Yup, it's the new religion and that article points to, "an inconvenient truth

). Apparently they never bothered to learn of Ernest Shackelton, eh?

Like Barnum said.............
Let's see, it was: ice age, then volcano's, then we were going to run out of oil, y2k, nibero or whatever, a poorly etched calander, and now it's global warming, er, climate change. I know I missed a couple, and that's just in the last 25 yrs or so. I guess that makes me a heretic of the new religion.
The sad part is in a rabid attempt to be pc and popular and get re-elected all of our elected officials back this garbage which, I couldn't give a damn, except then they pass all sorts of ludicrous laws based on these mindless trends. (I don't believe for a second the majority of our elected officials buy any of this crap, which makes it all the more pathetic)
Psst...anyone wanna buy a 100 watt?