Author Topic: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed  (Read 7639 times)


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2012, 10:37:15 AM »
If anyone has concerns or comments maybe you should come to the information seminars at the Wild Sheep Banquet.


Saturday, March 24, 2012
Sheraton Hotel, Red Deer

9:30 - 10:15 AM
Kathreen Ruckstahl
Bighorn sheep Population Density and Health
Monitoring - K Country and Sheep River Sanctuary

10:15 - 11:15 AM
Kevin Hurley, Disease Update, National WSF Initiatives

11:15 - 12 Noon
Jim Allen, Alberta Fish and Wildlife, Alberta Sheep Management, Transplants, Predator Management Update

1:15 - 2:15 PM
Jim Allen - continued
2:15 PM - 3 PM
General Q&A

Always people saying they are uninformed so here is a chance to get the info you all want! I hope to see a full room this year. Was only maybe 15 - 20 people showed up last year.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 10:42:38 AM by sheepguide »
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2012, 06:00:14 PM »
Stick them in the river valleys on the parries in both Alberta and Saskatchewan.  Exclude any ram taken on the parries from record books just a thought   


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2012, 09:20:48 PM »
I'm not a fan of sticking them on any badland or priarie either but there is a lot of good we could do with surplus.  At least sell them to the U.S and use the money to helecopter down a bunch of wolf packs for starters


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2012, 07:39:05 AM »
why would we give sask anything for starters... When I can hunt there muledeer I will agree on that... Also why should a wild animal be not aloud in the book due to it being on the prarie????

  Saskatchewan is Alberta’s retarded little brother would be nice to help them out and open and opportunity for them.  Mule deer Sask any tv hunter can shoot those right lol I bet TJ has even killed a big one.    The reason I say keep them out of the book is most of the sheep hunters I have been around are sandal wearing, granola munching, back pack wearing snobs, but seriously I do see some of the trophy sheep hunters not going for it just because it’s not in the mountains.  This might be a way to get them to agree?         

walking buffalo

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2012, 10:19:21 AM »
 Regarding our Sheep status and the proposed hunting regulation changes, I've been  busy working with a few of NA's leading sheep biologists on the situation. Quite simply, we are being sold a personal agenda by a few individuals within F&W that has nothing to do with the actual health of our sheep. This is a very alarming situation, that has ramifications for ALL hunting in Alberta, and around the world.

As SG suggests, please get involved and educated. Decisions made on Sheep Management based of F&W's concerns could effect hunting regulations of ALL animals.

A dominant theme in this thread seems to be a desire for financial compensation for these sheep.

 So, what price do you guys suggest? How much for a ewe, or a young ram, or a trophy ram?

Warning, it's a trick question.  ;)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 10:26:06 AM by walking buffalo »


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2012, 02:50:20 PM »
I'll take a stab at it WB.  I think the price should be that costs are paid for to catch them and enough extra to actually do something to help the population we do have in place already!!  That exact price I do not know but I will tell you it would be expensive.  It they won't pay it then we keep them and repopulate the areas that need to be using the $$ that the auction brings in every year.  Where is that money going??? 

I can't get on AO and check out the thread on sheep and the changes but I am interested to know the backroom talk of it all if you care to share?  I think the mains issues with the population if there is one is that some areas get hit by the native hunters and the predators are also hurting the populations.  Most areas I assume are up to par or better than they have been in the past.  My 2 cents worth

walking buffalo

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2012, 01:47:40 PM »
I'll take a stab at it WB.  I think the price should be that costs are paid for to catch them and enough extra to actually do something to help the population we do have in place already!!  That exact price I do not know but I will tell you it would be expensive.  It they won't pay it then we keep them and repopulate the areas that need to be using the $$ that the auction brings in every year.  Where is that money going??? 

I can't get on AO and check out the thread on sheep and the changes but I am interested to know the backroom talk of it all if you care to share?  I think the mains issues with the population if there is one is that some areas get hit by the native hunters and the predators are also hurting the populations.  Most areas I assume are up to par or better than they have been in the past.  My 2 cents worth

Nube,  the reason there is no dollar value put on the sheep is to maintain the legislated classification of the beasts as wildlife, with recognition that the government simply manages the population in the interest of the public. Refer to the North American Model for Wildlife Management.

Selling these animals takes us down the road towards "Ownership" of wildlife. Lets say the price for an Alberta BH sheep is determined to be $5000. Now the precident has been established regarding Value. You want to hunt sheep? Be prepared to pay the price. $5000 harvest fee. See the connection?


Albertans are being presented nothing but propoganda regarding the presented "sheep concerns".

F&W claims that selective hunting (4/5 curl) HAS CAUSED genetic damage to the population, and that the rams are now smaller in horn size and take longer to grow to legal age. This is the issue I have been talking about for years, the propoganda postulated by Coltman and gang, (Jorgenson - Alberta senior wildlife biologist,  Festa-bianchet, Hogg, etc)

They will not provide any data to back up their claim, just summaries that are contradictory. Even from their own summaries, only 3/10 Sheep Management Areas (SMA) have shown a decrease in horn size over the last 40 years. I'll bet that the data will show this decrease is in the order of 2% or less, or even that the data manipulated.

The second claim made by F&W is that there is a province wide shortage of Legal rams in the population, stating that only 2/10 Sheep management areas (SMA) are at a desired level. I have the data that proves this to be false. There are 2/10 SMA's that may have a concern. not 8/10.

While anecdotally metioned, F&W is NOT giving sufficient credence to habitat quality, herd desities, yearly weather conditions, stressors (predation and competition on winter ranges- wild horses), human error in data aquisition. The Claim is that Hunting is the problem, despite that F&W cannot ( will not) even prove that there is a problem.

This sheep concern is agenda driven. Jorgenson desires to have ALL big game animals on a draw system. Sheep hunting is the starter.

We are being sold a bridge to the end of general season hunting.

I tried to Attached the Alberta Bighorn Sheep Summary powerpoint being offered as proof of a concern. No data, just blended cherry picked summaries. It won't upload here (too large), I can send it to you by email.


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2012, 02:00:57 PM »
So why is it stupid that we put in the river breaks like Montana??? There has to be a few things before it could be done. But I  like the idea. I think Alberta would forsure keep the monsters we are known for already.

It is a bad idea for many reason, disease being the biggest one. There are numerous herds of Cattle and Domestic sheep in  Alberta, it is a well known fact that when you mix Bighorns with Domestic Livestock the outcome is very poor for the Bighorns. Another problem with putting these animals on private land is well, I don't think it needs any explanation-paid hunting.

I don't really have a big problem with 'giving' these animals away, but IF there is a problem with the local herds in Alberta, then I do have a problem with it.


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2012, 02:37:41 PM »
Who did the power point you have Buff?
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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walking buffalo

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2012, 09:26:32 PM »
Who did the power point you have Buff?

Jon Jorgenson is in charge of the sheep review.
The provincial data was reviewed by Festa-Bianchet.
 Festa-Bianchet stated in a wildlife management policy paper that ALL big game animal hunting should be on a draw.

I'm happy to say that it appears that the F&W Bosses have seen the light, and are backpedaling away from the hunting induced genetic damage claim. They have no evidence to prove the claim being pushed by Jorgenson, Bianchet, Coltman and gang as fact. Now we need to get F&W to come clean with their survey data.


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2012, 10:20:40 PM »
Right on worst thing is that there are to many agendas out there for studies ever to be unbiased. Thats the bad part about studies is there is always a study to show any other study wrong. How does one ever know who to beleive? Many studies ive read dont jive with what me and many others I know are seeing in certain areas so what, are the studies right?
Worst thing with studies is that if they are never going to say there is no problems as if they do they are going to cut there funding and no one out there doing them studies will ever want that to happen.  So im thinking we are going to be stuck with biased opinions pushing studies to change regulations.

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2012, 02:23:28 PM »
Got a letter from Mr Oberle today.  One thing i noticed is he states there is not a problem with Sheep numbers in Alberta and so they figured they could go ahead with this.  I wrote back a nasty letter stating that they say there are not any problems as stated yet they feel there are issues enough to totally change the sheep hunting regulations and want to impletment changes due to low numbers.  They contidict what they are saying all the time and blowing smoke up everyones arse!!  What a bunch of scum. 

Walking buffalo maybe you can use this info for the fight about sheep changes.  I know you have been involved in a great way and we all need to write more letters. 

March 8, 2012

Dear Mr. --------:
Thank you for your email of February 24, 2012 regarding the bighorn sheep that Sustainable Resource Development recently relocated in Nebraska. I am pleased to provide the following information.
Our department cooperates with our neighbouring jurisdictions in Canada and the United States to manage wildlife on a North American model. We are pleased that our stable and growing wildlife populations have allowed us to help our neighbours with conservation projects to re-establish wildlife in places where they have become extirpated or extinct. In addition to providing wolves for the United States to reintroduce in Idaho and Yellowstone National Park, we have helped restore bighorn sheep to a number of areas in British Columbia and the United States over the years.
Alberta's overall provincial bighorn sheep population is healthy and has remained stable over the past decade. The 35 ewes and five yearling rams in question were moved from an area near the Cadomin mine site. The population of this herd is estimated at 1,000, which is expected to increase by about 200 next year, putting it at or near the carrying capacity of the local habitat. Our efforts to help our neighbours in Nebraska should not have any impact on Alberta's bighorn sheep population or trophy quality.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide these additional details on Alberta's role in this international conservation project.


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #32 on: March 08, 2012, 06:04:36 PM »
The thing that I've noticed is that people are confusing is the total population level with huntable levels. Not saying any of the numbers are right or wrong but from the stuff I have read they say populations are stable but the huntable ram populations in some areas are of concern. This is why proposed hunting changes are being brought up not because of issues with the overal population level.
And in some I've read it's not even about ram numbers but about the age structure of the rams in some areas.
So the way I take what I've been told and such is that changes are nothing to do with the overall bighorn sheep population of Alberta.

Again just my perception of things being brought forth.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2012, 09:07:01 PM »
Age structure really doesn't tell me much Sheep.  Look at the deer population this past 2 years.  The older deer classes are wiped out but the deer numbers are still high.  Most deer right now are in that 3.5 and 4.5 year old class as the winters seemed to kill off that older age group.  Overall the population is good so I am not worried.  Could be the ame thing years ago with the sheep in that a few bad winters killed off some of the age class and here we are with less legal rams for a couple years but the population is still good.  Hopefully that made sense but it was a thought. 


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2012, 12:00:18 AM »
Yep makes sense. Just was pointing out what I sense there decisions are being made on. I do know that a couple of the zones in question have dropped in harvest and average age of rams killed and I beleive that is having a big bearing on some decisions.  Biggest issue right now is how to limit the change to just these zones without having adverse affects on the other zones in Alberta. The other issue is one of these zones has more NR tags than it was originaly supposed to. It was supposed to have 4 just like the surrounding zones but instead it has 8 because of an old outfitter that is a good friend of mine was able to manipulate the system many years ago and have tags moved from another area and transfered into his area. So step one is a predator cull, step 2 is getting these tags back to at least the original allotment,  step three is reassesing the percentage of NR tags in all zones. And third if needed is to manage resident hunters. 
But right now I am more concerned on the fact that they say populations are stable but yet many areas I frequent and have frequented for 24yrs that used to winter a lot of ewes, lambs and many park rams as well as the resident sheep populations are void of any sheep in the winter(and a pile of others have mentioned this to me as well). Makes me worry about what is causing this and what it is affecting!

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2012, 10:01:21 AM »
Good Comments Darcy.  I think if any changes are made it will affect all zones and all sheep hunting.  You can't make a change and not have the domino affect.  I am big on killing some wolves and cougars off myself to help the problem.  The other side of that is where to get the money to do it.  Areas like Wilmore it would be real tough where you can't fly around and shoot them either. 

walking buffalo

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2012, 11:35:30 AM »
Thanks Nube,

  The reply from the minister doesn't add much to the fight for truthful information from F&W. But that's ok. This new minister does seem to be listening to the public, and is asking his staff some tough questions in response to public concerns.  We may finally have a minister that cares about the portfolio.

The Sheep situation at Cadomin is about to implode. Despite previous knowledge and experience with how "unnatural" sheep sanctuaries follow a path of dramatic population growth and severe collapse, ie. Sheep River and Ram Mountain, the scenario is playing itself out yet again.

The bios in charge of the sheep here are seeing the signs of imminent doom to the herd. The glory days of Cadomin Sheep are over, it is all downhill from here.

 SH,   There is a difference between agenda driven "research" and data driven research.  We have several great wildlife scientists  that do not put the cart (agenda) before the horse (agenda). 

 Who's confused about Total sheep population vs Ram percentages and legal ram ratios?
 This is exactly the information that many of us are trying to clarify with F&W, the actual 2011 Aerial Sheep survey numbers and harvest stats (licenced and non licenced) by SMA. They have been promoting a province wide concern, using blended summaries and conclusions, without providing any actual data.

F&W started this concern promotion by stating to AGMAG that only 2 out of 10 SMAs have the desired legal ram population, based on the requirements set out in the Alberta Sheep Management Plan.  Based on the information I have been able to aquire so far, the legal ram composition is at required levels in 8 of the 10 SMAs.

F&W has been caught fudging the concern. We have been offered to buy into an agenda, not science, and they (Jorgenson) got caught.

Hopefully we now have the discussion down to the real data and real concerns. If there are legitimate reasons that NEED changes to hunting regulations in areas of concerns, then F&W will get the support the Sheep need.

I am NOT convinced that restricting sheep hunting in the areas of possible concern will solve any problems. If the herd is in trouble from due to mortality factors other than hunting (habitat, predation, non licenced human induced mortality), then restricting licenced hunting may have absolutley zero positve effect on the sheep. There are other ways to help sheep than to simply further restrict hunting; Habitat enhancement, predator and non native competition (wild horses) control, access control (motorized access restrictions).

We need to not jump the gun here. Lets identify any problems, review possible sources, and then make decisions on how to rectify the problem.



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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2012, 10:55:02 PM »
There are other ways to help sheep than to simply further restrict hunting; Habitat enhancement, predator and non native competition (wild horses) control, access control (motorized access restrictions).

If you change "non native competition" to "native hunting", you'd be onto something.  And motorized access is an overblown factor that is driven by other agendas, IMO.

Anyway, WB, you certainly do good work.  Thx.


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #38 on: March 10, 2012, 07:32:55 AM »
Anyone ever hear what the average harvest is from Natives every year? 


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #39 on: March 12, 2012, 07:24:49 AM »
If you change "non native competition" to "native hunting", you'd be onto something.  And motorized access is an overblown factor that is driven by other agendas, IMO.

Anyway, WB, you certainly do good work.  Thx.

I disagree, in fact i would say it's one of if not the ONLY tool there is available to restrict Native harvest.