Author Topic: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod  (Read 6728 times)


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Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« on: July 12, 2013, 09:16:44 AM »
Lake Whitefish on a Fly is fun fun fun!!!.. it parallels Bone fishing.. the Whites runs are Epic and some will throw in a jump .. exhilarating to say the least

My Middle son Nathan and his buddy Obii

so 6 fish and over 24# total fish

5 more released and heading home by 10 am

Got to Love days like today

Thanks Talbot Lake


David :)

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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2013, 09:35:25 AM »
Nice catch.

Is time of the day critical for catching whites in the summer?

Have you caught whites in other lakes during the summer as well or just Talbot?

The reason I'm asking is that I think that Whitefish are an underutilized resource and perhaps if we could target them during the summer we could take some pressure off other species as well as get a better balanced fish population. What are your thoughts on this David?

Again great catch you certainly have them dialed in.


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2013, 10:17:27 AM »
Hi Glove .. time of day is when they are feeding of course but I find that at day light is better even in the winter .. although you can get into them any time as you will see them feeding all day .. I have caught them in the morning and afternoon this year there... we were out last night and didn't get any hook-ups but they took the indicator under 7 times on my buddy and twice on me and were rising around us .. but to be truth full it was a very windy night

as far as if I have caught them elsewhere no I have not yet this year .. Talbot is a very shallow lake in most spots if you google earth you will see .. it makes it easy to sight fish them like Bone Fishing on the flats

as far as fishing them during the summer .. this is why I posted to show that they can be caught .. years ago we did some Lake whites in summer but I haven't fish any till last year .. I do most of my Lake Whitefish fishing in the winter.. but as you see they can be targeted in summer .. just find where they are feeding and match the hatch ..

and yes to taking pressure off the other species and on a fly rod they are unreal .. with the runs and even jumps WOW!!!   any time your into a 4# plus fish its a very nice fight
 every area of the Province has Lake Whitefish so go have fun fun fun Anglers

Food for Thought
David :)
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2013, 10:10:38 PM »
Question one; Have you ever been bone fishing?
Question two; Do you ever feel guilty about helping decimate our fish stocks in Alberta? Your no better than a foreigner
Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night.


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2013, 11:37:36 PM »
Hi Rob
here is a Fly Rod World Record at the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame that I just got a call on of mine from this year

here is a u-tube Bone fly fishing video .. those 4# plus Lake Whitefish fight as good or better would love to do a video as I said its Epic
on the decimating Alberta's stocks.. these whites are not stocked and every lake have a quota that can be harvested and not affect the circle of life

in Canada Lake Whitefish are sold around the world commercially

Thanks for your opinion Rob

and on your last sentence I will not make a comment as it does not deserve one

question to you ..have you caught a 4# Lake Whitefish on a Fly Rod ?

in that Talbot Lake in August the Lake Whitefish sometimes have a die off and you can see a couple hundred dead floating

Do you fish Rob?

David :)

Question one; Have you ever been bone fishing?
Question two; Do you ever feel guilty about helping decimate our fish stocks in Alberta? Your no better than a foreigner
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 11:46:11 PM by Speckle55 »
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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2013, 11:46:34 PM »
Question one; Have you ever been bone fishing?
Question two; Do you ever feel guilty about helping decimate our fish stocks in Alberta? Your no better than a foreigner



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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2013, 11:56:06 PM »
Those are some nice whites speckles....bravo to you sir.. ;)


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2013, 11:50:08 AM »
David you never answered my first question. Yes I fish and have fished my entire life. I have fished quite a few places around the globe, majority of my holidays are fishing trips. I have never known anyone or in my own experience compared fresh water fish to salt water for there fighting ability because no comparison can be made. What do you suppose would happen to the fishing in our province if everybody with a license did the same as you and kept everything they legally could? As a fly fisherman you surely should understand that anywhere that zero limits have been placed or rivers like the bow where majority practice catch and release that the fish stocks improve dramatically both in size and volume in a short period of years. Maybe you don't get around the province much but we have hardly any water in it and what is there only receives more and more pressure every year. F&W only seem to acknowledge a problem after the damage is done. Why would you keep a world record fish instead of taking a couple pics measuring it and setting it free? As a trash sorry I mean whitefish afficianado I would think you would have known they were above average. 
Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night.


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2013, 01:03:40 PM »
Hi Rob .. nice ethics you have.. you do realize that every step you take on grass I can hear the grass screaming as you crush their life out of them and their blood is on the bottom of your shoe's (green).. and do you every count the number of organism you kill with every breath..

you stop walking on grass and breathing and I will stop fishing and keeping them ..

and thanks for your opinion on Salt Water vs Fresh Water .. I was in Mexico last Nov

please move on .. this post was not meant for you but to inform General Anglers and you are a elite Fly Angler

ps I have a 12#13 Brook Trout(8# WR) mounted and a 32#5oz Northern Pike(ex Ice Fishing WR) mounted that I am looking at... that I got freeze dried and mounted..I had a Rocky Mountain Whitefish line class WR IGFA too.. I also hunt rabbits and eat them

Here is a pic of a C&R Rainbow from Maligne that has Parasite's(like a Maggot only see through) in its flesh and very bad bruising of the flesh at the tail and body I sent it in the U of A and had them id.. it was handle too many times and the protective cover (slime) got removed

Food for Thought
David :)

David you never answered my first question. Yes I fish and have fished my entire life. I have fished quite a few places around the globe, majority of my holidays are fishing trips. I have never known anyone or in my own experience compared fresh water fish to salt water for there fighting ability because no comparison can be made. What do you suppose would happen to the fishing in our province if everybody with a license did the same as you and kept everything they legally could? As a fly fisherman you surely should understand that anywhere that zero limits have been placed or rivers like the bow where majority practice catch and release that the fish stocks improve dramatically both in size and volume in a short period of years. Maybe you don't get around the province much but we have hardly any water in it and what is there only receives more and more pressure every year. F&W only seem to acknowledge a problem after the damage is done. Why would you keep a world record fish instead of taking a couple pics measuring it and setting it free? As a trash sorry I mean whitefish afficianado I would think you would have known they were above average.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 01:11:53 PM by Speckle55 »
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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2013, 02:09:29 PM »
Yet still you refuse to answer my question have you ever caught a bone fish?
Well I guess every trout I've ever caught has never been caught before or handled.... Hard to imagine a 10 pound fish in a busy c&r fishery never being caught.
I don't comprehend how you can not seem to understand that if everybody in this province had your "ethics" or lack there of there would not be a fish left to catch, or a rabbit to shoot for that manner. Maybe if you didn't post pics every week of the stringer full of fish I would not give you a hard time about this. Do you suffer from some kind of brain injury or learning disability that we are not aware of?
Furthermore I never claimed to be an elite fly fisherman, it's something I enjoy very much but as far as my skill set with fly tackle it is far from elite.
Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night.


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2013, 05:21:14 PM »
What's up Rob, why the attack on Spec? If he only catches his limit he has done nothing wrong. No need for the name calling.


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2013, 05:38:29 PM »
when I was young a few Master Anglers in my town used to gather at a local tackle shop and talk fishing ..I was there when ever I could to learn.. they still do all across Canada

 now we have the internet to teach and talk and I am doing just that .. I still teach fishing off the net as you see I take other anglers that are not extreme as I am ..

I have a mentee that has taken a Alberta Record for the year and have taught ice fishing for over 20yrs for free.. I could be a guide but am not .. as I teach who I want and for free .. when I go fishing there is more than just catching the fish as for most Anglers

In Alberta we have a Put and Take system for our stocked lakes and ponds as most lakes never had Rainbows in them .. I do not fish those lakes

on your insults about my mental health Lets Talk  .. Bell Canada .. your a bully in my books

I have a license and fish legal so thanks for your opinion

Rob you should go fishing and worry less about what Master Anglers write on the internet

On my Rabbit Hunting I have taught kids and total strangers how to hunt .. I still take hunters out at end of season and guide for free to help them enjoy the sport.. I am a active Club Member ..Fish and Game archery. just help teach 37 young archers

do you have a degree in fisheries and understand the potential of lakes as per growth etc

What's the limit per day on Lake Whitefish per person/How many Lakes in Alberta have them /are they endangered/do we stock them

Wow internet troller


Food for Thought
David :)
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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2013, 05:51:31 PM »

X2 might have been the 150 proof
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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2013, 08:28:41 PM »
Firstly in regards to my heritage, I am First gen Canadian of Scottish decent not Irish, and unlike most of you that are of some mixed mud race I know exactly where my family hales from.
Second as I sit and bask in the self proclaimed greatness of the resident master angler I can't help but wonder, has he ever caught a bone fish????
Spec when you are teaching all these young hunters and fisherman are you teaching them catch and release and fair chase, or that because they can get 6 deer tags they should fill them all, and to take there bag limit every time they go fishing?
I am not a bully, I may be an asshole at times but I am not a bully.
I do not have a biology degree but would be willing to bet you don't either, I did however have two biologists that were my next door neighbours growing up.  I also posses an iq higher than a pigmy goat and can read past a grade five level, and use these two abilities to educate myself with both book and real world education.
Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night.


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2013, 08:41:16 PM »
Firstly in regards to my heritage, I am First gen Canadian of Scottish decent not Irish, and unlike most of you that are of some mixed mud race I know exactly where my family hales from.
Second as I sit and bask in the self proclaimed greatness of the resident master angler I can't help but wonder, has he ever caught a bone fish????
Spec when you are teaching all these young hunters and fisherman are you teaching them catch and release and fair chase, or that because they can get 6 deer tags they should fill them all, and to take there bag limit every time they go fishing?
I am not a bully, I may be an asshole at times but I am not a bully.
I do not have a biology degree but would be willing to bet you don't either, I did however have two biologists that were my next door neighbours growing up.  I also posses an iq higher than a pigmy goat and can read past a grade five level, and use these two abilities to educate myself with both book and real world education.



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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2013, 09:35:06 PM »

Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2013, 10:00:00 PM »
Those records are all impressive I will admit But I cant help but notice a couple things.
One they were from 1984
Two the major recurring theme here- THEY ARE ALL DEAD! Crying shame they didnt get the chance to spawn a few more times and pass on the good genetics.

I bet I can guess how many times those records have been broken since the 80s as well. I could forgive ignorance about fisheries in the 80s but there is no excuse in this day and age.
Have you ever fished the waters on your clans land?
I have
Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night.


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2013, 10:13:41 PM »
The Brook Trout is 13 years old(oldest recorded) and the Pike was 25 Yrs old David Donald Canadian Fisheries Bio

Just got 2 Fly Fishing line class WR and one all time WR on fly rod  for Lake Whitefish

2 of my boys also have FF line class WR this year just sending in paper work

I have not been to Scotland yet by all of my family has(brother/sis/dad/cuz family reunion)

I practice C&R no handling in water releases if possible (3guys 75 Trout Maligne June 10 to 14 2013 limit is 2 possession) 

Sean and Adam Konrad(Fishinggeeks) and Matt came fishing Bull Trout to Hinton with me and got me back into chasing WR's

David :)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 10:16:02 PM by Speckle55 »
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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2013, 10:20:22 PM »
Speckal55 The Ron Burgundy mustache is #@$!ing Sweet buy the way!!
  Here is my take on it on catch and release fishing.  I grew up fishing in Kooteany lake trolled one end of it to the other landed an number of good trout at least 10 that come to mind.  I have killed 1 an 18 pounder my father a 22 pounder and my uncle one 25 pounder.  My grandfather on the other hand bonked plenty I think his biggest was in the 25 pound range.  The Gerrard rainbows in the lake breed in the Lardeau river and only about 250 pairs return each year the BC government allows you to kill 5 trout over 50 cm a year out of the lake I do not much agree with this as I would rather catch em then kill em.  The locals around the lake can’t stand Americans and Albertans can you guess why? 
  I can actually count the last few fish I have killed that Mahi Mahi from Hawaii that the guide was killing regardless if I wanted to let it go and a Dolly around 12 pounds about 10 years ago. 
In rocky the F&G built a kids trout pound a number of years ago my kids absolutely love the place the most fun they have is tossing them back in with the idea of catching them again.  This is good and bad in a way and one day when they are older and understand more I will keep a few fish for them to eat as that is important as well. 
  When my wife caught that marlin after fighting it for a few hours I could see in her eye that she wanted that fish and was a little miffed when it was let go.  I told her the trophy is in the memory of it you don’t actually need it to enjoy the experience.  She is proud of her marlin flag but given the chance she would have killed it at the time.
  Different strokes for different folks.               
I believe you have fish Kooteany lake ?


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Re: Lake Whitefish on Fly Rod
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2013, 11:07:18 PM »
Yes I have fished Kootenay Lake an caught both Bulls and Rainbows.. it is being seeded to help the Kokanee which are the feed for the big Gerrards
I do a lot of research and analytically look at where I fish ..  Lake Ontario/Pyramid Nevada/Rouge River Oregon/BC Salmon/Sask/Manitoba/Mexico

Each to  their own

Dr OZ eat fish 2 to 3 time a week for good health(quote)

who am I to argue ;;;

David :)
Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter