Author Topic: Your first whitetail buck  (Read 2399 times)


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Your first whitetail buck
« on: November 02, 2011, 09:43:12 PM »
I was in the garage thinking about how nice Darcy's buck and how great it is that his boys are out there getting involved and I think it's so cute the kids want the old man to shoot everything with 4 legs and antlers lol. So I was looking around my wall in there, and looked at the first whitetail I ever shot, and thought "well what a good thing to talk about". With the rut looming, and the feeling of getting in the bush and seeing a nice buck materializing on a cutline somewhere, well, it just floods me with good feelings. So I took a couple pics and thought I would share the story, and maybe the rest of you guys have similar stories. For me it was never about the size of the buck, although it's a decent deer, it was the experience, the lessons I learned from my own dad, and how it influenced me to become a real Alberta Sportsman.

I was staying up in Slave Lake at my dads, I was 19 at the time, and never really hunted  much. My dad was mostly absent after my parents were divorced when I was 12, but we got reconnected later on. On my 19th birthday he gave me a Winchester model 70 in 7mm rem mag, he bought the rifle in 1965 at army and navy in Edmonton. It had a Redfield FOV 2-7 scope on it, and the scope was almost as old as the gun I'm sure, but it was a solid rig. So I kind of pissed around going out hunting, mostly into WMU 350, the South Mitsue, when it was still big bush, long before the fires and hard logging. But I wasn't too gung ho, I would mostly go in the afternoons. One day the old man says "if you want to shoot a big buck you better be up early boy", but hey, I was 19, didn't give a shit, who wants to get up at 6 am. So he says "drink a couple glasses of water before bed, it will get you up early". So I did, and sure enough I was sitting on a cutline November 15th morning, -25 out, freezing my ass off, and I sat there as long as I could, then I got cold and thought "**** this" and was heading back to town. Well on my way back to town I pulled off on the Camp 8 road, some of you might know it, and I noted lot's of fresh track on a pipeline that runs parallel to the highway. So I got out and walked in, it was about 10 am. I walked about 100 yards and cut into the bush to rattle, and a doe blasts across the line and stops in front of a tree so damn close I could have smacked her on the back of the head. She looks at me and takes off, so I start blowing on my grunt call just to see what she would do. I hear snow crunching and look to my left, he's a big old bush buck with his nose scraping the snow coming across the line. Shot might have been 15 yards, through the heart, the rest is history. Hooked for life now.

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« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 09:45:18 PM by Paul »


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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2011, 10:10:34 AM »
Awesome first buck! It's about 100" bigger than my first!


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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 10:27:18 AM »
My first was a forkhorn.. :-[


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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 10:45:04 AM »
my first whitetail had 6 points total and would have scored roughly between 25 and 30" B/C. Was with my step Dad and was a very proud moment for me to put thta deer on the ground.
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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2011, 01:56:29 PM »
For the life of me I can't remember the first white tail I killed. For the first 10 years I hunted I never took pictures of any game I killed, too bad, then I could look back and maybe remember  ::). I can remember my first mule buck from about 35 years ago, a small 4 x 4 buck. Never much cared about the antlers, so I either throw them away or give them to someone who wanted them, still that way today.


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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2011, 03:51:05 PM »
Shot my first buck at the ripe age of 14 way back in 1980 lol. As well it was with my father. My father loved hunting it was one of his greatest Passions,, that and fishing. He always ensured to include us boys in the activities. Actually that year was a good one for me. I took my first buck which turned out it took 3rd place for our local fish & game association that year and I also took my first bull moose that fall. It placed 2nd for the same local. The deer was shot back in behind the Heart Lake area. I was following Dad on my Honda trike we were headed in to pick up a dandy buck he shot the day before. We had gutted it out and left it over night and returned with the trailer the next day to get it. I was last in line of 3 trikes. Dad and a friend of his were ahead. I as usual was watching the bush as we traveled and saw the buck standing just off the line watching the other machines roll by. I don't think it even noticed me, I saw it there got off my machine with my trusty old 303 British and nailed it through the heart. It was killed about 100 yards from where Dad shot his. Dad had it mounted for me for Christmas that year as at the time we thought it was a huge deer. We just weren't trophy hunters back then and especially not deer hunters. Dad hunted moose exclusively. I beleive in all the years I only saw Dad shoot 2 deer. He just wasn't a man to even think about horns. Actually back then there were very few trophy hunters most every body was meat hunters.

It is the mount on the high left hand side. Like I said in today's standards its no big deal but back then we thought it was a hog. It goes in the mid 140's gross


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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2011, 09:42:37 PM »
 :o My first was a doe!!! :'(


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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2011, 11:18:01 PM »
my first buck was a 4x4 with a perfectly symmetrical rack on both sides that my grandmother first clipped with her car... lol.. i only had to walk 100 yards into the bush off the highway to find him... put one between his eyes with the old 303 to finish him off...  hard hunt for that guy


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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2011, 08:48:48 AM »
I was brought up on the left coast and lived in BC for my first 48 years.
I never hunted with my dad but started up with a friend from work at around 20 years of age.
My first whitetail hunt was a late season bowhunt in the Christian Valley area of the Okanagan valley in 1995 and was unsuccesful but a bug got me and I went back the next year with my son.
I was shooting a old checkmate recurve and wooden arrows that I had made myself.Sitting in a treestand just off a really good trail along came this fella and I took him out with one arrow at about 28 yards.He ran about 60 yards and piled up.Had him scored out at 134 and after deductions came to 130 P&Y

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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2011, 09:06:38 AM »
 Got my first at 12, came up on some old bales and he was eating. Was facing away from at about 75 yards, 243 was ready. Seemed like forever we waiting for him to turn. Being youung and cocky told dad next time he lifts his head he's dead, and that what happend. The little nubs are from my first bow buck, LOL. Think I was 15. 

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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2011, 11:55:27 AM »
I shot my first buck on a solo hunt on a rainy late October day shortly after my 18th B day. A little 4x3 that might of went around 80" and ended up as a lost pair of rattling antlers. I played hockey all through school on the local traveling team so I spent more time spring bear hunting with my Dad. Shot my first bear at 14.


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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2011, 04:36:08 PM »
My first buck was also my first deer. A 3x3 WT many years ago. It was raining to beat hell and he walked about 30 yards or so to my right. I shot him through the heart (lucky shot) and I watched him bleed (squirt blood) on a big boulder he was standing beside. It's funny how the first one is remembered like yesterday and others forgotten about.


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Re: Your first whitetail buck
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2011, 06:06:07 PM »
Here's mine