Author Topic: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!  (Read 10765 times)


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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #60 on: April 09, 2012, 11:13:47 PM »
What is that crap Darcy?  I disagree and you act like this.  I never said any insulting crap to you just stated that I disagreed as did most others.  But I sure know I can't wait to see this booner you are going to get your son this year.  Since you are the wheelhouse that knows every great sheep hunter in the province.  But I sure hope tomorrow you are back to the Darcy I know.

Maybe he will get a ram maybe he wont but I will be stressing that the hunt is the important part while we are out there and if he does one day pull the trigger on a ram it will be a great bonus and he best understand how great a trophy a Bighorn ram is. As for a booner I doubt it as the area we will probably be hunting just doesnt produce them. As much as getting him a ram the first year would be nice and possible the last chance depending on changes going a year hunting bighorns and not harvesting one can actually give a person more respect for the hunt and less on the need to kill!

And you know what yes I do know a good number of great sheep hunters as working in the sheep guiding buisness personly in two provinces and one territory since 1993 you tend to meet a ton of sheephunters( and many of them are fellow Albertans ). And when your Dad and Uncle have done the same since the late 60's early 70'sthat is kindof the group you associate with. So knowing lots of sheep hunters isnt a big streatch! Sorry if you feel im pulling your leg.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #61 on: April 09, 2012, 11:43:38 PM »
WTF DArcy?  I have to prove I mount them all now too! 
I lost  a lot of respect for you today. 
Hopefully a shot of him at the taxidermist is good enough. ::)
All of mine have been worthy to hang on my wall.  Too bad you couldn't at least have done the same for yours


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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2012, 12:33:52 AM »
Didnt say mine wasnt displayed Nube now did I and never said you were wrong if you didnt mount one of yours, your a little edgy now arent you partner. Just because it wasnt mounted doesnt mean it wasnt put in place of respect! At the time I didnt have the cash so he is displayed with just a skull.  The cape given to a great guy that on his first ram lost the cape to a grizz. And I didnt say anything other than I didnt see 8 rams which there wasnt sorry for mentioning it. Couldnt care less if you mounted them all or showed pics of them all! You really need to not take so much stuff to heart! Relax a touch, take a big deep breath... you good now.
Here is what I stated and I quote "Great rams looks like you have 6 of your 8 mounted (thats all that you showed). I only mounted one of mine. Just was curious as I new I hadnt seen pics of 8 rams before just wanted to see all 8 but I still only see the same 6 (hmm shoot me for wanting to have a look at all your rams). No worries its just cool looking at pics and helps guys see what legal looks like." Yep wow did I ever bash you there. Could you please point out the part that hurt your feelings the most?

You are a great one at dishing it out but your a bit soft at the recieving end. You basicly insulted most guys hunting sheep by saying how much they suck in comparison to how good you find sheep but if someone dare doubt you holy look out! Im sure you will be all better in the morning and them feelings of yours should be healed up in no time! 

Great work and congrats to the Foss family!!! Dont let people lessen the moment or try and overshadow it in any way as in this thread! Job well done!

« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 09:21:40 AM by sheepguide »
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2012, 12:42:27 AM »
Great work and congrats to the Foss family!!! Dont let people lessen the moment or try and overshadow itin any way as in this thread! Job well done!


sadly some people needed to pound thier chest on this thread about how many rams they have killed
this thread is about you foss boys
job well done foss boys


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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2012, 04:30:35 PM »
Congrats to the young Foss fellow.

The best sheep hunters I know don't tend to yak on the internet on how much they know about sheep. They just impress me with the stories of sacrifice, dedication and appreciation for the animals, the country they live and those who generally appreciate the resource for all the right reasons.

I have passed on legal Rams. I did so without having harvested one. For me it was that I could have nearly drove my truck to pick it up. I didn't want that kind of Ram. If it would have been a cranker I likely would have taken him - but I am glad he wasn't.

I did take a Ram last fall - and he is easily past legal. I don't give a rats arse what he scores, and the pack job is sufficiently etched in my brain that I know I can look at him on the wall and be proud that I did us both proud.

And don't bother asking me to post a picture - from the posts on this thread I think most can understand why I tend to be careful in who I choose to cherish those moments with.



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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2012, 04:53:59 PM »
you and sheepreaper and mrs sheep are the most hard core sheep hunters I have ever met

Don't lump me in with that group - they are certifiably insane, I am just marginally.  ;D

And I think that there are a lot more that pass Rams than you might think Justin. I have another friend who is having a heck of a good time teasing me about the Ram that I shot - he has and is in the Rams all the time but is holding out for a Toad. He has never taken a Ram and if you believe my ribbing he likely never will.


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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #66 on: April 10, 2012, 06:17:08 PM »
Justin just for a bit of info I went through the 613 members on AS here and I can come up with at least 22 guys that I know are pretty good sheep hunters. Guys like Tangokilo, Steve, MountainTi, Nube, Rocks, Shooter, Huntin, GSP, Gunbuilder, DukDog or Fullcurl and many of them have rams to their credit and still spend a fair amount time chasing sheep. And I have a list of 10 that I know have posted about sheep hunting but dont know much about them. Thats the ones I know are sheep hunters and im sure ive missed a few. So out of 600 people there are at least 30 here!  And I can guarentee there are many times more than that on the other site like TJ, Rackmaster, Frans, Sheepnut, Ovis 40, Rigby, Ramcrazy, Bighorn Ram, Curly Bill, Ruger 300, Horn Stretcher, Depopulator just to mention a few. And you dont figure there is more than 100 in all of Alberta?
These forums just scratch the surface of the great hunters this province has so the numbers do start adding up pretty fast Justin.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2012, 08:14:04 PM »
Darcy.  I am not getting in to a pissing match with you.  I said there are not all of these people you proclaim passing up multipul sheep every year as you state.  I don't buy that there are all of these guys.  Sorry man.  Why is it you see all of these sheep but out of the few I know you took out no one got a sheep.  If they were as plentiful as you say they are there would have been a few dead.  Yes there are people more patinate to sheep hunting more than myself but I finally figured it out this last fall and saw a few nice rams.  But on a side not.  A lot of the names stated have never killed a ram or have one and have never seen another.  They are not the die hards that have one or two and pass up all of these rams.  Not putting anyone one down as a hunter but very few are as good as you say they are. I am not the only one saying that.  Also I know there are way better sheep hunters than any of us in this province. I am far from any of these guys.  Never said I was anywere near that level.  But the people you named are part of the number I stated that actually give a good go at it.

LOL tell me all these guys I took out?

 I took Springer out last year and we got on 2 legal rams(and yes they gave us the slip) and saw close to 20rams in 2 days of hunting! Ask him he aint the type to lie!

Id like to know all these other guys you know that ive taken out that didnt get anything? Please state some names because if your going to try and discredit me you best have some actual names.

And yes if most of the guys on these forums that I mentioned are just so so hunters in your mind I guess your right there are no sheep hunters in Alberta. LOL One day you will figure things out bud! Good luck sheep hunting this year please keep us posted on how well you do actually have things figured out.

A word of advice! You wanna learn somemore about sheephunting... maybe get to know a few of them guys I listed as there are a few there that would be awesome to learn sheephunting from. You obviously dont know them!

« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 08:17:44 PM by sheepguide »
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #68 on: April 10, 2012, 08:53:00 PM »
LOL you mean Bingo1010? Yep we went out in sheep country in Dec. for a hike together and guess what seen a legal ram and a ton of small rams and ewes LOL And for your info we did shoot a legal ram that day... with a camera!  LOL at least you have your facts straight.

And before you call to many of them hunters you havent the foggiest clue about  just hikers its best to get to know them prior to knocking their ability. Id personally rather give them a bit of credit!

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #69 on: April 10, 2012, 09:01:31 PM »
Justin just for a bit of info I went through the 613 members on AS here and I can come up with at least 22 guys that I know are pretty good sheep hunters. Guys like Tangokilo, Steve, MountainTi, Nube, Rocks, Shooter, Huntin, GSP, Gunbuilder, DukDog or Fullcurl and many of them have rams to their credit and still spend a fair amount time chasing sheep. And I have a list of 10 that I know have posted about sheep hunting but dont know much about them. Thats the ones I know are sheep hunters and im sure ive missed a few. So out of 600 people there are at least 30 here!  And I can guarentee there are many times more than that on the other site like TJ, Rackmaster, Frans, Sheepnut, Ovis 40, Rigby, Ramcrazy, Bighorn Ram, Curly Bill, Ruger 300, Horn Stretcher, Depopulator just to mention a few. And you dont figure there is more than 100 in all of Alberta?
These forums just scratch the surface of the great hunters this province has so the numbers do start adding up pretty fast Justin.

SG, Blackmamba and I are hurt we weren't included in that list !  LOL


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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #70 on: April 10, 2012, 09:04:22 PM »
SG, Blackmamba and I are hurt we weren't included in that list !  LOL

A shit Potty you would have just been refered to as just  hikers anyways!!!! No room for sheephunters in this province!!!!

Sorry man was just grabbing what I could think of quick! But You guys are part of the ones that should be counted as well!!!

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #71 on: April 10, 2012, 09:16:23 PM »
LOL yep sheephunters wont probably give you 100% the truth! That I will agree with. But you talk sheep enough with guys you can figure out who is hiding their secrets and who is peddling BS. And some time its pretty easy to spot the BS!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #72 on: April 10, 2012, 09:21:21 PM »
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #73 on: April 10, 2012, 09:29:49 PM »
A shit Potty you would have just been refered to as just  hikers anyways!!!! No room for sheephunters in this province!!!!

Sorry man was just grabbing what I could think of quick! But You guys are part of the ones that should be counted as well!!!


I was just buggin'  lol


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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #74 on: April 10, 2012, 09:38:19 PM »
Thats how I took it  :)
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #75 on: April 12, 2012, 05:17:46 PM »
A quick update. On the last day of the Carmen Island Desert sheep hunt for the Foss's, Cam Foss got his ram! Three Desert rams down all with archery tackle!

Great job guys look forward to seeing the pics and hearing the story.

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #76 on: April 12, 2012, 05:46:36 PM »
Yeah what an insane trip. I'm more excited to see the film! I'm not sure if you watch Vimeo but there are some great sitka short films. There are also a lot of other great ones. Shot with digital slr cameras giving a real cinematic effect.

Congrats to the foss's!
« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 08:03:46 PM by NBFK »
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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #77 on: April 13, 2012, 10:57:23 AM »
SG, Blackmamba and I are hurt we weren't included in that list !  LOL
No kidding, what about guys like me, or diamonddave?  What are we, chopped liver?? LOL


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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #78 on: April 13, 2012, 11:12:13 AM »
Sorry guys would have been a big list if I would have put everyone down. Just shows how many guys there are.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Youngest Archey Sheep Slam Accomplished!!!
« Reply #79 on: April 13, 2012, 02:13:11 PM »
No kidding, what about guys like me, or diamonddave?  What are we, chopped liver?? LOL

You guys are just photographers along for hike with us 2 hikers!    j/k   ....LOL