So I found this web site while I was looking for early season sheep information for WMU 410 so I can try and kill a ram before any sheep changes come in. Let me start with this: I know good sheep hunters find good spots by putting in long hours and hard days and I'm not looking for an easy way out, all I'm looking for is your experiences so I might have a glimmer of hope. I am not asking for your spots nor do I want them, I want to do this on my own.
With that said, if you have hunted WMU 410 early season sheep and have gotten shots or have killed a ram let me know so I at least know there is a hope of killing a ram in the early season and I'm not looking for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
If you're so willing to let me know if you found the sheep in the trees or higher up that would be great so I can at least focus my efforts on the right part of the mountain but as stated before I do not want your honey holes. I want to hike my butt off to find my own sheep so at the end of the day I can say I earned this ram and I did it on my own.
Really look forward to hearing your stories.