Author Topic: Shutting down supplemental deer tags  (Read 4011 times)


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Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« on: November 05, 2011, 08:11:01 PM »
My dad was telling me he heard on CHED today that there was some sort of deal about shutting down the supplemental tags in North Eastern Alberta. Anyone heard anything about this? Sometimes my dad gets stuff mixed up but that's what he figures he heard.


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Re: Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2011, 09:29:02 PM »
Never heard anything about that but going back to what dark wing said on the "Winter Kill" thread about a heavy winter kill a couple years back up in the north west and the fact that it affected the does mainly and there seemed to be a high number of young bucks left. I went and pulled my camera card again today and man I can't beleive it. I shit you guys not,, I have got at least 6 or 7 different bucks on that camera over the last few days and maybe the same amount of does with fawns. This strikes me funny. Usually the does and fawns out number the bucks. May be a little out of whack after last winter so they may be looking at shutting it down..  I know one thing, with high buck to doe ratio's that means there is going to be some awesome rattling this year.. Get at er boys.


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Re: Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2011, 09:49:23 PM »
Well you get a couple hard winters and guys taking 2 supplemental does its not surprising to see results like that I suppose.


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Re: Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 09:13:14 PM »
I think this is what my dad was referring to, it seems some guys are making assumptions and didn't find the changes in the regs. I am sure the fish cops are having a heyday charging guys though: Remember people, it's your responsibility to weed through all the ads and pick out what's important in the regs!

Hunters be sure to check hunting regulations for where your licences are valid

Supplemental Antlerless White-tailed Deer Licences are no longer valid in several central Alberta Wildlife Management Units

The white-tailed deer season began November 1st in central Alberta. A number of hunters are not aware of an important change for this year -- the removal of a number of Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) from the list of units in which a Supplemental Antlerless White-tailed Deer Licence is valid.

A message about the change (on page 12 of the paper copy of the 2011 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations) shows that this licence is not valid for WMUs 240, 242, 250, 252, 504 and 506 which covers a swath of central Alberta from Viking to Two Hills and northwest through the Redwater/Thorhild area and up to Athabasca and Boyle. A similar change in southern Alberta for WMUs 150, 151, 162 and 163 (south of Hanna) is also in effect, although an Antlerless White-tailed Deer Special Licence can be obtained for these four WMUs.

In central Alberta, this change has reportedly been missed by more than a few hunters and Fish and Wildlife officers are encountering hunters who have mistakenly taken antlerless white-tailed deer where the licence is not valid.

For further information, see guide on this page - click on the guide, then on Changes and Definitions, scroll down to Important Changes for 2011 - look under Big Game.

Hunters are advised to check carefully to ensure their licence - including a supplemental licence - is valid in the WMU in which you intend to hunt.



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Re: Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2011, 09:59:25 PM »
30 years ago you would see 10 mulie bucks for every whitetail buck (in my neck of the woods) Now whitetail does are like vermin..everywhere man..everywhere man..


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Re: Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2011, 10:50:29 PM »
You know that's what my dad always says Sonny. He said in the late 60's early 70's you would be hard pressed to find a whitetail north of the Athabasca river. They used to hunt deer around Hylo area and push bush and sometimes maybe see a couple does all day. Even moose hunt southwest of Valleyview and maybe come across one set of deer tracks in a day. How its changed.


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Re: Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2011, 01:56:55 PM »
i for one was glad to see them shutdown supplemental does around two hills. hunted there a number of years with a buddy that grew up there. after 2006 many deer died. then in 2007 they opened the first 2XX zone to sunday hunting. great idea. it was a complete zoone out there, another bad winter and we stopped hunting there. for next two years you could still take 2 does in a zone that we would have a hard time finding 2 deer in. major oversight in my opinion. i think we are at a min 2 years behind animal counts and management strategies.

how many times have we heard some-one say "quality way down", harsh winter kill etc and u can still see in the regs that 2 does are allowed. and i am not taking about the CWD zone. i just get disappointed with how we manage out animals. I would rather get drawn half as often than kill every last thing in the bush. to bad there is only about 12 people that feel the same way so....

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Re: Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2011, 02:13:06 PM »
i for one was glad to see them shutdown supplemental does around two hills. hunted there a number of years with a buddy that grew up there. after 2006 many deer died. then in 2007 they opened the first 2XX zone to sunday hunting. great idea. it was a complete zoone out there, another bad winter and we stopped hunting there. for next two years you could still take 2 does in a zone that we would have a hard time finding 2 deer in. major oversight in my opinion. i think we are at a min 2 years behind animal counts and management strategies.

how many times have we heard some-one say "quality way down", harsh winter kill etc and u can still see in the regs that 2 does are allowed. and i am not taking about the CWD zone. i just get disappointed with how we manage out animals. I would rather get drawn half as often than kill every last thing in the bush. to bad there is only about 12 people that feel the same way so....
make that 13


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Re: Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2011, 05:58:17 PM »
i for one was glad to see them shutdown supplemental does around two hills. hunted there a number of years with a buddy that grew up there. after 2006 many deer died. then in 2007 they opened the first 2XX zone to sunday hunting. great idea. it was a complete zoone out there, another bad winter and we stopped hunting there. for next two years you could still take 2 does in a zone that we would have a hard time finding 2 deer in. major oversight in my opinion. i think we are at a min 2 years behind animal counts and management strategies.

how many times have we heard some-one say "quality way down", harsh winter kill etc and u can still see in the regs that 2 does are allowed. and i am not taking about the CWD zone. i just get disappointed with how we manage out animals. I would rather get drawn half as often than kill every last thing in the bush. to bad there is only about 12 people that feel the same way so....

Make it 14.  I personally bought supplemental antlerless WT tags this year too and had many in the scope but I just didn't pull the trigger.  The buck was enough for me but I figured these cheap tags would keep me hunting in my zone. My buddies took a dry doe but we sure didn't load the truck like we could have.  I hope ASRD will change the regs in time in some areas.  Whitetails are pretty resilient though.
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Re: Shutting down supplemental deer tags
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2011, 06:27:43 PM »
i also bought the supplemental tags but will not be using them... a small donation to asrd... maybe if i absolutely needed the meat i would... but this is not the case