Author Topic: sheep hunt  (Read 10679 times)


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #40 on: September 21, 2012, 09:59:42 PM »
Darn,, his post started out good, like when he stated he was never going to post again and yet he did.   Well the all knowing high and mighty world renound mountain man has spoken. So I geuss that's the way it is then.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 10:29:22 PM by walleyes »


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2012, 10:19:50 PM »
I gotta post now with the pm's I'm getting !

Is that 30 km one way or 2 ways??

Why go that far, if you know your limitations??

I know I do solo hunts that go from 16- 24 km one way. I also know that If I'm back there, and see the ram i'm looking for,  im getting the job done. And I'm fully prepared and know that I will be packing out on my own , and everything that goes with the planning and prep!

Sorry but I gotta agree with Darcy, he makes some really good points. something doesn't add up here...and I've heard another version already before the A.S thread !


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2012, 10:27:40 PM »
Hey Walleyes funny thing is that what I posted is far from just my ideas! Bambi posted that he didnt understand why people react the way they do. I simply put it in black and white so even he could understand. Then you act like im the biggest dick on the forum yet you feeling the need to discredit or mock me. Is the exact thing that happened to ISB. You dont agree with me and you make comments because you feel my ideas arent warrented yet that is all anyone did with ISB post. So really are you any better? Just like the others you are very fast to jump on others for the exact things that you yourselves do! No one is any different on these forums there is just a big difference between the ones that accept what they do on here and those that cant get past their fat heads and think they do nothing but shine and do no wrong! LOL Great post Walleyes!!! Shows the other side of you here!!! Oh by the way you almost hurt my feeling there...  oh actually no never mind just another keyboard talker!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #43 on: September 21, 2012, 10:31:25 PM »
I gotta post now with the pm's I'm getting !

Is that 30 km one way or 2 ways??

Why go that far, if you know your limitations??

I know I do solo hunts that go from 16- 24 km one way. I also know that If I'm back there, and see the ram i'm looking for,  im getting the job done. And I'm fully prepared and know that I will be packing out on my own , and everything that goes with the planning and prep!

Sorry but I gotta agree with Darcy, he makes some really good points. something doesn't add up here...and I've heard another version already before the A.S thread !

Ah ha- now its a bloody contest.

This just keeps getting better.


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #44 on: September 21, 2012, 10:33:21 PM »
Nah,, I was going to rant on but forget it.. You have the last word Darcy its all yours.


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #45 on: September 21, 2012, 10:37:45 PM »
         Gonna go ahead and say that I can understand why they didn't shoot. 

shrubs....thats exactly how it was.  i said from the start that we just went too far.  ill be 40 in less than a month.  last time i did this i was still playing hockey regualrly and in decent shape.  im not too proud to say i got beat up pretty good in there. my feet were in good shape the whole way until i slipped off a log and fell in the creek.  the last 10 km out in wet boots blistered me up real bad.  that aint the boots fault, so im not upset about that.
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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #46 on: September 21, 2012, 10:56:42 PM »
well darcy, you almost make a little sense on the first post of this page, so ill respond to that.

to begin, there was going to be an after pic of some nasty blisters after i fell into the creek slipping off a log.  my feet were in good shape until that, and that last 10ish km soggy made a hell of a mess.

next, i already said i knew how far we were going, but i didnt know how brutal the trail was.  the ram i brought out of the wilmore was 23 km of pretty decent trail with no real obstacles.  i had to cross creeks several times of course, but in this case, the little feeder creeks off the ridges were canyons 150 to 200 feet deep and vertical.  i was climbing with hand grabbing roots and rocks on most of them.  maps dont show that kind of stuff.

then, i ve taken salt when im on horseback....but never backpacking.  that craps heavy, and i dont like carrying anything unneccessary.  before we left, i was thinking it would be one real long day hike....maybe day and a half.  i was wrong.  oops.

as for not fitting sheep in the packs...nope.  when i did kill one, it came out and back we went for camp.  as i said, that was a much easier route to walk.  that sheep went out and we went back to camp in the same day.  that wasnt going to happen here.

as for the pics.... i altered the hell out of them.  removed all the properties i could and cropped them down.  too many computer nerds out there that can figure out locations from scenery.  i have lots of shots of lots of cool stuff, but that isnt hitting the interweb.

as far as needing to kill to be happy....well that has passed a long time ago.  i dont care if the rules get changed.  when i killed one, i wasnt sure i would even hunt them least until i get my november draw.  i realize that some guys consider sheep to be the ultimate goal....but i do not.  they arent hard to kill.....just hard to find and get to.  i have yet to see one even run away.  them things make mule deer look pretty smart the way they just stand there.  ive seen likely half a dozen rams in kcountry when i was young that were legal....but i never had the need to kill one until the talk of shutting it down. im pretty sure if i hadnt killed one already there would have been no discussion and we would have found a way....but that wasnt the case. 
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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #47 on: September 21, 2012, 11:00:51 PM »
Is that 30 km one way or 2 ways??

Sorry but I gotta agree with Darcy, he makes some really good points. something doesn't add up here...and I've heard another version already before the A.S thread !

30 ish one way.  and i wouldnt put too much stock in the rumor mill.  anything you think youve heard is just that....a rumor.  stories get twisted lots as they are retold as i know you are aware..... ::)
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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #48 on: September 21, 2012, 11:35:52 PM »
Ah ha- now its a bloody contest.

This just keeps getting better.


NOpe no contest at all!


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #49 on: September 21, 2012, 11:58:24 PM »
well darcy, you almost make a little sense on the first post of this page, so ill respond to that.

to begin, there was going to be an after pic of some nasty blisters after i fell into the creek slipping off a log.  my feet were in good shape until that, and that last 10ish km soggy made a hell of a mess.

next, i already said i knew how far we were going, but i didnt know how brutal the trail was.  the ram i brought out of the wilmore was 23 km of pretty decent trail with no real obstacles.  i had to cross creeks several times of course, but in this case, the little feeder creeks off the ridges were canyons 150 to 200 feet deep and vertical.  i was climbing with hand grabbing roots and rocks on most of them.  maps dont show that kind of stuff.

then, i ve taken salt when im on horseback....but never backpacking.  that craps heavy, and i dont like carrying anything unneccessary.  before we left, i was thinking it would be one real long day hike....maybe day and a half.  i was wrong.  oops.

as for not fitting sheep in the packs...nope.  when i did kill one, it came out and back we went for camp.  as i said, that was a much easier route to walk.  that sheep went out and we went back to camp in the same day.  that wasnt going to happen here.

as for the pics.... i altered the hell out of them.  removed all the properties i could and cropped them down.  too many computer nerds out there that can figure out locations from scenery.  i have lots of shots of lots of cool stuff, but that isnt hitting the interweb.

as far as needing to kill to be happy....well that has passed a long time ago.  i dont care if the rules get changed.  when i killed one, i wasnt sure i would even hunt them least until i get my november draw.  i realize that some guys consider sheep to be the ultimate goal....but i do not.  they arent hard to kill.....just hard to find and get to.  i have yet to see one even run away.  them things make mule deer look pretty smart the way they just stand there.  ive seen likely half a dozen rams in kcountry when i was young that were legal....but i never had the need to kill one until the talk of shutting it down. im pretty sure if i hadnt killed one already there would have been no discussion and we would have found a way....but that wasnt the case.

Thats all I did from the start is try and explain to you why people thought the way they did! I tried to show that just because they were skepticle doesnt mean they are all dump and stupid! Like I said you are the one that knows how things played out and after that each person will beleive what they wish just as you and everyone on these forums will when they read a story.
And the next time ill do the exact same thing no matter home many guys figure im an asshole for doing it. You brought up the AO thread twice before I even responded so I cant even take credit for that. I just tried to help you see that it was pretty easy to read more into the pics than what you were stating.

As for the salt deal, id never go on a back pack trip of any distance in warm weather without it. Last year on our BC hunt we had 4.5lbs between the three of us. To me salt to preserve the cape is far from unecessary. And im only a year or so behind you in age.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #50 on: September 22, 2012, 12:11:04 AM »
You brought up the AO thread twice before I even responded so I cant even take credit for that.

wrong....this was your first post.

Decent rams Bambi. Hope this thread goes better for you than the last forum you tried it on.
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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #51 on: September 22, 2012, 07:56:55 AM »
wrong....this was your first post.

Sorry dude just complemented on the nice rams and wished you better luck than the first time you posted them. You ran with it from there pal insulting a bunch of people. Very few would have even known what forum it was. You made your own bed on that one! No one to blame for that one but yourself big guy. Once you got insultive I tried to explain things to you but you wanted non of that!! So ya you could have let it lie but you just kept bashing the forum members over there with "^^^ no kidding.  its hard to believe that there are people too dumb to simply enjoy some pictures.  that place just aint what it used to be...." of which I calmly replyed "Guys just expected more than what they got I would far from call them dumb!" and then you continued to degrade others with "if there werent so many dumb ones, that forum would get more.  the good guys have been chased away, and stooopid has been allowed to run wild.  im guessing you noticed i shared a lot more here than there.  there is a reason for that...."
But yet even as terrible as you claim AO to be it still was the first place you chose to share your pics over a week prior to posting on AS. So either its higher on your list of forums to visit or you knew exactly the reaction you would get there and only did it to see what kind of a disturbance you could cause!!!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 08:16:04 AM by sheepguide »
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #52 on: September 22, 2012, 10:41:47 AM »
Well Darcy , Look's like you called a Spade a Spade and thats what i like about Mister. I to, have held back on posts because of ISB saying my posts years ago were full of BS back on A.O.  Oh and of course i apparently am a Clown etc for doing so. The best part of it was shooting an 183 inch Whitey after i was told by the legend there were no Big Deer left where i hunted.

I have no need to carry on a dispute and waste my time with the Legend in his own mind  ISB and am enjoying this Fictitous Sheep Hunt....Hilarious!!!

walking buffalo

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #53 on: September 22, 2012, 11:41:40 AM »
Thanks Guys! This thread is a beauty! ;D

Maybe it is just me, but I get a sense that pics of pre-season rams is all this hunt could have produced.

There is always something to learn from these threads, and thanks to some bitching, it is all becomes worthwhile. Lets consider preparation, ability, ethics, ego, and "sheep talk".

so at the last minute, something changed for me and i got to scamper off for a sheep hunt.  we had two weeks if thats what we needed, but i was really hoping to get back to work before that.  i got a tip from an old guy that has killed a few rams over the years.  he is too old to go there anymore, so he gave me an idea where to look.  the map showed the walk into be pretty over 30 km, but what the map didnt show was how brutal the terrain was.  we near enough killed ourselves getting there, but what we saw in that valley was pretty awesome.  there were over 50 sheep in sight from one ridge.  a group of 9 rams needed a closer look to be sure, but it looked as though 5 were legal.  i never got that closer look though as they jetted out of there before the season opened.  the little group of 3 rams however hung around long enough for me to snap these pics. 

there was a group of guys that had beaten us to that valley, so when i spoke with them, i assured them they had first choice of rams.  before the season opened, they lost sight of these guys, and they went after the group of 9 instead.  between my hunting partner and i, we decided we were in to far to get them sheep out.  with the warm weather and the brutal hike that we figured was gonna be at least 4 maybe 5 days out, we felt it would be best to not shoot.  there were just too many things that could go wrong.  ive heard the horror stories of guys losing their sheep if they dont get enough meat out, and there was a possibility of spoiled capes so you might not even get a mount.  it was only a few weeks ago, and we feel now we made the right choice.  as time goes on i may change my mind and kick my own arse, but for now i feel good about it.

Based on what ISB writes, and a bit of additional knowledge from an inner circle, this is how I picture the great Hike.

 Bambi gets to a sheep valley already occupied by another hunting party. Instead of vacating, he assures dibs to those who made the effort to be there first.

 For some reason, all the rams vacate the valley before the season opens. Perhaps the effort to take pics of pre-season rams was the cause. These pics show sheep that are aware of the photographer.  Did ISB and his partner blow the rams out of the valley?  Leapfrogging hunters that were already on these rams, and then exposing themselves to the sheep before the season opened....  Ethics?

 There is nothing written that ISB or his partner ever had a chance to shoot a ram. Other sources tell me that this is correct. Innuendo regarding being unprepared to deal with a ram is a mis-leader. Ergo Ego.

 In warm dry weather, meat and cape care for a four to five day pack out is not a concern for the experienced. Airing and crusting techniques with the appropriate use of sun, shade, wind and night easily
give a person all the materials needed to keep fresh meat in good shape for over five days. Capes can be fleshed and dried in a day or two in sunny weather, preserving them to perfection without any salt.  Ability....

 Preparation.... Well that is self explanitory. Recognizing and learning where to improve is how we learn. :)

  Bambi has spent many words over the years exclaiming how easy "sheep hunting" is and his desire to see the animals on a draw as there are few good rams around. Maybe sheep hunting isn't so easy, and there are good rams around for those who make the effort.

 And finally, Bambi, Well Done on BS'in like a true Sheep Hunter!  ;D




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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #54 on: September 22, 2012, 11:54:56 AM »

 And finally, Bambi, Well Done on BS'in like a true Sheep Hunter!  ;D

LOL great comment there as there isnt a sheep hunter out there that isnt a BS'er and anyone that say he doesnt is the biggest BS'er of them all!!!!!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #55 on: September 22, 2012, 01:15:46 PM »
I to, have held back on posts because of ISB saying my posts years ago were full of BS back on A.O.  Oh and of course i apparently am a Clown etc for doing so. The best part of it was shooting an 183 inch Whitey after i was told by the legend there were no Big Deer left where i hunted.

go back and have a look....your memory isnt so good.  you claimed to have seen 3 B&C mule deer in a few days in 234.  what i said was that you greatly overestimated what you saw.  given albertas history for producing book mules, i dont believe for a second you saw 3 in one zone in just a few days. as for whitetails.....that cull will never kill them all.  whitetail bucks are smarter than most guys that try to kill them, so there will always be the odd one that survives and grows big.  the king buck is the best example of that.
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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #56 on: September 22, 2012, 01:22:44 PM »
Based on what ISB writes, and a bit of additional knowledge from an inner circle, this is how I picture the great Hike.

  And finally, Bambi, Well Done on BS'in like a true Sheep Hunter!  ;D

seems everyone has a theory and an inner circle.  given that the only two people who know what we did, thought or talked about are me and my hunting partner.....thats all you can have is more theory.  interesting one for sure.

its been pointed out that all i really had to say was these rams werent what i was looking for so we passed and nobody would have questioned it.  well, that would be a flat out lie.  another story would be to say that we found these guys on the edge of a park and they didnt come out.  another good story, but another lie.  im aware that guys will be poiting and laughing that i gave up and just didnt have it in me to get them out.  oh well, it is what it is.  im not making excuses for it....i didnt have time to get my arse in shape and it cost me a ram. boohoo for me.

as for your last line..... ;D......of course i left out some details and a bunch more pictures.  cant be giving that stuff away for free.
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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #57 on: September 22, 2012, 01:40:45 PM »
Maybe Bambi post up a few pics of your camp and your gear and those with more experience in backpacking can help you be more prepared for the next time. Lots of pics a guy can post and not reveal anything. Would love to see some trip pics! Always cool to see any pics of mountain adventures!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #58 on: September 23, 2012, 09:08:03 AM »
seems everyone has a theory and an inner circle.  given that the only two people who know what we did, thought or talked about are me and my hunting partner.....thats all you can have is more theory.  interesting one for sure.

its been pointed out that all i really had to say was these rams werent what i was looking for so we passed and nobody would have questioned it.  well, that would be a flat out lie.  another story would be to say that we found these guys on the edge of a park and they didnt come out.  another good story, but another lie.  im aware that guys will be poiting and laughing that i gave up and just didnt have it in me to get them out.  oh well, it is what it is.  im not making excuses for it....i didnt have time to get my arse in shape and it cost me a ram. boohoo for me.

as for your last line..... ;D......of course i left out some details and a bunch more pictures.  cant be giving that stuff away for free.

   Ishitbambi should be your your new name. It sounds like they were park sheep as you stated that the nearest highway was in a park. I'd have to a agree with Walking Buffalo on his comments. Ishitbambi you should really do a reality check and get over yourself, and that sheep hunting thing isn't that easy is it!!!!   Have you stocked anybody lately to try and beat them up. :'(


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Re: sheep hunt
« Reply #59 on: September 23, 2012, 10:42:59 AM »

   Ishitbambi should be your your new name. It sounds like they were park sheep as you stated that the nearest highway was in a park. I'd have to a agree with Walking Buffalo on his comments. Ishitbambi you should really do a reality check and get over yourself, and that sheep hunting thing isn't that easy is it!!!!   Have you stocked anybody lately to try and beat them up. :'(


Nothing makes me giggle in the morning , more than this thread !