Author Topic: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite  (Read 4423 times)


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Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« on: March 04, 2013, 09:49:49 PM »
here is a couple days Wabbit hunting pics enjoy

David :)

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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 10:25:01 PM »
Right on...we got a few last fall but not that


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2013, 10:41:18 PM »
Tastes like ;D

Wifey puts them in a roast pan with a few apple slices or sometimes she par boils them and then browns them up in a skillet,tastes good actually.. ;)


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2013, 10:51:09 PM »
Thumbs up guys!  Lots of wabbits around our old moose camp.

I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2013, 10:15:07 AM »
Looks good boys,, some good shootin there speckle..

I was just comenting to the wife yesterday while we were out for a walk around the property about the lack of rabbits. Seems to be quite a few up north where I am working but very few around home.. I am actualy craving a good rabbit fry,, its been a few years now..


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2013, 04:38:35 PM »

Speckle were you guys using dogs or are they that plentifull?

Nice pics guys!
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 04:53:23 PM by Tuc »


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2013, 05:37:41 PM »

No just that many and i know the game very well .. took a guy from Edmonton out two weekend ago he never hunted before successfully .. but he did with me we went to range first out here then hunting Wabbits and he missed his first then got the next 6 ,,one shot one kill .. he learned stalking ,, tracking, spotting, what they eat and cleaning .. sent him home with seven .. mmmm good

ps i know the area really well and am lucky;;

a couple of my mentee's

David :)

Speckle were you guys using dogs or are they that plentifull?

Nice pics guys!

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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2013, 06:00:23 PM »
They'll grow to be fine hunters....

The bunnies must be very plentifull where you are. What zone are you hunting them in. Are they out along the edges or did you have to go in the bush, stalk and spot?

I raised and sold Beagles (rabbit hounds) for years and always kept a couple for my own hunting stock. Back in N.S. rabbit hunting with dogs is a big sport but it doesn't seem to be that popular out west. I don't hunt them anymore and the dogs are long gone but it sure was fun back when. Those pics are the last time I was out with dogs and those pooches belonged to my buddy.

I do snare a few around the acreage though, I still love to have a fry of rabbit and a pot pie now and again.


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2013, 06:16:54 PM »
Question Tuc,, the dogs are they pure bread Beagles or Jack/Beagle cross. I would like a chance to try a go round with dogs,, the wife has a Beagle,, a house dog mind you but I wonder if there is a guy close by with a couple a guy could throw in with and try our hound out with them.. Or do you think it's not advisable with a house dog..


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2013, 07:17:47 PM »
Walleyes, those are purebred Beagles.

Beagles are quick starters and bred to hunt, it's in there blood. I was 14 years old when my Grandmom brought home a purebred Beagle. The dog was 3 years old and it was given to her by a friend who couldn't keep it any longer. The dog was a house pet and never seen the bush......(until it meet me). All my friend were hunting with their dogs so I decided I was taking this scroundrel in the woods with me. We were living in Ketch Harbour at the time and I knew a nice little swamp behind the house that I had often seen bunny tracks in. It was the dogs second time out and he picked up the scent of a rabbit. Though the dog had to hone his hunting skills, he didn't do too bad on his first chase.

Take your dog where you know there are rabbits and let him go, he will learn on his own, the dogs urge to hunt is strong, house pet or not. Once he gets on a scent he'll let you to your ears and it's very addictive. Trust me, I know. "My name is Ron and I'm a recovered rabbit ". I would suggest a 20 or 16 pump for bunnies with a no:4 or 5 shot. Once you hear him howl (start the rabbit) try and find a clearing in around where the dog started the rabbit. Stay there and keep your eyes open, the dog will run that bunny in a big circle and sooner or later you'll get a shot at him. If the dog holds him good which is also dependant upon other factors which I can explain later. The dog hunts by scent and scent alone, so as a rule the dog is usually aways behind of the rabbit.

Walleyes if you try your dog out let me know how he did and if you have any questions about dogging rabbits, I'd be more than happy to answer them for you. Rabbit hunting with hounds gets in your blood and once you get bitten by the bug your hooked. I know these old bones would still be at it if I owned hounds and had a reliable partner to hunt with.

If you give it a try, G'Luck!
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 07:22:23 PM by Tuc »


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2013, 07:36:45 PM »
There is no doubt in my mind the dog would hunt,, that's in him for sure and I have never seen an animal with a hate for rabbits like this one. When we lived down south there were a few cotton tails that frequented the yard, it was insane the reaction that dog had towards them,, freaky..

My concern and the wife's because I am not sure if I could convince her to let me take the dog out on his own,, but our concern is if he gets on a trail will we ever see him again.. He looses all control and I am afraid he would run to no end and loose himself..


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2013, 07:09:47 AM »
Well like I say the rabbit will run a large circle and come back to the place the dog started him. I've seen some hunters put bells on their dogs collar and now they even have GPS tracking devices. My biggest concern for a Beagle out here is cougars and wolves, even a pack of yotes could be dangerous. They are stubborn, once they loose a scent they will keep smelling/looking for it and often times I had to wait for hours or dark until mine would come back to the truck. On occassion I had to leave him there, so I would throw down my coat and go home have supper and come back. There he would be lying on my coat. It takes awhile to get use to your dogs tactics but it sure is alot of fun.


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2013, 11:18:59 AM »
Hi Tuc .. i think the Wabbits out here are on a high cycle right now either a 9 year or the 10th year so they are everywhere .. but as i know my area very well i have my spots that are very productive .. most i see from the truck but you could stalk too.. i have a injury so walking is very painful sometimes .. also for me years ago 127 Wabbits in 1 hour and 23 min(5 guys).. another time 95 Wabbits and i took in 60 to Home eq in high school for the cooking class i was in..

Thanks on my mentee's they are awesome young men.

David :)

They'll grow to be fine hunters....

The bunnies must be very plentifull where you are. What zone are you hunting them in. Are they out along the edges or did you have to go in the bush, stalk and spot?

I raised and sold Beagles (rabbit hounds) for years and always kept a couple for my own hunting stock. Back in N.S. rabbit hunting with dogs is a big sport but it doesn't seem to be that popular out west. I don't hunt them anymore and the dogs are long gone but it sure was fun back when. Those pics are the last time I was out with dogs and those pooches belonged to my buddy.

I do snare a few around the acreage though, I still love to have a fry of rabbit and a pot pie now and again.
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2013, 01:09:54 PM »
This may be a dumb question,, but whats a mentee ??


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2013, 04:57:15 PM »
also for me years ago 127 Wabbits in 1 hour and 23 min(5 guys)..

Whow, thats alot of bunnies Speckle, I though Halls Harbor in N.S. was the land of the snowshoe hare but I can see your spot is better. Maybe we can get out for a hunt sometime?


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2013, 08:21:41 PM »

here is the answer

David :)

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a person who is guided by a mentor

This may be a dumb question,, but whats a mentee ??
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2013, 08:24:02 PM »
Tuc .. got to love those Hare's hey any time i am over ten .. i am very happy !!! also yep on the getting out for a Wabbit hunt sometime

David :)

Whow, thats alot of bunnies Speckle, I though Halls Harbor in N.S. was the land of the snowshoe hare but I can see your spot is better. Maybe we can get out for a hunt sometime?
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2013, 08:48:04 PM »
here is the answer

David :)

 [men-tee] Show IPA

a person who is guided by a mentor

Oh,, my bad..


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2013, 10:20:28 AM »
Fishing in the morning ... hunting wabbits in the afternoon ... slow because of all the snow and them being dugin/denned


David :)

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Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: Wabbit Hunting Be wvery wvery Quite
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2013, 04:22:47 PM »
Looks like you had a good day!