Author Topic: What kind of camp to stay in for mule deer ?  (Read 1158 times)


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What kind of camp to stay in for mule deer ?
« on: September 03, 2018, 10:55:56 AM »
Hey guys so first post on here. Couldn’t stand the other forum for some reasons. So my question is my family was drawn for southern mule deer. I am wondering what everyone else has done in the past for a camp setup?. In the past we have used a close by motel which is very convenient for the rest you can get and a hot shower and worrying about heat. We are planning on archery hunting October and then rifle in November. So a motel can get pricey quick. I was thinking maybe a wall tent but not sure how many farmers would let you set it up. And how to heat it with it always being dry down there and no fires. Just curious what everyone else does!



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Re: What kind of camp to stay in for mule deer ?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2018, 07:05:58 AM »
First off welcome to the site. She's not a busy site but a very friendly open forum. It's not busy because for the most part our members are either working or actually out there so not many key board wise asses on here.

With out giving exact location what part of the south are you going to be in. Camping in a tent is always nice but you have to keep in mind you will need an internal frame tent the option of poles will be limited. I lived down south in MH for 4 years a little while back and hunted the area quite extensively so I know of a few good camping areas in public camp grounds that would be good options. In that area a I doubt you'd find a land owner that would welcome a camp, they are quite protective over that land they don't own lol. Fire wood isn't easy to come by either you would probly have to look at bringing in you own wood. Still if your thinking of it go for it and hey screw the showers your hunting man, who needs a shower.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2018, 10:07:06 AM by Walleyes »
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: What kind of camp to stay in for mule deer ?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2018, 08:51:50 PM »
Welcome, as Walleyes said, we might be small but great sportsmen here. You can’t beat an outfitters tent, I love mine but set up on a framers field might be tough depending on the land owner. Maybe an RV of some type might work, I have used my truck canopy on some of my solo hunts, but harder if there is a group. Hotels make the hunt easier I guess, but for me I have to be sleeping in the bush to feel I’m on the hunt. Wish you well with you set up and best of luck on you hunt.