Author Topic: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed  (Read 7643 times)

walking buffalo

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2012, 05:17:43 PM »

  Nube, the gov. doesn't seem to want to release the numbers for registered Treaty harvested sheep. ::)

 Native harvest may be a concern in some areas. Whether or not Native harvest in the two SMAs of concern (4B and 4C)  is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Native harvest and poaching could be an issue elsewhere. The word is that by the end of January 2012 there were over 20 sheep killed in the Crowsnest corridor. While present sheep numbers are good here, this may not last with the high post hunting season harvest.

If you change "non native competition" to "native hunting", you'd be onto something.  And motorized access is an overblown factor that is driven by other agendas, IMO.

Anyway, WB, you certainly do good work.  Thx.

 Motorized access is an issue that is being addressed by the government. Closures are happening now, with more to come, in the name of Grizzly Bear and Caribou protection. Restricting motorized access to sheep country will be accomplished through this program.

 I mentioned Feral horses for good reason. Evidence from ongoing Feral horse research may show that Feral horses have become a competion factor to BH sheep on some Sheep wintering grounds.

As the talks with F&W get narrowed down to the facts, details become important. If habitat quality, predetors, feral competition, treaty harvest and poaching are shown individually or in combination to be limiting factors for BH sheep in areas of concern, then we have the opportunity to deal with these issues rather than just playing ostrich and further restrict hunting as the only solution.



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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #41 on: March 12, 2012, 10:18:09 PM »
the stats show that mtotrized access is not an influence on sheep hunting success.  it was presented on another forum that the harvest records show that in areas where atv access has opened there was basically no change in sheep harvest....and the other way too.  where motorized access has been restricted, there has been no change proving the access issue to be moot. 
opinions are like sphincters......everyone has one, and they all stink!


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #42 on: March 13, 2012, 07:47:24 AM »
the stats show that mtotrized access is not an influence on sheep hunting success.  it was presented on another forum that the harvest records show that in areas where atv access has opened there was basically no change in sheep harvest....and the other way too.  where motorized access has been restricted, there has been no change proving the access issue to be moot.

If they opened the gates in WMU 400, you could drive a truck up the mountain. Also it's good to keep the gates closed as it reduces the Native Harvest in that area. Winter Ranges are gated for a reason.


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #43 on: March 13, 2012, 08:10:57 AM »
Motorized access is an issue that is being addressed by the government. Closures are happening now, with more to come, in the name of Grizzly Bear and Caribou protection. Restricting motorized access to sheep country will be accomplished through this program.

Just curious how much sheep habitat will actually be affected by additional motorized vehicle access closures? How many zones have any motorized access that isnt already restricted that can be restricted?
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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walking buffalo

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #44 on: March 17, 2012, 01:34:51 PM »

 Most sheep wmu's have trails where motorized access could become restricted. Unfortunately, the government is being very secretive in their plans for restricting public access in the name of Caribou and Grizzly bear management. To get an idea of what is being developed, you can read this study.

FLMF 2009-03 -- Report: Access Management Study Final

To backtrack a bit, you brought up this concern....

But right now I am more concerned on the fact that they say populations are stable but yet many areas I frequent and have frequented for 24yrs that used to winter a lot of ewes, lambs and many park rams as well as the resident sheep populations are void of any sheep in the winter(and a pile of others have mentioned this to me as well). Makes me worry about what is causing this and what it is affecting!


New developments in the Cadomin research has lead to this question. "Are sheep from outlying areas migrating to the Mine and taking up permanent residence?"

Evidence is starting to show that there are "new" sheep taking up permanent residence on the mine site. New telemetry studies in southern Alberta are revealing that sheep will migrate much farther than previously anticipated.

Researchers are confident that Jasper sheep that migrate to the mine in winter are returning to Jasper.

So. where are the sheep coming from?


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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #45 on: March 17, 2012, 05:56:16 PM »
The problem with your access stance Buff is it shows how little you know of the actual sheep habitat in most WMU's! Yes many of the zones have atv access to the zone but there are a very very small portion of the actual sheep habitat that has this access anymore as most has already been closed. It may affect a couple small areas but on a hole it will affect sheep hunting very minimal. It will affect the hunting of large areas that people hunt but just not sheep areas.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #46 on: March 17, 2012, 10:01:44 PM »
 I'm sure the mine does have new sheep taking up residence but that explains in no way why in many other areas wintering grounds have few to no sheep. They sure aren't heading up to the mine! And the studies are done per area and if populations are stable then if sheep have moved off native grounds they have only moved within the area not out of it. Most areas that the studies I've seen from the last couple years have included aren't huge areas and have only certain amount of wintering and summering grounds so when they are not feeding on certain spots that were for the last 20yrs or more as main food source then they are obviously putting more pressure on other non traditional food sources. Now maybe it's not affecting things but we have nothing to show that so I do worry as I know of many spots that wintered up to 150 sheep that your lucky to see 20 now. So like I say if they say populations are stable where are these sheep hanging now? Sorry Buff but in some areas the study numbers just don't make sense with what people are seeing that spend allot of time in them areas. 
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: THIS IS BS!!!!! I'm pissed
« Reply #47 on: March 19, 2012, 08:15:07 AM »
The worse part about closing more access in the west country is it also puts another notch in the predators belt. Access closures mean fewer hunters get back in meaning that even less predators will be shot on chance encountered while hunters are in the back country. Cougars are already reeking havoc in sheep country and next to zero cougar hunting is done in these Zones due to only being able to access areas with horse or foot. Now more closures in the out lying areas will even more restrict predator control so could in the end hurt sheep management more than help it.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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