Author Topic: This country makes me laugh ....  (Read 1627 times)


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This country makes me laugh ....
« on: June 05, 2016, 08:22:15 AM »

 The latest from the Edmonton nut factory ....

   I was under the impression that the problem with Animal abuse like a lot of abuse is lack of present law
     Enforcement. Plain and simple . Now this is a liberal socialist based country so you barely get weekends
      In the joint for killing a familly member . I think it's a pretty fine thread between mistreating domestic
      creatures ,and hunting and consuming wild animals . To make that connection you would have to be
       Fairly delusional. Look up delusional in the Webster ,I am pretty sure Rachel Notleys picture is there .
       Let's review the number of people and organizations that want you and me to cease hunting and fishing .

        " You " being the average tax paying ,voting , Canadian citizen .
       1.. Federal Liberal Govt
        2...provincial NDP Govt.
         3.... First Nations and treaty people's
          4... Apparently the Metis ,now are not big on you hunting
            5 ...the United Nations....see bill 21 ..
             6 ...numerous bodies like PETA , Sierra club , NCC ,
          Upping the punishments for duck taping puppies I'm all for but this
             Is a slippery slope ...
              What really worries is that there are TOO Many people who purportedly speak
               For the Hunter /fisher / outdoor enthusiast but in fact only look after their own
                 Agendas .   Alberta Outdoorsmen , AFGA , APOS , DU , it's a long list .
                  I don't remember any foreplay , hugging or kissin , but I'm now convinced
                   I'm being screwed.
My motto


  and media ....


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Re: This country makes me laugh ....
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2016, 08:33:01 AM »
Friggin Socialists.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

Never run away a boy, When you can walk away a man


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Re: This country makes me laugh ....
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2016, 08:25:50 AM »
I blame the gives the whole damned world access and opinion about things they would otherwise have no interest or awareness of.....AND it allows them to do it without consequence.

We play right into their hands every time we post something that is optically vulneable to criticism by a world full of folks who have no interest in any part of our lives...unless they see an opportunity to play internet sniper.

Pardon me but can I please have my country back?


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Re: This country makes me laugh ....
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2016, 06:58:25 AM »
I blame the gives the whole damned world access and opinion about things they would otherwise have no interest or awareness of.....AND it allows them to do it without consequence.

We play right into their hands every time we post something that is optically vulneable to criticism by a world full of folks who have no interest in any part of our lives...unless they see an opportunity to play internet sniper.

You nailed it . YouTube and the like , and the need for the succsessful hunter to gloat  has done more damage to us as hunters and fishermen in the last 5 years , then any other outlet has in 50.
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!