Your stories and posts are all BS. You have a big mental problem.
Screw them and their tags..
A 160" whitetail would definitely fit the bill for me as a monster whitetail. I know...not a giant but certainly a mature buck. If you live in the country that has those deer, then I can see where you would pass in hopes of finding a true giant. Good on you for doing that. My quest for a monster whitetail starts in a few weeks when we make our, now, annual whitetail excursion up north. We get into the timber, stay all day - every day, hoping to find a big one. This will be our 3rd trip, and I hope we can find a big one in the timber. Good luck to you, and enjoy the time you get to spend in the woods.
A 160 is a pretty big buck. A 150 is a pretty good buck and many that size get mounted and hung on the wall.Some years back Jim Shockey proposed a "900 club" for deer hunters (just white-tails I guess) He figured 150 was a pretty good sized buck (net score) and if a hunter could shoot 6 deer that averaged 150 B&C then the half dozen would total 900 B&C. There are more than a few people with their name in the B&C book who got lucky once and bumped into a buck that made the minimum score.But to take 6 that score 150 or better average takes some consistency in doing something right.
The only mature buck I had a chance at last year was on old high tined 4x4 with half its main beem broken off on one side. An American shot it an hour after it walked passed my blind. His G4 was 14" long.
Just to be an ass, how do you know it was a 4x4?