Nube, the gov. doesn't seem to want to release the numbers for registered Treaty harvested sheep.

Native harvest may be a concern in some areas. Whether or not Native harvest in the two SMAs of concern (4B and 4C) is an issue that needs to be addressed.
Native harvest and poaching could be an issue elsewhere. The word is that by the end of January 2012 there were over 20 sheep killed in the Crowsnest corridor. While present sheep numbers are good here, this may not last with the high post hunting season harvest.
If you change "non native competition" to "native hunting", you'd be onto something. And motorized access is an overblown factor that is driven by other agendas, IMO.
Anyway, WB, you certainly do good work. Thx.
Motorized access is an issue that is being addressed by the government. Closures are happening now, with more to come, in the name of Grizzly Bear and Caribou protection. Restricting motorized access to sheep country will be accomplished through this program.
I mentioned Feral horses for good reason. Evidence from ongoing Feral horse research may show that Feral horses have become a competion factor to BH sheep on some Sheep wintering grounds.
As the talks with F&W get narrowed down to the facts, details become important. If habitat quality, predetors, feral competition, treaty harvest and poaching are shown individually or in combination to be limiting factors for BH sheep in areas of concern, then we have the opportunity to deal with these issues rather than just playing ostrich and further restrict hunting as the only solution.