Hi, thought I'd go ahead and introduce myself. I'm 27 and live in the bustling metropolis of Caroline. Moved here from Red Deer about 7 years ago because I was sick of the city life, found a great girl, and the rest is history. We have a 3 year old and one on the way in July.
As far as work I'm an apprentice electrician for an electrical/instrumentation company. Currently in my 3rd year of school and feel very fortunate to be doing what I'm doing.
I love to Hunt and Fish and the Lady joins me whenever she can other than sheep hunts. Sometimes I'm stuck babysittin while she heads out but it doesn't bother me that much

. Used to play hockey, golf etc. but only so much time these days and would rather be doing something in the hunting and fishing category with the spare time that I do have.
Looks like a great forum here and with any luck I'll be able to contribute some pics and stories in the future.
Shoot straight and Tight Lines!