A few yrs ago I saw Mr. Tom Knapp on TV:
Out came my trusty wingmaster and away we went. A little practice and I could do 3 easily(plug in). Twice I was able to do foursies by holding the fourth shell between my first/second fingers, tossing it in and racking it in one fell swoop. (we won't talk about how may tries it took.
So, I figured fivesies would be a breeze if I only had a semi............a while later found an affordable auto 5 and away we went............I never made it past foursies. Shooting wasn't the problem, the hand throw was, I could just never master it. Upside down over the head I could do, couldn't do the from the hip or behind the back.........just simply couldn't.
Mr. Knapp was definitely the master, would've loved to see him perform in person.