Author Topic: State of Alberta Antelope Herd  (Read 4311 times)


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State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« on: March 22, 2012, 03:11:19 PM »
So anyone know much about the antelope herd? Someone mentioned there might not be a season this year for them. Anyone head anything or any guys from down south know what's going on with the antelope population?


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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 08:22:01 PM »
antelop took a kicking in winter of 2010-2011
Herd is down a bit
I havent seen near as many in the last couple years as before.
I work in northdakota and montan quite a bit over the las t two years and the population is down there as well
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2012, 08:33:33 PM »
From what I was told they are wishing they would have closed it last fall and depending on how the population count goes could result in no season this year. Was told that leaving it open last year set them behind and they may have to play catch up this year. Again it's second hand info so I take it that way.
Would like to hear a bit more info from the local guys in our antelope areas as to how things are.
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 08:59:28 PM »
I live in Redcliff just outside of Medicine Hat
I have not seen half the antelope in the last two years as what was there before
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2012, 09:03:34 PM »
From what I was told they are wishing they would have closed it last fall and depending on how the population count goes could result in no season this year. Was told that leaving it open last year set them behind and they may have to play catch up this year

The main reason for not closing it last year, was likely to let the outfitters have their hunts. They actually had more outfitter tags in some areas than resident tags. I am betting that once again there will be a season, just to appease the outfitters.


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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2012, 09:36:21 PM »
Don't doubt you Stubble but I find it real hard to believe that to be true


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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2012, 09:45:18 PM »
Well if the rumors  are true about the sheep draws and NR sheep tags are true you may change your tune Nube!!!!! Sounds like zero changes for NR sheep hunting even with the upcoming resident changes! Again second hand info so who knows!
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2012, 10:31:37 PM »
"They actually had more outfitter tags in some areas than resident tags."

You really think they had more tags given out for NRA then residents Sheepguide.  That seems a bit far fetched does it not?  I don't doubt the number may not look nice but I can't see the outfitters getting more tags than residents.  Either way things are going to have to change and they better change where the outfitters have the 10% or less tags in an area.  Fair is fair and rules are rules.  If you have proof of the numbers Stubblejumper I would post them up here so we can write some letters and I will gladly be the first to write them if it is true.


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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2012, 10:38:32 PM »
nobody from srd is going to outright say they couldnt shut the season down because of outfitter tags, but thats what it was.  and yes outfitter tags did outnumber resident tags in a lot of areas.  thats not saying that them outfitter tags are the reason the population took a hit, but it sure has got a lot of people fired up....and rightfully so!  that discussion is another thread.....

anyway, from what ive seen id guess that the population locally was down around 30-40%.  according to srd counts from last year, the numbers were down 30% provincewide, but some areas were affected more than others.  and like i said...was down.  about a month ago i noticed that the numbers seemed to double in a two week period.  i spent some time out there chasing coyotes and literally saw it happening before my eyes.  i dont know if these animals have migrated up from montana or just moved in from other areas in alberta, but there are definitely more today than 2 short months ago.  now this is just a theory, but coming up from montana makes the most sense to me given the warm weather we have had around here.  fawns are nowhere near ready to show up yet, so migration is the only answer.  i guess once the counts are done again (usually around june) we will know for sure.

the number i have been told were that in june 2010, the province wide population was 20000.  the provincial goal im told is 18000, and that was the reason for super high tag numbers that year.  last year, the provincial population was 14000...well below the goal, so tag numbers were way down.  its my opinion that i am glad they didnt shut the season down completely.  history shows us that they can take things away easy enough, but getting them back is mighty tough.  id rather see jsut a few token tags issued than none at all, and same goes for this year.
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2012, 10:40:41 PM »
"They actually had more outfitter tags in some areas than resident tags."

You really think they had more tags given out for NRA then residents Sheepguide.  That seems a bit far fetched does it not?  I don't doubt the number may not look nice but I can't see the outfitters getting more tags than residents. 

absolutely true in some zones nube.  not province wide....but some zones in the southeast, thats the truth.  it also stands true for antlered mule deer in a few zones as well.....outfitters had more tags than residents for them too.
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2012, 10:41:21 PM »
As mismanaged as many parts of Alberta are getting it honestly wouldn't surprise me in the least that numbers are that out of wack!!! Bunch of zones I hunt run 50% resident to 50% NR on tags. Rumors are them numbers are going to change but we will see!
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2012, 10:45:02 PM »
As mismanaged as many parts of Alberta are getting it honestly wouldn't surprise me in the least that numbers are that out of wack!!! Bunch of zones I hunt run 50% resident to 50% NR on tags. Rumors are them numbers are going to change but we will see!

just romurs SG....the meeting were just held and its decided that it will be staus quo for another 5 years.....walking buff i think it was reported it a few weeks ago.
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2012, 10:48:16 PM »
I know of some local outfitters loosing tags as of 2013 so not all rumors but we will see if them tags just disappear or if they go to residents. I'm sure the will just vanish but who knows!
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2012, 11:18:34 PM »
That is BS if outfitters are getting more than the 10% guys.  How do they get away with it?  There has to be some way to put the pressure on. 


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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2012, 09:28:08 AM »
That is BS if outfitters are getting more than the 10% guys.  How do they get away with it?  There has to be some way to put the pressure on. 

I sent letters to SRD, and the reply from Frank Oberle was that they couldn't reduce the outfitter allocations, because the hunts had already been sold, and it would hurt the outfitters financially. He stated in his letter to me that THE OUTFITTER ALLOCATIONS ONLY MADE UP 28% OF THE TOTAL AVAILABLE TAGS, even though they outnumbered resident tags in some wmus.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 09:30:16 AM by stubblejumper »


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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2012, 09:34:04 AM »
Where can we get the actual numbers? 


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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2012, 09:36:00 AM »
Well I was just on HBC forum and looks like the speed goat outfitters still have tags for this coming season (one donated a hunt at the BC wild sheep banquet) so looks like residents should as well.
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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2012, 10:19:18 AM »
Well I was just on HBC forum and looks like the speed goat outfitters still have tags for this coming season (one donated a hunt at the BC wild sheep banquet) so looks like residents should as well.

I will make a prediction, that being that SRD will announce that due to a mild winter pronghorn numbers have increased, so there will be need to reduce outfitter allocations .Either that,or they will reduce the outfitter allocations by one or two tags per wmu to give the illusion that they are being responsible, and the resident tags will still only be 10% of  normal. In any case, the outfitter tags will still be way more that the 10% number they keep using. I hope that I am wrong, but I really doubt it.


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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2012, 11:55:47 AM »
Justin don't hate APOS over this.  It isn't their fault.  They are fighting for their business which anyone rightfully would do.  It is the Gov't that caters to them that is the problem.  If the Bios say that there should be X amount of tags the Gov't needs to stand up and say 10% max goes to outfitters and nothing more. 


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Re: State of Alberta Antelope Herd
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2012, 11:59:50 AM »
Just a note many outfitters aren't big fans of APOS either!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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