Author Topic: You know you are a Canadian when...... Happy Canada Day  (Read 1442 times)


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You know you are a Canadian when...... Happy Canada Day
« on: July 01, 2011, 07:17:36 PM »
You Know You're a Canadian When...


You stand in "line-ups" at the movie, not lines.

You're not offended by the term "Homo Milk".

You understand the sentence, "Could you please pass me a serviette, I just spilled my poutine."

You eat chocolate bars instead of candy bars.

You drink pop, not soda.

You know what it means to be on pogey.

You know that a mickey and 2-4's mean "Party at the camp, eh!"

You can drink legally while still a teen.

You talk about the weather with strangers and friends alike.

You don't know or care about the fuss with Cuba, it's just a cheap place to travel with good cigars and no Americans.

When there is a social problem, you turn to your government to fix it instead of telling them to stay out of it.

You're not sure if the leader of your nation has EVER had sex and you really don't want to know if he has!

You get milk in bags as well as cartons and plastic jugs.

Pike is a type of fish, not some part of a highway.

You drive on a highway, not a freeway.

You know what a Robertson screwdriver is.

You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.

You know that Thrills are something to chew and "taste like soap."

You know that Mounties "don't always look like that."

You dismiss all beers under 6% as "for children and the elderly."

You know that the Friendly Giant isn't a vegetable product line.

You know that Casey and Finnegan are not a Celtic musical group.

You participated in "Participaction."

You have an Inuit carving by your bedside with the rationale, "What's good enough protection for the Prime Minister is good enough for me."

You wonder why there isn't a 5 dollar coin yet.

Unlike any international assasin/terrorist/spy in the world, you don't possess a Canadian passport.

You use a red pen on your non-Canadian textbooks and fill in the missing 'u's from labor, honor, and color.

You know the French equivalents of "free", "prize", and "no sugar added", thanks to your extensive education in bilingual cereal packaging.

You are excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.

You make a mental note to talk about it at work the next day.

You can do all the hand actions to Sharon, Lois and Bram's "Skin-a-ma-rinky-dinky-doo" opus.

You can eat more than one maple sugar candy without feeling nauseous.

You were mad when "The Beachcombers" were taken off the air.

You know what a toque is.

You have some memento of Doug and Bob.

You know Toronto is not a province.

You never miss "Coaches Corner."

Back bacon and Kraft Dinner are two of your favorites food groups.



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Re: You know you are a Canadian when...... Happy Canada Day
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2011, 08:22:38 PM »
A few more.....

1) You say "eh" after every sentence, making it seem like a question... eh?

2) You put maple syrup on everything!

3) You can sing "O' Canada" in French and actually know what the words mean!

5) You think -10 C (14F) is mild weather.

15) You have more miles on your snow blower than your car.

16) You know how to say free, prize and no sugar added in French thanks to your extensive education in bilingual cereal packaging.

17) You've defended your property from trespassers with a hockey or lacrosse stick because you don't own a gun.

18) You perk up when you hear the theme from Hockey Night in Canada.

19) Your local paper covers the national news on 2 pages but requires 6 pages for hockey.

20) You understand the Labatt Blue commercial.

22) Canadian Tire on any Saturday is busier than the toy stores at Christmas.

25) You think an income tax refund is a gift from the government.

26) You say "no thanks" to a telemarketing tape.

27) In a restaurant, you apologize for not being ready to order at the waiter's convenience.

28) When you are given a compliment, always looks behind to see for whom it is intended.

29) Most of your clothes have Canadian beer logos on them.

30) You think the Hockey Night in Canada theme song should be the National Anthem.

31) You use a red pen on your non-Canadian textbooks and fill in the missing 'u's from labor, honor, and color.

32) You put ".ca" at the end of a website instead of ".com"

33) You say "car" more times playing street hockey then in a Ford commercial.

34) You put hockey sticks on the canadian flag in third grade social studies.

35) You get offended when America disses CBC

36) You can be white, Indian or Chinese... and rap.. and people won't look at you funny.

37) You can tell someone you're going to Timmies and they dont think you're retarded.

38) Wrote at least one letter to the Websters Dictionary saying "HOLY MACKINAW"should be a word.

39) You dare people from Compton to spend a night in Jane and Finch.

40) You giggle when you hear the song that says 'voulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir" because you know the Americans probably don't know what it means.

41) You hate it when americans make fun of everything 'cause its half french.

42) You love it when 50 cent comes to Canada because you know that where we're from he's about 68 cents.

43) You can walk onto your neighbour's lawn without having to worry about getting shot.

44) You can talk about curling for an hour and never mention one thing that has to do with hair.

45) Your grandma was probably born the last time the Leafs won the Stanley Cup.

46) You dont care that doughnuts have holes because we love Timbits.

47) You laugh at Americans for going to jail for stealing cable, but laugh even harder when they get it for free in prison

48) You think that Stomping Tom Connor is the biggest rock star Canada ever had

49) You'd much rather have Tim Hortons then Mc Donald's

50) You wonder if more people would smoke weed if our flag was green.

51) You believe that duct tape can solve ANY problem.

52)You go to get gas, see that it's only $1.25, and spend 20 minutes looking for a station that has the smallest line (Or has Timmies near by)

53) You think Wayne Gretzky is a god for somehow finding a way to get 200 points in one season.

54) You think this group is funny so you invite all of your Facebook friends!

55) You're smiling right now because you know all of these reasons are true.


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Re: You know you are a Canadian when...... Happy Canada Day
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2011, 09:11:32 PM »
Sounds about right! 8)

Chris K

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Re: You know you are a Canadian when...... Happy Canada Day
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2011, 02:43:32 PM »

Chris K


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Re: You know you are a Canadian when...... Happy Canada Day
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2011, 05:04:22 PM »
true patriot love!!!!!!!


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Re: You know you are a Canadian when...... Happy Canada Day
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2011, 03:24:21 PM »
I don't want to offend anyone here, but I've always preferred the Maple Leaf Forever.

It's got a better melody.  ;D

Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu