Screw them and their tags..
No doubt about it,, North West. I would pick the Peace River/ North of G.P. country. I have worked extensively in both areas and although at one time 15 years ago the south rivalled the peace country it doesn't anymore. Not to say there are no trophies left in the south it's my personal opinion a guy has a better chance at one in the North. They have decamated the southern herds in their attempt to curb cwd. JMHO on the matter.
On an average year I would agree with you but I own land and hunt near Peace River and live in Lethbridge - This year I would hunt South. The deer populations up north have been crushed in recent winters while the south has been doing extremely well. come on down Paul, I will take you out.
I thought they were coming around some the last couple years,, maybe not..Good info weste..
P8 or so Figure when I pull my tag I will also hire a guide.
As long as you dont mind walking with a blind fold, my fees are pretty cheap! lol
I have a P5 for mule deer, I will likely build it another year or two, I have never been a big mule deer hunter, I killed a few in the South Mitsue by Slave Lake in WMU 350 when it was on a general tag, the best being a 170 incher, which was the year after the first big burn there, my dad got a 178 the next day close to the same spot, pretty good for a bush mule deer where they have a general season. It's always more of an opportunistic hunt for me. I would like to maybe go for a real trophy when I get drawn, I have seen some big mulies up north around Valleyview area, my dad killed a hog there on his last hunting season before he passed away. I have also seen some big mule deer in the south, Drumheller area, Oyen, Medicine Hat. So if a guy wanted a big mule deer what do some of you recommend South or North?
maybe we should have a little contest this year. North vs South kind of thing. For fun of course....and bragging rights
Works for me. Buddy of mine got his draw and we will be looking for something a little out of the ordinary. Should be a great fall.