Author Topic: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.  (Read 4939 times)


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SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« on: July 04, 2012, 02:32:30 PM »

  Basically what has happened is they changed the boundaries of zone 330 and 332 I was aware they were going to do this and I fought to keep them as they were.  Long story short the head bio in rocky told me they were going to bring the southern part of the zone 332 into 330.

So I am reading the Regs and it says that the border for 332 and 330 is hwy 12 and 22.  I just blew my cow elk draw and a buddies 3 years priority gone if I get the tag. 
And to top it off SRD thinks the herd is no longer there.  sure  glad I take bring my dog big game hunting……..   

Here is a pic of the elk in my back yard I won’t be hunting in the near future. 


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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2012, 10:01:18 AM »
That sucks that is a nice area.  I am heading out to 338 this year for Elk we will see how that goes.


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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 05:07:10 PM »
they definitely arent trying to make any freinds are they.... sorry to hear that jimmy


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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2012, 12:01:51 AM »
Jimmy can you explain the exact boundary change and how it effects the area. I've seen the proposed change and I can't see it being that big of a change unless you hunt a lot in that small area but I don't hunt that area.
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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2012, 08:45:04 PM »
Thats got to suck for sure. You would think they would have to leave things as they were until after hunting season or they should have confirmed any changes well in advance of the draws being out.


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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2012, 07:44:39 AM »
Jimmy can you explain the exact boundary change and how it effects the area. I've seen the proposed change and I can't see it being that big of a change unless you hunt a lot in that small area but I don't hunt that area.

  It is a small area for sure there are not too many of us that hunt there but a few.  There is a small herd of elk in the area that runs up both sides of the river along the farm country up the NSR.  The elk cross the river all the time and get pushed out of 330 on the west side to 332 on the east side.
  So with the crappy wmu maps guys would end up hunting on the other side of the river and claiming they were still in in 330.  Rather than enforce the boundary’s that were clear to see they opted out for the easy solution. 

  I just checked with the wmu map on line they have not up dated the map but in the regs it is a notice under changes.
At this point I have no idea what zone my property is and the land I hunt.             


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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2012, 07:48:35 AM »
Sorry to hear that Jimmy. The best thing to do is call and cancel your draw so you don't loose priority. That does suck how dumb SRD is.  They have sure screed lots up over the last couple years.
  Justin I think I am going to go in to the SRD office in rocky and have them physically show me WTF they are doing…  WMU map is not up dated with the change from what I can see.   I will be sure to ask if I dump an elk any were in the area what will hold up in court.   


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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2012, 08:00:02 AM »
Thats got to suck for sure. You would think they would have to leave things as they were until after hunting season or they should have confirmed any changes well in advance of the draws being out.

The SRD stuck a small notice in the rocky rag paper that was the big announcement.  I went to the office and asked the head BIO how I could stop this.  I suggested that I could get every resident along the proposed zone change to sign a petition against this.  1 week later I got a email from SRD saying local support was in favor of the change.
  Bunch of lying government workers!!!!     


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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2012, 09:46:00 PM »
The proposed change to that boundary was announced last Feb. at the AF&GA conference.  But it sounds like you knew the change was coming.  Am I to understand that you put your draw in the wrong WMU anyway?

This afternoon at the AFGA conference ASRD presented the following changes and proposed changes for the 2012 season.

- May 9th draw booklet to be printed.
- WMU 250 503 506 will have a antlerless mule deer special licence.
- Saturday and Sunday hunting in Strathcona County.
- Moose season in WMU 152.
- WMU 337 & 338 will no longer have a general archery moose season.
- Elk seasons for WMU 544. Aug-Jan
- WMUs 416-418 420 422 428 430 no general archery elk season.
- Earlier fall black bear season start date in WMUs 300-314 326-342 429 841.
- Eliminate the bear baiting ban in WMU 544.
- Mandatory head submissions for CWD testing in WMUs 160 204 230.
- Discontinuing the land owner quota tags in CWD zones.
- Discontinuing the December season and primitive weapons season back to the pre-CWD seasons in WMUs 150-152 162 163 200 202 232 234 236 256 500. - Allow the use of dark decoys in your spread when using a e-caller for snow geese.
- WMU 841 Sept 1st start date for waterfowl.
- WMU 332 and 330 boundary change to Hwy 22.


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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2012, 04:20:49 AM »
Yes deerman I was aware that they were going to change it I was unable to clarify with them to the exact boundary change.  I am all most sure that the WMU map does not show the change.  Worked out no one was drawn for elk.   

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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2012, 11:20:58 PM »

 You blew the draw, not SRD. The changes were made, notifications were made, the EXACT boundary changes were identified, and you knew it in advance of putting in your draw.

 You don't like the boundary change, fair enough. Make an effort if you desire to have it reversed .

"I will be sure to ask if I dump an elk any were in the area what will hold up in court."

 Only one way to find out....   ::)



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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2012, 06:26:25 AM »

 You blew the draw, not SRD. The changes were made, notifications were made, the EXACT boundary changes were identified, and you knew it in advance of putting in your draw.

 You don't like the boundary change, fair enough. Make an effort if you desire to have it reversed .

"I will be sure to ask if I dump an elk any were in the area what will hold up in court."

 Only one way to find out....   ::)

Can you please point out to me were and when they stated the EXACT zone boundaries.  The south boundary is actually 22 and 12 not just 22 as posted above.  I have not seen the new WMU map that is not digital is the change on it?     
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 06:36:20 AM by JIMMY 808 »


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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2012, 10:44:33 AM »
Jimmy 808, blaming someone else for your mistake is wrong on so many levels. Maybe you should suck it up princess and move on.
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Re: SRD Blew My Elk Draw Possibly.
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2012, 02:08:14 PM »
Jimmy 808, blaming someone else for your mistake is wrong on so many levels. Maybe you should suck it up princess and move on.
Thank you for your kind words John please point out to me where I could have found the exact boundary changes prior to the draws.