Hunters Bragging Board FB page with some great pictures of all your travels lots of big names there and close to 1000 awesome mountain hunting pics to look at. Cheers and good luck with producing a dream forum!
Im out.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2012, 05:24:28 AM »
           Nice Rams ishootbambi, good thing is they will probably still be there next year if it's that hard to get into and a guy can plan a little better or get more help. 

           Don't sweat the haters, some people just gotta be that way and it's sad really.
"Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep"


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2012, 09:45:28 AM »
thanks for the reminder paul.

shrubs, there were a few other guys in the neighbourhood up there.  there just arent any secrets in alberta....just not enough mountains that hold sheep to have a place all your own.  if anyone else gets them....i hope its the old cowboy i met on the way out.  he knew they were there as he saw them over summer.  i wish him luck.  there were lots of legals up there, so i think we will try again....just need some better planning next time.

and hard feelings.  i get how you work.  pm incoming.
opinions are like sphincters......everyone has one, and they all stink!


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2012, 09:45:47 AM »
X2 Darcy.

Thanx for the chuckle gents!



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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2012, 08:44:33 PM »
So 2 guys go on a 30km pack in "sheep hunt", find a honey hole with at least 2 full curl rams, and many other legal rams. They get close enough to the big sheep for a great pics with a pocket camera, and decide packing 2 rams out would be too much like thats the only option.

Why not flip a coin, winner kills the biggest, 2 guys pack out one ram?

Didn't you take the pics? >>>"i swore off posting pics here, but this one seems to be leaking"

« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 08:51:36 PM by MuleyHunter »


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2012, 09:03:35 PM »
I bet 3 or 4 guys could eat a sheep in the 4 or 5 days to get out Just an option and not many guys would turn down a ram.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 09:07:56 PM by JIMMY 808 »


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2012, 11:18:11 PM »
Why not flip a coin, winner kills the biggest, 2 guys pack out one ram?

Didn't you take the pics? >>>"i swore off posting pics here, but this one seems to be leaking"

no flip neccessary.  i offered for my buddy to take one and we could split the load.  he said it was my area and if i couldnt get one too, then maybe neither of us should. i already have one, so i didnt like the option of me shooting one and he wouldnt.  we agreed to take none.  good friends dont argue about petty things.

he took the top pic, i took the bottom one.  i already explained that he put them on facebook which led to questions or else AO wouldnt have seen the pics period.

^^^jimmy...already explained why i didnt want to get out of the hills with too little meat.  we did discuss that option as well.

im not sure i see the difference between this and the many bears i didnt shoot this spring....or the couple hundred whiteatils i will see and not shoot this fall.  it wont be the last time i dont shoot a legal animal.  not sure why its so hard for some to believe?
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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2012, 07:23:24 AM »
Whatever end of the day it is your hunt, your choice, and your harvest. 


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2012, 08:13:20 AM »
"im not sure i see the difference between this and the many bears i didnt shoot this spring....or the couple hundred whiteatils i will see and not shoot this fall.  it wont be the last time i dont shoot a legal animal.  not sure why its so hard for some to believe?"



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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2012, 02:49:12 PM »

^^^jimmy...already explained why i didnt want to get out of the hills with too little meat.  we did discuss that option as well.

im not sure i see the difference between this and the many bears i didnt shoot this spring....or the couple hundred whiteatils i will see and not shoot this fall.  it wont be the last time i dont shoot a legal animal.  not sure why its so hard for some to believe?

  I find it different that not many guys walk 30k in the moutians hunting black bear or white tails find a good trophy and let it walk.  Hunt maybe where guys are lost sheep scouting in open season with a rilfe is more what you did.  Real nice honey hole for next year I look forward to those pics.


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #37 on: September 21, 2012, 07:03:31 PM »
         Gonna go ahead and say that I can understand why they didn't shoot.  Would it be what I would do personally I don't know because I wasn't there but I can see where ishootbambi and his partner are comin from.

         So guys get a tip on a really good area for rams, maybe even see a couple mounts or pictures from years past.  With big hopes they hit the trail and even though it's a tough slug who the heck turns around just because.

        30 kilometers is a damn long hike on a good trail when you are living off you're back and from what I understand it wasn't a good trail.  Finally arriving at their destination they are tired and if you're body isn't used to it and you've used all kinds of muscles that don't normally get used it takes a heavy toll on the body.  Add to that a couple few nights sleeping in a tent not getting an ideal rest and you aren't going to recover properly if you haven't trained your ass off.
         All of a sudden that pack is feeling heavier all the time and there isn't even a sheep in it yet.  From what I understand ishootbambi has killed a ram before and understands how brutal the pack out can be on a decent trail never mind a bad one. 

         The decision is made to regroup and maybe come back again when they are better prepared.  If anything Sheep are creatures of habit and the oppurtunity will be there again if they decide to go in at a later date.

          Just offering how I see it. 
"Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep"


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #38 on: September 21, 2012, 07:34:33 PM »
Well I vowed to not post here again but what the hell here it goes,

Lots of good comments and really only one person knows all the real dynamics of the hunt and the actuall value of the pics. The main reason people were skeptical and forwarded many opinions on these pics on the forums they were posted on is with Bambi he is fairly up front to let people know how skilled and avid an outdoorsman he is and how much experience he has out there. The reason many guys  have questioned him was 1. because he said on the original post on AO " here is a BEFORE pic of the rams we found" and left no further explanation. So that left people asking for the after pics that were non existant and received no explanation. 2. with his supposed knowledge he went into an area with the goal of killing a ram and then admits that for the hunt they did he was very under prepaired. That isnt the way most hunters of his supposed experience approach a hunt especially that of a back country back pack hunt. 3. To make the comment of the cape would spoil is also an amature comment as anyone going on a backpack hunt in hot weather that takes no cape salt is agian very unprepaired. 4. Not fitting the sheep in the packs. What did they plan if they were 10, 15 or 20 miles in? Would have been the same scenario.
Like I said who really knows and we can only admire the rams in the pics. And watch for Bambi's future sheep harvest as obviously there is no reason him and all his buddies shouldnt be bringing out rams every year they can get a tag from here on. And for future reference Bambi, spend a couple bucks and get a decent camera to take!!! And maybe take some pictures of the trip as the journey is the biggest part of the trip and people love to see a pictorial hunt report showing terrain and gear.
One other thing is on the eve of possible sheep hunting regulation restrictions there arent very many guys out there that when they see a ram they would shoot and gladly tag that will pass with the chance of never getting a tag again and hoping there is still a season in the future for them to hunt.

So for those that think I go to far and that im a hater let the mud fling and Pms fly as this written above is 100% why people in Bambies fan/stalkers  club (as he so proudly refers to), have commented the way that they have and im just putting it on the screen as obviously some cant pick up on that.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #39 on: September 21, 2012, 09:26:55 PM »
Well I vowed to not post here again but what the hell here it goes,

Lots of good comments and really only one person knows all the real dynamics of the hunt and the actuall value of the pics. The main reason people were skeptical and forwarded many opinions on these pics on the forums they were posted on is with Bambi he is fairly up front to let people know how skilled and avid an outdoorsman he is and how much experience he has out there. The reason many guys  have questioned him was 1. because he said on the original post on AO " here is a BEFORE pic of the rams we found" and left no further explanation. So that left people asking for the after pics that were non existant and received no
explanation. 2. with his supposed knowledge he went into an area with the goal of killing a ram and then admits that for the hunt they did he was very under prepaired. That isnt the way most hunters of his
supposed experience approach a hunt especially that of a back country back pack hunt. 3. To make the comment of the cape would spoil is also an amature comment as anyone going on a backpack hunt in hot weather that takes no cape salt is agian very unprepaired. 4. Not fitting the sheep in the packs. What did they plan if they were 10, 15 or 20 miles in? Would have been the same scenario.
Like I said who really knows and we can only admire the rams in the pics. And watch for Bambi's future sheep harvest as obviously there is no reason him and all his buddies shouldnt be bringing out rams every
year they can get a tag from here on. And for future reference Bambi, spend a couple bucks and get a decent camera to take!!! And maybe take some pictures of the trip as the journey is the biggest part of the trip and people love to see a pictorial hunt report showing terrain and gear.
One other thing is on the eve of possible sheep hunting regulation restrictions there arent very many guys out there that when they see a ram they would shoot and gladly tag that will pass with the chance of never getting a tag again and hoping there is still a season in the future for them to hunt.

So for those that think I go to far and that im a hater let the mud fling and Pms fly as this written above is 100% why people in Bambies fan/stalkers  club (as he so proudly refers to), have commented the way that
they have and im just putting it on the screen as obviously some cant pick up on that.

X2 I too think he's so full of it he actually thinks these park rams are so need a real life