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Stewards of the Land
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Topic: Stewards of the Land (Read 3208 times)
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Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #20 on:
January 28, 2017, 08:45:32 PM »
Oh for sure the reserve has been cleaned out long ago, you know the story. The moose population is doing well there, archery was put on draw only two years ago, before that its was open, just to many people in the area bow hunting they had to throw it on draw. But it has a very stable population.
Its too bad that this land owner never pressed charges just to set an example for the future, but I wouldn't doubt it for a minute that he knows the older native guy, who knows the whole story. Maybe years past he gave them permission and it's only the last couple years since the explosion of acerages he said no, but in the end it wasn't that big of deal to him. You know lots of them old boys from up north axe,, what's a coupe moose to the local bands,, it's no big deal to them.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.
Never run away a boy, When you can walk away a man
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Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #21 on:
January 29, 2017, 06:21:07 AM »
I understand what your saying walleyes, and I have nothing personal against the natives, the schools I grew up in had a big native population, played on the same teams and all good guys. But I have, and always will feel that the laws of the land should be the same for every Canadian, black, brown, red and white. I and my kids have nothing to do with 150 years ago, the only way to make people equals and to stop discrimination is to treat us all the same way. Our government is to blame, they kept allowing or creating special interest groups and give people reason's to hate each other. My 2 penny's worth anyway.
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Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #22 on:
January 29, 2017, 07:35:14 AM »
Oh I agree with you 110% lever trust me, it pisses me off as well. My point was is I don't buy the intimidation theory as to why the land owner never turned these guys in. It's more a case of being not that big of deal to the land owner is all I'm saying.
I will add one thing onto this whole native hunting thing though. How many natives have any of you seen back in the bush hunting the last 20 years. Indians don't hunt back in the bush anymore, if they can't drive there in their vehicles they ain't hunting there, you all know that. You don't have to go far in the bush to get away from any native hunting press. They got no time, they might miss a ball game or hockey game on TV lol.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.
Never run away a boy, When you can walk away a man
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Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #23 on:
January 29, 2017, 09:24:58 AM »
And there you go. Proof that this subject can be discussed without censorship. No crazy mod with a predisposed agenda to shut down any thread that brings up native hunting rights. Good discussion from members in our small group. It would even be better if a subsistence hunter would come on here and try to tell us white hunters all about his or her rights, don't even care if it gets a bit heated. I would love to hear that side and banter that around. Even better, a government person that believes in special rights for all different groups of people in Canada, that is where the discussion needs to center on. Nothing will change in this country if the censorship is allowed, that is the tool of socialists. Posters that break forum rules can be dealt with but shutting down important topics from discussion just smacks of weakness and partisanship.
I think I am so fired up about this because I have a good hunch that Turdo Jr. is just stupid enough to give even more hunting rights to natives like allowing them hunting on private lands without permission, who knows. Maybe night hunting rights like they did in Manitoba, maybe adding generous hunting rights to Metis like Manitoba. Turdo is out of money has has to pander to the natives somehow. I know he doesn't even consider taking any special rights away from them in the name of conservation, ever. He has no concept at all of equal rights for all Canadians like Lever mentioned, unless they are new Syrians that he wants to reward.
Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 09:46:26 AM by AxeMan
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain
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Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #24 on:
January 29, 2017, 05:01:55 PM »
Excellent post Axeman.
Thank you for standing up to the liberal "children"
We must remember something about this forum
This forum is different than AO.
This forum consists of actual sporting gentlemen. Actual sporting gentlemen who take fishing and hunting issues to the level of critical thinking and discussion.
Not to the level of being a lap dog for the current political party.
And as such being a member on this forum requires a higher level of knowledge and mental skill of outdoor issues than one sees on AO.
If you possess these skills you are more than welcome here.
Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 05:14:02 PM by greylynx
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Posts: 21
Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #25 on:
January 30, 2017, 07:47:42 PM »
If I owned land in an area where trespassing was an issue, I would have targets placed in all directions from my house. If I noticed a trespasser, I would start target shooting , not right in line with them, but close enough to make them wonder.
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Game on!
Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #26 on:
January 31, 2017, 10:53:42 PM »
Well even if the landowner let it slide, I don't like it much. I would like to see more control on native harvests this isn't 1905 here, yeah let them hunt as much as they want but take away the trucks and the boomsticks and make them do it old school, homemade bows and arrows. That's traditional, trucks and gun aren't.
Quote from: walleyes on March 25, 2013, 07:32:11 PM
Screw them and their tags..
Hero Member
Posts: 617
Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #27 on:
February 02, 2017, 09:06:55 PM »
I did read a little tidbit from the landowners neighbour who I believe was also witness to the poaching that indeed the landowner was not pressing charges due to fear of retribution. Obviously not coming from the horses mouth but nevertheless it angers me a bit that he wouldn't take the time charge these people. It set's a bad precedent. Sure regulated hunters poach as well but those incidents will always be more isolated while this case has the potential to open up an entirely different can of worms due to the simple fact that natives are absolutely allowed to kill all year round with the only asterix being where they kill.
What might end up happening here is a case of things having to get worse before they get better. If this sets a trend going forward and these cases become more common there is no doubt in my mind that that someone is going to excercise their rights on the wrong persons land. So far there is no consequence so what is stopping that inch from growing to a mile.
I have no ill will towards natives but I just wish things would change. I spent a lot of time growing up helping my old man work on some of the roughest reserves in the north and met some of the funniest and happiest people you'd ever meet. On the other hand got to see a lot of stereotypes first hand. There has to be some political will on both sides to end the current state. I don't see how any sane person can look at the way things are and say we've got it right so far.
"Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep"
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Posts: 335
Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #28 on:
February 08, 2017, 11:09:58 AM »
It's too bad in todays day and age of technology and such, were still riding the coattails of 100 plus year old treaties that when written and signed, the people in power had no idea we would be in a world like we are. What gets me is how the FN seem to always push for more when in my opinion, times have changed and we have to realistically look at cutting back some of these so called rights. When the reserves are barren of game(only FN can hunt those so can't blame us) and the many reports of large game being decimated in the crown lands by rampant FN hunting across provinces now. And now we start seeing some FN pushing the private property envelope as they see it is as their right to hunt private properties, which is documented across 3 provinces already. Plus to hear intimidation may be playing a role in land owners not pressing charges is scary as hell and a real threat to our hunting heritage. I can see this going to court as a challenge to where FN can hunt. Can you imagine if a court grants FN the right to hunt private properties, despite what the land owner says? It has been mentioned on that other board by a fellow in the know that FN are hoping to one day be in control of the game, who harvests it, who gets tags. I can't even begin to think what kind of crap show that will be if that is granted.
It scares me to think I wont be able to show my future grand kids how to set up and hunt from a wall tent camp, call moose in, rattle deer in and all that goes with the hunting heritage my dad showed me and my son.
I don't have the answer and things need to change, how long do we keep on allowing unchecked animal harvests and blatant law breaking.
Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 11:11:30 AM by Sooner
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Posts: 983
Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #29 on:
February 08, 2017, 12:43:24 PM »
I hate no man because of the color of his skin. But the day anyone can hunt on my land without permission is the day I will pick up arms.
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Posts: 2532
Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #30 on:
February 09, 2017, 08:56:50 AM »
I can't see that ever happening, not in our time. Government makes to much money off of it to give it up. Ran by Unions boys, think about it, lots of votes there.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.
Never run away a boy, When you can walk away a man
Hero Member
Posts: 717
Re: Stewards of the Land
Reply #31 on:
February 17, 2017, 08:37:16 AM »
Let's get something straight . This forum is the only one available
to the citizens of Alberta to discuss openly the problems facing
the hunter and Fisher in Alberta today .
And the other thing , having just read this whole thread . I can assure
you the shotgun xpert is a bootlicker of the first order . When he sends
You an infraction he makes it sound like it was his idea . Believe me
It is hardly likely he has ever had an idea on his own !
....like Greylynx when the PC s
Are back I will be unrelenting in making sure the dipper brownnosers
get their just deserts .
On the subject at hand , native hunting is out of touch with today's
mores ...you pay them billions and they get to shoot all the game .
Game they can't and don't use. They do it to satisfy that chip on their
shoulder and in some perverse way to punish the white man .
I have seen the cure work , it just has to get a lot more dangerous hunting
at night . I know Indians have their beliefs but this is our land now.
What is unbelievable is that ,that British Liberal attitude that existed
400 years ago is still alive today in some Canadians and that has to
change soon !
And yes I am banned again . Apparently my views on Unions , Natives ,
Transgender people ,our elected leaders , American politics , dogs ,
what constitutes a stupid Hat , are not consistent with the asinine ones
Held by the socialists in charge . Again I am just a touch to right wing for
The current Alberta mainstream .
My motto
and media ....
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Hunting in Alberta
Stewards of the Land