Author Topic: Slammers  (Read 6713 times)


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #40 on: January 28, 2012, 08:17:53 PM »
well enigma/mounting men/bobo or anything else you want to call just seems you arent going to ever contribute anything to this forum....or any other.  so why are you here?  slinking around like a weasel with someone elses pic for an avatar wanting the world to think you are someone important with something intelligent to say.  sorry maam, but you arent fooling anyone.  you know what i think would be the ultimate slam in alberta......your little pin head in a car door.   nothing but a keyboard coward.....
ISB please tell us why you felt the need to try and be-little a great hunter on his NA 29 over on Alberta Outdoorsmen
Jealous by chance?


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #41 on: January 28, 2012, 08:38:20 PM »
if you can read, you would see that i asked the same question there as here.  i didnt belittle anyone over any slam.....if you think i did, by all means copy and paste it here.   the same question here resulted in a couple pages of discussion without any negativity.  might want to have a look at who began the slagging over there and ask them why they said what they did.   i simply asked which slammer you give the biggest thumbs up to.  i chose who i did with an explanation and asked others to do the same.

 now if you wish to discuss a different thread, then yep, i did point out someone saying that he was quite willing to do some illegal things.  there was offering 10k to anyone who would guide his brother to a 200 inch mule deer, followed by a plan to illegally guide or be guided for sheep with an included cover story to tell the fish cops if they asked.  if you are cool with guys breaking laws while hunting i guess thats your own personal issue.  me....i aint cool with it and said so.  one  difference between me and a keyboard coward like you is that i can state an opinion, back it up with fact and sign my real name to it.  again i have to wonder why you hide behind multiple profiles trying so hard to raise crap without offering any positive contribution to this or any other forum.

signed dale allen...the actual guy in the pic at the top left.
opinions are like sphincters......everyone has one, and they all stink!


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #42 on: January 29, 2012, 10:01:01 AM »
This is our site guys!

I was never part of whatever went on in the other forums, I'm here because an awesome guy suggested I join and I have been enjoying the forum up until now. Anytime u ask someones opinion your going to cause a ruckus, but that doesn't mean it has to go this far. On this forum there have already been a few differences of opinion but through the class of the contributors they never went this far. I'm not taking sides here, but I'm also not going to see this forum turn into an octagon. I'm a young guy and I have so much to learn from you all, so keep it positive so we can grow this community.

So many valuable contributors, ISB I loved your pictures of your season and was very jealous of the animals ;) haha and enigma I haven't seen many of your post, but I'm starting to see more. I hope to enjoy your post from both of you in the future rather than to feel compelled to say something regarding the appropriateness of some of them.

If I'm wrong and this is the kind of things all forums eventually start producing then sorry.

Post script I'm still sticking with Fred however my two favorite hunts of all time have to be Fred's goat and jim's goat both unbelievably great hunters but Fred and his recurve for me is a winner combination
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"

Hope this goes over well....


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #43 on: January 29, 2012, 07:17:16 PM »
wow... i just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading this thread.


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #44 on: January 29, 2012, 11:16:08 PM »
Shockey is a douche, he would hunt down his Grandma for an endorsement. And another thing it's pretty easy to go bag a slam when you have...

1. A wife that doesn't give a shit how much time you are away. Have you see Shockey's daughter? Doesn't look much like old Jimbo...just saying

2. Deep pockets full of sponsorship cash.

As far as Garrett, class act people, worked with his brother Brian.

Anyway personally I never gave a crap about a slam. I just enjoy getting out and yes, I would kill that little moose for meat, or that barely legal elk, sometimes I have nothing to prove other than bringing some meat home so the wife doesn't bitch. Big deer, that's another story.

I better cool it before I get a warning, or this thread gets locked  8)


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #45 on: January 30, 2012, 07:14:23 PM »
Shockey is a douche, he would hunt down his Grandma for an endorsement. And another thing it's pretty easy to go bag a slam when you have...
1. A wife that doesn't give a shit how much time you are away. Have you see Shockey's daughter? Doesn't look much like old Jimbo...just saying
2. Deep pockets full of sponsorship cash.

Looks like we wont see any advertisements for JS's The Professionals here on Alberta Sportsman anytime soon.

Sad to see you think this way paulie. I think Jim has been a geat ambassador for hunting and canadian hunters. He has accomplished more than most will ever dreaming of doing on a international scale.  Did you know that jimmy boy is being reconized as the SCIs hunter of the year this week? Pretty important i would think


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #46 on: January 30, 2012, 07:53:24 PM »
Oh cmon Bobo anyone can see I wasn't being serious. Kudos to anyone that can build what Jim built on a passion for hunting. He has a sense of humor don't worry and when he reads the post I am sure he will have a chuckle.


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2012, 06:12:21 PM »
well Justin i will spell it out for you what many have been thinking. most people are tired of you talking out of your ass online. your superhero attitude is something to be desired.
no wonder so many people snicker about your posts
thanks paulie for letting us speak our minds here


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2012, 06:45:19 PM »
well Justin i will spell it out for you what many have been thinking. most people are tired of you talking out of your ass online. your superhero attitude is something to be desired.
no wonder so many people snicker about your posts
thanks paulie for letting us speak our minds here

Yep we speak our minds but many are tired of your antics Enigma as well and maybe even mine but so far we have all kept them ego's and thoughts in check and things have went well so maybe we could take a step back and re evaluate trash talking people! Direct insults dont really accomplish anything productive. If you wanna discuss long range shots and put your opinion out there or anything that you disagree about how some hunt im sure  many including Justin will gladly oblige you! But to just talk down people directly isnt necessary in my eyes. Lets talk topics not whether or not you like an individual or not. If your ideas are that much better than say Justins put them forth for an open discussion as I know Justin puts his forth no matter if any of us agree with them.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Slammers
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2012, 09:36:07 PM »
Well said Shepguide and I don't think you have said anything you need to hide from Sheepguide.  You're a straight shooter and well respected so I wouldn't feel bad about any contribution on this forum.  It wouldn't be the same without you. Enigma I think I can do without though!! :o  I haven't seen much here from him to contribute much of anything other than belittle others all the time. 


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2012, 08:38:02 AM »
If I shoot a gopher in January I have shot them in every month of the year.  Thought I would throw that out there it would be my personal slam   8)


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2012, 09:57:06 AM »
If I shoot a gopher in January I have shot them in every month of the year.  Thought I would throw that out there it would be my personal slam   8)

Ya but were they trophy gophers or just the first ones you saw? Makes all the difference!!!   LOL  Great post! Love a little humor to lighten things up!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Slammers
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2012, 10:40:27 AM »
Ya but were they trophy gophers or just the first ones you saw? Makes all the difference!!!   LOL  Great post! Love a little humor to lighten things up!

You just couldn't leave it alone eh Sheepguide...... ::) ;D


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2012, 01:05:53 PM »
  Mountain Hunters or guys with hunting dogs and horse guys are mostly extremely opinionated people this forum from what I have seen is full of them!!!  I don’t want to leave out the fishing guys there two holes in life you don’t talk about your fishing hole and your significant others hole just the way it is.  And for the regular big game hunter types just because someone married in to your family doesn’t mean you take them hunting…….

  It's Just the internet boys and I am glad to be here if the above paragraph has offended you I am glad you’re the guy I want answers from for my dumb questions  ;)
 As my father would say these are the good old days and you’re on the right side of the grass 

  And as far as my gopher slam goes October November December and February were all trophys the big males are the only ones out late season eventually I will get my January gopher and complete the slam but some A## is going to ask for pics of proof not everything has a happened in the digital pixel  age 
  Cheers see ya on the line           


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2012, 03:08:55 PM »
  Mountain Hunters or guys with hunting dogs and horse guys are mostly extremely opinionated people this forum from what I have seen is full of them!!!  I don’t want to leave out the fishing guys there two holes in life you don’t talk about your fishing hole and your significant others hole just the way it is.  And for the regular big game hunter types just because someone married in to your family doesn’t mean you take them hunting…….

  It's Just the internet boys and I am glad to be here if the above paragraph has offended you I am glad you’re the guy I want answers from for my dumb questions  ;)
 As my father would say these are the good old days and you’re on the right side of the grass 

  And as far as my gopher slam goes October November December and February were all trophys the big males are the only ones out late season eventually I will get my January gopher and complete the slam but some A## is going to ask for pics of proof not everything has a happened in the digital pixel  age 
  Cheers see ya on the line         

Lol,, well jimmy this post has the most usefull info in it out of all of them...


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2012, 03:49:28 AM »
You are a Internet tough guy that could not fight him self out of a paper bag.  But really what is your problem. Why have you not been banned on here aswell. You are nothing but a whining troll.

Justin is right Enigma, you only come on to troll or stir the pot. Why? How about you contribute something positive here?


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2012, 07:03:58 AM »
Justin is right Enigma, you only come on to troll or stir the pot. Why? How about you contribute something positive here?

....or anywhere for that matter.  you might hold a slam of your own there bobo.....most times banned from internet forums under the most usernames......congrats on being the king of ....something..... ::)
opinions are like sphincters......everyone has one, and they all stink!


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Re: Slammers
« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2012, 09:20:00 AM »
  Mountain Hunters or guys with hunting dogs and horse guys are mostly extremely opinionated people this forum from what I have seen is full of them!!!  I don’t want to leave out the fishing guys there two holes in life you don’t talk about your fishing hole and your significant others hole just the way it is.  And for the regular big game hunter types just because someone married in to your family doesn’t mean you take them hunting…….

  It's Just the internet boys and I am glad to be here if the above paragraph has offended you I am glad you’re the guy I want answers from for my dumb questions  ;)
 As my father would say these are the good old days and you’re on the right side of the grass 

  And as far as my gopher slam goes October November December and February were all trophys the big males are the only ones out late season eventually I will get my January gopher and complete the slam but some A## is going to ask for pics of proof not everything has a happened in the digital pixel  age 
  Cheers see ya on the line         

pics or it didn't happen. ;D

Now on to the 'slammers'. Personally 'slams' don't mean too much to me and never really followed any of these guys. I know who Shockey is because I seen his show a few time, more because his Dad cracks me up. But I must admit that my hat goes off to anyone who sets out goals and achieves them, not only in hunting but in life in general. Just because a guy shot every animal on the the planet or in NA, it doesn't make him a better hunter than anyone else or a better person.

I will applaud them for achieving their goals though. *handclap*