Author Topic: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.  (Read 4989 times)


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Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« on: July 05, 2011, 02:53:18 PM »
Updated: Tue Jul. 05 2011 10:43:24 News Staff
A British Columbia man is in serious condition in hospital after being mauled by a grizzly bear in northern B.C.

The attack happened Monday morning in the Oweekeno area, near Rivers Inlet, about 480 kilometres northwest of Vancouver, along the province's rugged Central Coast. The man was flown to Victoria General Hospital.

The attack comes as a Lillooet, B.C., community awaits autopsy results that will show whether a woman found dead last Friday near her home was killed by black bears.

The victim, believed to be in her late 70s, was a highly-respected elder in the local Xaxli'p First Nations community, about 170 km west of Kamloops. Friends and relatives said she complained last week about an aggressive bear trying to get into her home.

Photos taken by CTV British Columbia show what appear to be bite marks on the exterior of the woman's home.

An autopsy performed Monday should help determine whether a bear attack was responsible for the woman's death or whether she succumbed to natural causes and the bears were simply feeding on the body.

Four black bears were shot and killed by wildlife officials nearby, including one bear they think dragged the victim out of her house. DNA tests are being performed to confirm they got the correct bears.

Conservation officer Rod Olsen tells The Canadian Press that the four bears were healthy and showed no signs of being sick or malnourished. He says one of the bears was killed just metres away from where the body was found, while the others were killed within a four-kilometre radius.

In two recent but unrelated incidents, conservation officers had to kill a bear that wandered too close to Victoria's downtown core, and in Kamloops, Mounties shot a bear that killed two alpacas.

On the other side of the country, wildlife officers in Newfoundland and Labrador are warning people to keep away from bears after one of the animals bit a woman in a car.

The woman was bitten after stopping her vehicle to watch the black bear in the Cache River area, between Churchill Falls and Happy Valley-Goose Bay. The bear got at her through a lowered window.

Officials say people should never stop their vehicles to look at bears or feed wild animals.


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2011, 03:35:57 PM »
"Conservation" Officers, what a joke!  This slaughter of bears where there is NO actual evidence of participation in destructive behaviour toward humans or ANY real danger is just pathetic, much like the favouritism shown to Guide-Outfitters, by the BC MOE. I spent some years working for the BC Forest Service and also worked for the BC Fish and Wildlife and both agencies need a very thorough "cleaning out" and a much clearer mandate about managing the PUBLIC resources.


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2011, 04:19:37 PM »
Why don't they allow us to carry guns up here?

People don't want to carry a rifle around for berry picking.

Why was this guy eating a bear's favorite food in grizzly country anyways?

Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2011, 09:46:48 AM »
Why don't they allow us to carry guns up here?

Because too many wingnuts would abuse it.

Why was this guy eating a bear's favorite food in grizzly country anyways?

Because he likes to make pies?


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2011, 10:40:29 AM »
Why don't they allow us to carry guns up here?

Because too many wingnuts would abuse it.

Why was this guy eating a bear's favorite food in grizzly country anyways?

Because he likes to make pies?



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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2011, 04:04:17 PM »
Why don't they allow us to carry guns up here?

Because too many wingnuts would abuse it.

Why was this guy eating a bear's favorite food in grizzly country anyways?

Because he likes to make pies?

I take offense at the wingnuts remark.

The government is abusing their authority when they say one can't carry a handgun.

It should have been a Charter right.

Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2011, 04:54:48 PM »
I take offense at the wingnuts remark.

The government is abusing their authority when they say one can't carry a handgun.

It should have been a Charter right.

Only a wingnut would be offended Bob. If someone isn't a wingnut then they shouldn't be offended right?

OK scenario related to people's rights to handguns.

Joe and Bill are having a few drinks in the bar. Joe says something about Bills wife that Bill takes offense to. It breaks out into a fight. Bill gets his ass kicked because he's all rumbied up. Bill thinks "**** this I'm gonna fix Joe" and stumbles out to his truck and gets his Glock, goes back into the bar thinking he's going to scare Joe. He points the gun at Joe and Joe comes at him, Bill pulls the trigger and Joe get's capped. Bill goes to jail.

This scenario plays out daily in the US. It's a matter of convenience. Having a small firearm easily accessible is a problem some people can't manage. Am I right?

I am a firearms enthusiast but am completely opposed to people carrying handguns around. In an ideal world, if everyone had a brain and was completely responsible, which is actually the majority, then it wouldn't be a problem. It's the minority that are the problem.

Now that being said I have no issue with someone who has a handgun at home capping some guy who breaks into his house in the middle of the night with the intent to rob and bring harm to his family.

As far as picking berries in grizzly country I could advise a defender shotgun (perfectly legal) and pepper spray. A 12 gauge slug will stop a bear much quicker than a .45 or a .357 at close range.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 04:58:12 PM by Paul »


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2011, 05:29:16 PM »
Your view is strikingly similar to the scenarios described by anti-gun groups in the US.

Imagine this scenario: Joe and Bill are having a few drinks in the bar. Joe says something about Bills wife that Bill takes offense to. It breaks out into a fight. Bill gets his ass kicked because he's all rumbied up. Bill thinks "**** this I'm gonna fix Joe" and stumbles out to his truck and gets his SKS, goes back into the bar thinking he's going to scare Joe. He points the SKS at Joe and Joe comes at him, Bill pulls the trigger and Joe get's capped. Bill goes to jail.

Wow, big difference.

Anyways, since I can't carry a gun around I carry a 10" knife everywhere. I don't see myself becoming embroiled in a Joe/Bob scenario.

Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2011, 06:05:17 PM »
No reasonable person would use a weapon in either situation the problem is we are running short of reasonable people in our society. Everyone on here knows that its the person that kills not the gun. I believe there are numerous statistics that can be pointed in either direction I know I have read many articles that are bias in both directions. Yes it is just as easy to go in said truck and grab the defender shot gun as the glock,, absolutely no difference.

Personally I have no use for any hand gun but thats my personal view of them. Given the choice I wouldn't restrict either weapon. I beleive we should restrict the people that own guns not the guns that people own.. Now I don't mean that only a few chosen people should be allowed to own guns but there should be a better screening of the people that are allowed to own guns,, and a better training program in place for people.

A glock and many other firearms were designed with one purpose in mind and thats to kill humans. Why anyone other than law enforcement or military people have the urge to own such a weapon is scary in itself. Speaks for our society right there. I have yet to see in any program or magazine these weapons being used for anything else. Even at the target games what do they shoot at ?? human targets.. What could possibly be the enjoyment of practicing shooting at humans,,just blows my mind.. Look at the magazine articles on these weapons what are they advertised as ?? you know darn well what I am talking about.

As a responsible outdoors person what is it in you that you want to associate yourself with said weapons.. If the defender defends as well as the glock why aren't you happy with the defender ?? its not cool enough ??


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2011, 06:20:52 PM »
You have raised a very valid point Bob. That's true. The difference is it is highly unlikely Bill is driving around with an SKS under his seat. Not much purpose to it. In the US people carry handguns because everyone else is carrying a handgun. If Joe doesn't have an SKS under his seat well Bill doesn't need one either.


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2011, 07:22:46 PM »
I consider carrying any gun I chose to to be my birthright as a Canadian, born into a founding pioneer family and descendent of volunteer Canadian WWI and WWII combat veterans. As to being a ...responsible outdoorsman..., I have over a half century of outdoor experience and about half of that was professional wilderness work, including the use of various firearms and teaching bear safety to forestry crews and tourists.

I do not need some foreign-born politician, lobbyist or bureaucrat telling me what I can and cannot do in  my country and the comments here advocating greater restrictions on handguns are simply foolish as hadnguns are a legitimate type of useful firearm and I have and will carry mine in certain wilderness situations for defence. So, Canadians like me have the right to do this and anyone who does not like it does not have to do it.

It is too bad that some hunters advocate further restrictions on ANY gun ownership as this will come back to bite us all in the ass!
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 07:30:04 PM by Dewey »


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2011, 08:15:22 PM »
I consider carrying any gun I chose to to be my birthright as a Canadian, born into a founding pioneer family and descendent of volunteer Canadian WWI and WWII combat veterans. As to being a ...responsible outdoorsman..., I have over a half century of outdoor experience and about half of that was professional wilderness work, including the use of various firearms and teaching bear safety to forestry crews and tourists.

I do not need some foreign-born politician, lobbyist or bureaucrat telling me what I can and cannot do in  my country and the comments here advocating greater restrictions on handguns are simply foolish as hadnguns are a legitimate type of useful firearm and I have and will carry mine in certain wilderness situations for defence. So, Canadians like me have the right to do this and anyone who does not like it does not have to do it.

It is too bad that some hunters advocate further restrictions on ANY gun ownership as this will come back to bite us all in the ass!

Well like I said I don't think we should be restricting the type of guns we can own but rather restricting the type of people who own guns ..

I have no problem with you carrying any gun its the goof living down the street that has me worried.. Like I said I wouldn't restrict any weapon we should be able to choose what we own. We should be punishing the criminals not the innocent we need tougher laws for those people who break serious laws and show difficulty retraining themselves.. Or you don't think so,, you think we should just hand out guns to anyone just cause they can breath ??

I was just speaking openly when I stated how I felt about handguns,, didn't say its the way it should be.. I spent many a day in bear country in the foothills and all over this country fishing and picking berries,, I pack a short 30-30 in my quad box or thrown over my shoulder. Was checked a few times by CO's and never was given any grief they all know why I have it and most agree with me in packing it.. If its just protection you want then pack it,, but why the glock ?? again cause its cool or its more effective ??

Not one person on here has said we need more restrictions on hand guns NOT ONE its some of the people that own them that has some concerned. And like I said I just want to know why some feel they are better than what we can legally pack.. Don't use the excuse cause you want to what we want has little do to with what we need.. Paul simply stated that some wingnut would abuse it and he is right and you know it,, we live in a messed up society and unfortunately we need restrictions to help combat said messed up society.. Its sad but its true..

And P.S. just about all but the natives in this country are descendants of pioneering families and world war vets nothing special there..


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2011, 08:39:11 PM »
Dewey I fully empathize with your point and feel the same way. I often think to myself I should be able to carry a handgun anywhere, anytime. Why? Because I know I am responsible enough to not be stupid about it, as are the majority. But do I really want some guy, who was once responsible and has now turned to crime, shooting me in the chest because I catch him breaking into my pickup at 3 am in my driveway?

As far as trappers and guys working the bush there are programs that allow them to carry a handgun as required. I don't see the need for guys to be carrying a handgun in downtown Calgary.


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2011, 09:53:08 PM »
There are several problems with the attitudes expressed here and some of the comments can lead to a type of exchange that is probably against the site regs. I think that anyone who posts terms such as ...wingnuts... concerning people whom he does not know and whose level of expertise and responsibility he cannot determine should give the matter some more serious thought.

However, since I am 65, have a large and valuable gun collection and all the permits, etc.that are required to carry what I want where I want and no heirs who are interested in guns/hunting or wilderness pursuits, I have no real reason to spend my time and energy doing anything to preserve Canadian gun ownership, so, I will not take this further. The continual and insidious campaign to totally disarm ALL Canadians WILL result in confiscation of every private firearm and handguns are merely the easy target of the gunbanners.

I actually find many of the comments posted to be funny as the facts concerning firearms misuse in Canada are much different than some posters seem to think, but, WTF, why should factual history influence contemporary political opinions or decisions.......

As Thomas Stearns Eliot phrased it so well, ....this is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but, a whimper....


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2011, 12:53:51 AM »
There are several problems with the attitudes expressed here and some of the comments can lead to a type of exchange that is probably against the site regs. I think that anyone who posts terms such as ...wingnuts... concerning people whom he does not know and whose level of expertise and responsibility he cannot determine should give the matter some more serious thought.

First of all Dewey tell us how you really feel, don't be afraid of saying whatever you want as long as you can back it up, no one is going to kick/ban/warn you for it.

Secondly I feel you misunderstood what I meant by "wingnuts". I was not referring to responsible gun owners, hunters, or anyone specifically that frequents this board, it was a general term for people that should never have a gun in their hand, even if they were never charged with anything criminally. I was referring to some piece of shit who is going to stick a gun in your face because you looked at him the wrong way when you passed him in the mall. And you know what kind of people I am talking about I don't need to be more specific than that.

OK example. Lets say we can all pack handguns when we go to Safeway. Good. Some guy at Safeway is having a bad day, you accidentally ding his door with your cart. He goes off the deep end and starts a fight. You knock him down. He gets up, goes to his car and gets his gun. OK so what, you have a gun too. You get your gun out. Guess what, someone's getting shot. You took your gun out to defend yourself, you're not the root cause, but because everyone is packing well hey, you have one too. It's not you that's the issue Dewey, its the 1 percent of the population.

Nobody here is against people owning handguns, by all means we should all own one, or two, or twenty, but they don't need to be packed around the streets.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 01:02:10 AM by Paul »


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2011, 06:55:41 AM »
I have done precisely that and I will reiterate that Canadians, like me, whose families founded and built this nation starting, in my case, in the early 17thC. and who have defended it, have certain fundamental birthrights, among which is the RIGHT to carry such implements as I see fit, free of government interference. Unfortunately, this birthright, has been restricted by the governments in Canada, since 1934 and this is an attack upon the freedoms of all real Canadians.

The FACTS concerning handgun carry and it's actual impact on violent crime in North America, where there is a variety of legal parameters concerning this are that where the ability to carry is available, violent crime, especially "gun" crime, is LESS than in those jurisdictions where such rights are severely curtailed. This information, is available in divers works by noted social scientists, Kleck, Mauser and others.

What I see here are comments based on personal bias and an obvious lack of esperience with bears and with guns as well as with criminal activities. I can "backup" my comments with many years of private security work and much of this was supervising a large and crime-ridden shopping mall in the "Greater Vancouver" area, as well as working in major hospitals and educational venues in this area.

However, the REAL problem here is that some posters are willing to judge others before the fact and also seem to believe that birthrights do not exist, but, a benevolent and dictatorial government grants these to we Canadian serfs....and, that, is the single most destructive social attitude in Canada and one fostered by governments in our pathetic "education" system for decades.....particularly since Trudeau's time.

I have witnessed far more damage by "quads" than by handgun users in my decades in resource management agencies and consulting firms; this in B.C. and Alberta and I strongly believe in very strict control of these nolsy, polluting, ugly, dangerous and unsporting machines.

Their only purpose is to haul some guy around that is too lazy to walk to hunt and only professionals in forestry, ranching and the authorities should be allowed to use them. Since, I do not like them, have never even sat on one and consider them a "toy" for poseurs and camo-clad "wannabes" who have never encountered a Grizzly in their lives, they should be banned!
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 06:58:50 AM by Dewey »


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2011, 09:01:00 AM »
Their only purpose is to haul some guy around that is too lazy to walk to hunt and only professionals in forestry, ranching and the authorities should be allowed to use them. Since, I do not like them, have never even sat on one and consider them a "toy" for poseurs and camo-clad "wannabes" who have never encountered a Grizzly in their lives, they should be banned!

I fully agree. The photo in my avatar is actually a lawn tractor I am sitting on.


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2011, 09:09:54 AM »
Their only purpose is to haul some guy around that is too lazy to walk to hunt and only professionals in forestry, ranching and the authorities should be allowed to use them. Since, I do not like them, have never even sat on one and consider them a "toy" for poseurs and camo-clad "wannabes" who have never encountered a Grizzly in their lives, they should be banned!

I fully agree. The photo in my avatar is actually a lawn tractor I am sitting on.

Lolo,, now that right there is funny I don't care who you are..

My apologies though I didn't realise we were talking with Jeremiah Johnson himself..


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2011, 09:36:23 AM »
Damn lawn tractors, they ruin so much good Elk grazing habitat on these freakin' golf courses that these urban eco-wreckers insist on building, I say we BAN 'em!!!! 

I am gratified that you agree, Paul, and I enjoy your humour, however, one thing I learned long ago and that is that every little concession that we gun owners make to the government WILL result in a loss of our basic freedoms, hence, my concern here.


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Re: Grizzly bear attacks man picking berries in northern B.C.
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2011, 09:49:21 AM »
Frankly speaking, I'm disappointed with what I see as blatantly anti-gun attacks by knowledgeable and experienced people.

I often think to myself I should be able to carry a handgun anywhere, anytime. Why? Because I know I am responsible enough to not be stupid about it, as are the majority. But do I really want some guy, who was once responsible and has now turned to crime, shooting me in the chest because I catch him breaking into my pickup at 3 am in my driveway?

As far as trappers and guys working the bush there are programs that allow them to carry a handgun as required. I don't see the need for guys to be carrying a handgun in downtown Calgary.

Criminals who would shoot you are the ones already carrying illegal handguns.

However, the REAL problem here is that some posters are willing to judge others before the fact and also seem to believe that birthrights do not exist, but, a benevolent and dictatorial government grants these to we Canadian serfs....and, that, is the single most destructive social attitude in Canada and one fostered by governments in our pathetic "education" system for decades.....particularly since Trudeau's time.

I concur. I also agree with your quad comment, it seems like hunters these days view them as indispensable.

OK example. Lets say we can all pack handguns when we go to Safeway. Good. Some guy at Safeway is having a bad day, you accidentally ding his door with your cart. He goes off the deep end and starts a fight. You knock him down. He gets up, goes to his car and gets his gun. OK so what, you have a gun too. You get your gun out. Guess what, someone's getting shot. You took your gun out to defend yourself, you're not the root cause, but because everyone is packing well hey, you have one too. It's not you that's the issue Dewey, its the 1 percent of the population.

If some guy decides to shoot an innocent man, then he deserves to be shot himself.

Look how many US states allow concealed carry. It is my belief concealed carry does NOT affect the crime rate in any noticeable way. The NRA and other groups will tell me that introducing CW will cut crime.

I call BS on that. I also call BS on the statement that it will increase the crime rate.

A glock and many other firearms were designed with one purpose in mind and thats to kill humans. Why anyone other than law enforcement or military people have the urge to own such a weapon is scary in itself. Speaks for our society right there. I have yet to see in any program or magazine these weapons being used for anything else. Even at the target games what do they shoot at ?? human targets.. What could possibly be the enjoyment of practicing shooting at humans,,just blows my mind.. Look at the magazine articles on these weapons what are they advertised as ?? you know darn well what I am talking about.

Yes they are designed for killing humans. So what?

I put part of your statement in bold. I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Do you have a problem with someone shooting a home invader?

I see no reason for semi-automatic weapons. In fact, I see no reason why you guys should be allowed to keep your guns in your homes.

My leader Jack Layton says there is no reason to keep a gun in your house.
You can store, lean, service, and shoot them at the range!

And hunting? Unnecessary. That's why we have Safeway, guys.

Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu