Author Topic: To clarify  (Read 1985 times)


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To clarify
« on: May 06, 2013, 09:55:07 AM »
We have had a couple members delete their accounts due to other people that have signed up on the board who may or may not have a past history somewhere else. I have received pm's from said members stating they can't be involved with us "supporting" these individuals. To be perfectly clear with everyone because someone signs up here it doesn't mean we are "supporting" anything other than peoples right to participate in an open, public forum. We cannot and will not make decisions on this board based on 3 year old accusations from other boards, if we do we become exactly what we set out not to become which is a free place for all who love the outdoors to share. I heard a lot of talk but no one has any actual proof of anything. Rest assured anyone causing problems on this board or doing underhanded things will be dealt with appropriately. To those that can't agree with this policy you have every right to not participate here. I hope everyone can fully understand this.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 10:13:25 AM by Paul »


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2013, 11:44:19 AM »
We have had a couple members delete their accounts due to other people that have signed up on the board who may or may not have a past history somewhere else. I have received pm's from said members stating they can't be involved with us "supporting" these individuals. To be perfectly clear with everyone because someone signs up here it doesn't mean we are "supporting" anything other than peoples right to participate in an open, public forum. We cannot and will not make decisions on this board based on 3 year old accusations from other boards, if we do we become exactly what we set out not to become which is a free place for all who love the outdoors to share. I heard a lot of talk but no one has any actual proof of anything. Rest assured anyone causing problems on this board or doing underhanded things will be dealt with appropriately. To those that can't agree with this policy you have every right to not participate here. I hope everyone can fully understand this.

I'm pretty sure I get your message though it may not be as clear as you intended.

Some people are never willing to give anyone a second chance.  Even they deserve a second chance but if they want to leave, it is there loss.


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2013, 11:54:56 AM »
I just don't get peoples take on all this. If they have a problem with this man then don't talk with him, don't associate with him no one is forcing you to. I don't see anyone on here doing buisness with the man nor do I see him selling anything on here. All He is doing is sharing some outdoor experiences.

I just don't understand what they expect to happen here, do they expect the admin to boot him just because they say so,, where does it end. If He gives THIS admin a reason I am sure it will happen until then be big kids and worry about what goes on in your sandbox,, let others worry about theirs..

Everyone of these guys that are complaining about this guy the most are all those that are always opposed to the whole idea of more rules and absolutey shun anything to do with police state ideals. Yet they expect the owner of this site to do just that,, police this place and have only those that we so choose to be here. Police the place yourself,, you know let the people run it,, does this whole concept ellude you all. Your allways so vocal about having these ideals,, well here's your chance,, have at er,, or do you need the "athouraties" to run it all for you.


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2013, 01:49:48 PM »
I think people should just worry about themselves. Not bring past into present, give people the benefit of the doubt til otherwise proved, and keep an open and compassionate mind and heart....people do make mistakes, people are worthy of second chances and new starts.

We aren't judge and jury here....if we just keep it focused on the great outdoors then we don't need to worry what someone may or may not have done somewhere else. Sorry to hear we lost members, but better that they left, than to keep arguing over past stuff which brings EVERYONE down, and turns other members off from posting at all.

Keep up the great work, to all the admins on this board. I'm really pleased with how things have been handled, and your courteous manner in which you've handled discrepancies. I've never been to the other forum, but I have no need to. I'm happy here and really enjoy the posts of the members here :)

Peace n' chicken grease lol!

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Re: To clarify
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2013, 05:38:29 AM »
We have had a couple members delete their accounts due to other people that have signed up on the board who may or may not have a past history somewhere else. I have received pm's from said members stating they can't be involved with us "supporting" these individuals. To be perfectly clear with everyone because someone signs up here it doesn't mean we are "supporting" anything other than peoples right to participate in an open, public forum. We cannot and will not make decisions on this board based on 3 year old accusations from other boards, if we do we become exactly what we set out not to become which is a free place for all who love the outdoors to share. I heard a lot of talk but no one has any actual proof of anything. Rest assured anyone causing problems on this board or doing underhanded things will be dealt with appropriately. To those that can't agree with this policy you have every right to not participate here. I hope everyone can fully understand this.
Thanks..that is clear a crystal clear and concise.
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Re: To clarify
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2013, 07:00:29 AM »
well said Paul
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Re: To clarify
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2013, 01:07:35 PM »
I heard a lot of talk but no one has any actual proof of anything.

good clarification paul.  maybe since im the guy that pointed the finger first at the thief among us...ill show you the proof.  i know you have seen it already, but ill highlight it.

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Do you have anything remotely relevent to the discussion at hand to add, or is it time to admit that the bowhunters have a stronger point?

And ya, its been done to death Rich. You and I have spoken about it via pm and I have every intention of making it right for you. People make mistakes, what in the world does that have to do with this debate? 

the guy promised to deliver treestands, bait cages and bear bait.  he took money form people and did not deliver.  he stole from for sure 5 people that i know of, including rich mellon, the rich he admitted to stealing from and promised to make it right but never has.  another victim is a member of this forum and spoke up.  i dont know that members real name, so i dont know if he is in the 5 i know of or not, but either way.....crhis himself admitted publicly to what he did.  that isnt hearsay or rumor when the guy that did it says he did it. that just doesnt seem hard to understand.

for those that left...good for them for standing up in what they believe in.  free speech is great and all, but at what point do you feel that one member is worth the several more you have lost.  that goes for a loudmouth or two that has chased good contributing members away that just dont want to be associated with the garbage that goes on.  nube would be the best example of that. 

i wont delete the whole works, because the truth is i would creep anyway.....but count me as another that wont participate.  of course i havent much anyway due to the other issue i mentioned here and explained to you in pm.
opinions are like sphincters......everyone has one, and they all stink!


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2013, 01:45:47 PM »
Bambi, Paul already explained it too you....

I for one know all about the shananigans that went on with this guy, the members here read all of our posts and would be a fool to deal with him. Paul has made up a disclaimer for the site with a few rules attached and I'm sure anyone who steps outside them will be banned.

WTS, I don't get your point, I know you want to expose the guy, which you did and I'm sure the members here are thankful for the heads up. If people are leaving on account of Chris and he's done nothing  to conduct illegal business on AS, that's their perrogative. (He shares his adventures and pictures of their bear camp).
Did people leave AO on account of Chris where he did conduct alot of illegal business, I don't think so. Remember I was a member of that forum for 10 years or more and I know what went on. So whats all the gibridge about? Rich Melon is just another Joe Blow with a hole in his ass like the rest of us and it's my opinion he should have had better sense than to put money up front. Just because he writes for AO doesn't make him special. He has a brain, he should use it. Your suggesting we should bann the man because he ripped off Melon, who cares, he's done nothing wrong here.

Bambi it would be nice if you stayed and contribute to the forum, if you come over here just to tell us about Chris ripping off Melon and what a disgrace we are for supporting a thief, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2013, 09:04:03 PM »
Bambi, Paul already explained it too you....

I for one know all about the shananigans that went on with this guy, the members here read all of our posts and would be a fool to deal with him. Paul has made up a disclaimer for the site with a few rules attached and I'm sure anyone who steps outside them will be banned.

WTS, I don't get your point, I know you want to expose the guy, which you did and I'm sure the members here are thankful for the heads up. If people are leaving on account of Chris and he's done nothing  to conduct illegal business on AS, that's their perrogative. (He shares his adventures and pictures of their bear camp).
Did people leave AO on account of Chris where he did conduct alot of illegal business, I don't think so. Remember I was a member of that forum for 10 years or more and I know what went on. So whats all the gibridge about? Rich Melon is just another Joe Blow with a hole in his ass like the rest of us and it's my opinion he should have had better sense than to put money up front. Just because he writes for AO doesn't make him special. He has a brain, he should use it. Your suggesting we should bann the man because he ripped off Melon, who cares, he's done nothing wrong here.

Bambi it would be nice if you stayed and contribute to the forum, if you come over here just to tell us about Chris ripping off Melon and what a disgrace we are for supporting a thief, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

           First off I don't know Rich Mellon personally at all but I don't feel it really matters.  All I'm going to say is that it's definately not his fault he got ripped off.  To make it sound otherwise is a bit ridiculous.  While I am a little surprised at the position you guys are taking with this fellow, I guess it is what it is.  This board has taken the position of giving him rope and chances are eventually he will hang himself with it and that will be that.
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Re: To clarify
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2013, 09:26:11 PM »
If he ripped people off then those people should be dealing with it. It has nothing to do with Alberta sportsman.


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2013, 10:02:18 PM »
If he ripped people off then those people should be dealing with it. It has nothing to do with Alberta sportsman.

X one million

Whatever happened to those guys has absolutely nothing to do with this forum.


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2013, 10:20:09 PM »
Maybe people should be complaining about and quitting Alberta outdoorsmen because apparently that's where the problem occurred


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2013, 10:36:46 PM »
Maybe people should be complaining about and quitting Alberta outdoorsmen because apparently that's where the problem occurred

Yeah because that's where all the angry villagers  ;D


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2013, 11:27:50 PM »
but count me as another that wont participate.  of course i havent much anyway

Cripes Dale you keep bitching about this place but you don't go away man why is that? People if its so bad here please spare us all and go away, you are not in any way obligated to participate here. Why lurk when you could be at AO comparing shoe sizes or whatever else is going on there. If you want to post then talk about fishing or hunting because that's the purpose of this place.


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Re: To clarify
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2013, 10:27:36 AM »
X one million

Whatever happened to those guys has absolutely nothing to do with this forum.

AGREED x2! I think its time to drop the issue. A lot of us don't even know who these people are, have never been to AO, and have a lot of information and facts given to process. Let people make their own minds up, everyone's got a side and opinion, stop trying to sway one another one way or the other and just MOVE ON.

Live in the present, and if this dude blows it on here then we deal with that bridge when we cross it. Enough is enough about what someone did in their past. I'm sure every last one of you people has done something in your life you weren't proud of, and have been forgiven at least once in your perfect lives. No one is asking you to forgive and forget anything, just to stop letting the past get in the way of a great forum.

We have a legal system for a reason (as bologna as it is). Forgiveness is free and second chances are a choice only you can make for yourself. I say we get back to talking about hunting and good sportsman like conduct, banter, vids, pics and stories :)

Peace n' chicken grease
There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer