Author Topic: Spring bear just around the corner!  (Read 1460 times)


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Spring bear just around the corner!
« on: March 06, 2014, 03:47:17 PM »

Setting up spring bear last year, Getting the stink out early! It was the 1st weekend in April with the excitement of getting out and locking in some bear bait stations we ignored the weather stations heavy snow fall warnings. We arrived late Friday night and wasting no time setting up the wall tent and getting some wood for the stove. With head lights on the tent the interior frame went up smooth as it can in the dark. Next morning we woke up to about 8 ins over night and still dumping snow. We decided to head to the closest bait which was the easier of the two. After about a km in off the old lease road we hung the stink bucket and left a bag of oats in the barrel with syrup mixed in. With the snow getting worse we head back to camp and start a warm fire in the tent for some lunch on the stove. After lunch we took a look out side and thought its much nicer inside the old tent in are chairs so we called it a day. We poured a drink or two and spent the rest of the day frying bacon rapped deer steak bites and other snacks on the stove. Sunday morning brought clear sky's, so we loaded up and headed to are last bait to set up. We unloaded the Quad and started down the pipe line pushing the quad out numerous times. But we finally made it in to a nice location right beside a creek with some nice funnels. After a hour or two of set up we had a nice site. The way back was much easyer as we only had to push the quad 3 to 4 times lol. We got back to the lease loaded up and we hit the road home! Cant wait to set up again in a couple weeks! Trips like this stay in our memory for ever, Good Friends, and the outdoors keeps me coming back year after year!
  Afternoon after the morning set up Sunday morning Heading out after setting last bait.
I hunt because its me Life, Not a Hobby...


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Re: Spring bear just around the corner!
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2014, 04:55:05 PM »
Good or bad weather, it's always a pleasure to get out there Mitch. Had some trips like that myself. Nothing wrong with a day in the tent with a nice fire roaring, shooting the shit with the boys over a brewsky or two. Nice pics thanx for sharing!


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Re: Spring bear just around the corner!
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2014, 07:26:20 AM »
Looks like fun guys.  Im hoping to get out this year for a bear.


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Re: Spring bear just around the corner!
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2014, 07:29:06 AM »
Yup,,, looks like a fun trip,, some times the most miserable trips are the most memorable ones.. Years later they are never as bad as when we are actually there..


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Re: Spring bear just around the corner!
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2014, 08:15:12 AM »
Awesome.  Looks like fun.