Author Topic: Sheep Hunting around the corner  (Read 1455 times)


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Sheep Hunting around the corner
« on: August 11, 2014, 10:12:13 PM »
          The sheep opener is coming up quick, what is everyones plans?  I don't usually hit the opener rather waiting until mid to late september but it still feels like I'm not going to be ready in time.  It's been a pretty busy year and can't wait for some time in the mountains.

          With changes promised next season does it change anything for those who haven't got that first ram yet.  Will you hunt harder, maybe settle for something a little less than imagined?

          Thinking about the potential changes the biggest thing I'm worried about is restricting the harvest so much that people that want to start sheep hunting or haven't harvested a ram yet don't have enough opportunity to go through the learning curve of hunting the mountains and hunting sheep. If the hunt is restricted to older rams, full curl rams or a longer wait period after harvesting I think a lot of sheep hunters could live with that.  Restricting it so much that someone has to either be a veteran, know a veteran, or hire a guide to capitalize on what could be a long awaited tag doesn't sit well with me at all. 

       With that said are changes really warranted?  I understand that habitat and predation are being looked at and maybe more time is needed before changes are made to the regulations that will be hard to undo.

          The reason I bring this up is I feel a lot those in the sheep hunting population that are pushing for changes probably already have a ram or two on the wall and quite frankly don't really care about those who are going through the bumps and bruises of getting to that first ram.  That next personal best is all that matters and the easiest thing to try and manipulate is the numbers.


"Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep"


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Re: Sheep Hunting around the corner
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2014, 10:57:41 AM »
My foot has been bothering me for some time not sure I will head out this year but if I do it will be later in September.   Last year I kind of had my ass kicked going out with a granola munching freak may have been poor planning on my part. 

Good luck out there!     


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Re: Sheep Hunting around the corner
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2014, 02:19:15 PM »
I'll be out for the 2 days before it opens as well as opening day. I've seen legal rams every year since i shot my first (2010) but hope to find something a bit bigger. With changes on the horizon, i may shoot a slightly smaller ram than i would have last year but it's really hard to say until I'm out there. I had no problems in leaving younger rams walk over the past couple seasons, maybe a few have escaped and grown up. Hopefully the government doesn't make dumb decisions with the regulations, worst case scenario would be everything goes on draw and general sheep hunts will become a thing of the past.


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Re: Sheep Hunting around the corner
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2014, 05:28:52 PM »
Been hearin rumours of a change for years.  I am not certain they will happen yet.  I havn't chased sheep for 2 or 3 years now and wish I had time to go.  Don't think it will happen this year either

Roughneck Country

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Re: Sheep Hunting around the corner
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2014, 07:56:09 AM »
Finally got my first BigHorn this year, this is how I break the learning curve down. Season 1&2 learning how to hunt in the mountains, what to bring what to leave at home etc... Season 3-5 learning how to "hunt" sheep where to find them what to do and not to do etc..., season 6+ credible opportunities start presenting themselves and sooner or later you will capitalize.