Author Topic: Crocodile Dundee moments?  (Read 1729 times)


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Crocodile Dundee moments?
« on: March 24, 2012, 12:24:48 AM »

  Recently was a little embarrassed in down town Calgary wife took me on sort of a two date away from kids and Rocky.  This was a great Idea because I had to go to Nanton and pick up my saddle that was there for most of the winter getting some work done to it. 
  So off to Nanton get saddle and then to the Palliser hotel down town Calgary to get ready to go to the hockey game so park the truck in front of hotel and they have valet parking cool I thought.  Then I remembered that I have THE SADDLE !!! don’t really want to tell ya what I paid to have it made but.... I am certainly not leaving it in the truck so the valet guy is helping the wife with bags and such gets her in the door I pass him my keys and grab my saddle out of the truck.  The young man was from Australia and thought that was different BS with him a little bit and Carrey it on in the hotel.  Offaly strange looks on the street and in the hotel now I am embarrassed it’s a heavy sucker so placed it on the luggage rack.  In the elavater there was a woman asked me if the rodeo was in town sure is I  said and I am the clown!!!. 
  Off to the hockey game take the cab Russian fellow driving cool guy was in the army over there neat to talk to.  Find the seats and on to the most important part BEER they have a plastic cup that is filled from the bottom darn impressive but I acted like I had seen it before had to go back at least 6 times just to make sure they were not pulling my leg that it actually worked.  Tip don’t push on the magnet on the bottom it’s what holds the beer in.
Was a good hockey game Calgary actually won wife and I decided to walk back to the hotel on the way everyone was headed some wear followed them right to the casino perfect more refreshments.  Stayed there till 3 in the morning and back to the room some guys camping on the street wanted to talk to me but wife said let’s move on.
 Have a good sleep and wake up to go home so down in the lobby we go saddle and all not so embarrassed this time until I give the Valet guys the ticket for my truck to be brought up.  Here comes my truck everything looks good and the door guy says that must be your truck.  Instantly I say what are you saying just to give him a hard time but ya thats my truck.
  On a side note the Palliser Hotel was built around 1910 or so and was a railway stop in Calgary many manly men and prospectors stopped there on their way to adventure many a saddle has been through there
  Just wondering what some of your guys Crocodile Dundee moments are?   
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 12:27:39 AM by JIMMY 808 »


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Re: Crocodile Dundee moments?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2012, 07:40:59 AM »
That's pretty funny and quite a coincidence .
 I was working for Duane Papke with Sunset Guiding and Outfitting  in I think 1996 or so and Bronc rider Jim Scott and I had 2 elk hunters hunting in WMU 326. When we were finished the hunt we headed to Calgary to get the hunters on their flights. They got us a room and took us on the town that night as their flights left the following morning. Funniest part was as with you we pulled up at the Palliser and I thought the same as you, hell if I'm leaving my $3500 saddle in the truck to be stolen! So in I go asking if I can bring my stuff in to my room at least. They tell me not my room but would lock it up for me. So out I go with Mr.Scott laughing at me the hole time. Got some funny looks packing my saddle, and chaps up the side walk and through the lobby.
Great thread thanks for posting and bringing back a fun moment  in my life.
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Re: Crocodile Dundee moments?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2012, 08:21:42 PM »
  When I was 18 I bought my first truck an old 1980 ford ¾ ton on propane it was fairly hill Billy winch CB radio the whole deal.  Spent most of my time driving around town seeing friends and fishing but gopher hunting was a main pass time.  So of course being young and on privet property another buddy and I would just shoot from the truck.  Yes I am aware of all wildlife acts and game laws and I have a ticket to prove it!!!  Did not much matter to me or my buddy at the time remember I said I was 18. 

  So a spring and summer passed and the gopher hunting tapered off and the weather started to get cold.  For some reason or another the defrost and heat no longer worked no big deal I am resourceful a few safety candles and getting up an hour early and a blanket in the truck good to go no need to spend money on such things when there is whisky to drink and shotgun shells to buy.
  My mother caught wind of what was going on and thought that the lack of heat as a safety concern not being able to defrost the windshield so she takes my truck to the dealer ship to get the heater fixed.
  Dealer ship did a fine job of fixing the heater and promptly gave my dad two ice cream pales full of empty 22 shells.  My father was 18 once as well took it pretty good but I ended up having to pay my mom back.  She was a school teacher in town for many years turns out the mechanic was one of her students and gave her a rough time she still brings that up to this day.     ;)           


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Re: Crocodile Dundee moments?
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2012, 08:33:42 PM »
That's pretty funny and quite a coincidence .
 I was working for Duane Papke with Sunset Guiding and Outfitting  in I think 1996 or so and Bronc rider Jim Scott and I had 2 elk hunters hunting in WMU 326. When we were finished the hunt we headed to Calgary to get the hunters on their flights. They got us a room and took us on the town that night as their flights left the following morning. Funniest part was as with you we pulled up at the Palliser and I thought the same as you, hell if I'm leaving my $3500 saddle in the truck to be stolen! So in I go asking if I can bring my stuff in to my room at least. They tell me not my room but would lock it up for me. So out I go with Mr.Scott laughing at me the hole time. Got some funny looks packing my saddle, and chaps up the side walk and through the lobby.
Great thread thanks for posting and bringing back a fun moment  in my life.
    Darcy if the walls could talk in that hotel there would be some extremely interesting stories.  Young men heading off to war pioneers on the way to clear the land. 
  My dad tells me that a horse was ridden up and down in the elevator after a Calgary foot ball game.  But I am glad I am not the only one to done that