Author Topic: What is your greatest fishing memory .  (Read 2625 times)


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What is your greatest fishing memory .
« on: May 24, 2011, 01:35:26 AM »
I fish alot and have quite a few stories . There's a few I have that stand out in my mind .

Me and my grandpa before he got sick and passed away , had been wanting to get out fishing alot . Seemed to never have time as he use to golf in a seniors league . Anyway he calls me up there one day says lets go fishing . But knowing he gets tired easy and not feeling good and so we fished the North Saskatchewan River where I always fish . I set up his chair and mine , and set up his rod for him . And we fished for 3 hours caught a few walleye , and Grandpa hooks into a sturgeon . And being very weak from all the medication I help hold the rod as he reels it in . SNAP goes the line except we had it right to shore and I had the leader in my hand . Him and I use to fish at Lac la nonne alot as friends of our family had a cabin right on the lake so I left my boat out there . Caught 1000's of walleye out of that lake , and some huge pike . I really miss my Grandpa Its not the same fishing with my buddies now . Although its still good .

Another time last year I was with a group of friends from Alberta outdoorsmen forum . We did our yearly fishing trip , and went to medicine lake . A friend Cathy , and her grandson Noah , That kid was very cool . He has a physical disability but you know what doesn't let it stop him . He falls over wipes himself off and gets back up and does it all over again . So we take him out fishing , he had never caught a fish in his life . So out come the magic tricks as fishing was pretty tricky . So fire out a jig and minnow under a bobber . WHAM he hooks into a decent 4 lber the look on his face was priceless . So ever since that day I told him he was gonna be my new fishing partner as my grandpa had passed away and he was so cool to fish with . He wasn't one of them kids that are bratty and rude he was a joy to be around .

Ive got more stories but here's a start to a good Thread .


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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 02:28:30 AM »
Well BBJ I know about grandpa fishing, spent some time with mine out on Venice lake (Missawawi) catching pike through the ice. I have so many good fishing memories but what stands out for me is fishing at Prince Rupert with my dad and a friend and catching salmon and pulling crab traps, won't ever forget it. Also my first time fly fishing up at Janice lake in BC.

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« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 02:31:27 AM by Paul »


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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 12:03:50 PM »

Chris K

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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 05:38:51 AM »
My greatest memory was with my dad, Larry.  When I was very young he was fishing a small beaver dam pond just outside of Cadomin for brook trout with the fly rod.  I was watching him fish as I was only about 4 or 5 years old at the time.  He casted across the pond, and got snagged in a gangly, crappy tree, way on the other side.  He told me that a fish spit the hook up in the tree, so naturally I bit and believed him whole heartedly.  He eventually made it to the other side of the pond, and tried to climb the tree.  He got about 3/4 of the way up and being a swamp spruce that was not in good shape to begin with, it came crashing down.  I laughed and laughed on the side of the pond.  My dad was built like an ox, so he was just too much for the tree to handle.  For years and years we laughed about the fish that spit the hook up in the tree. 

When I was in high school, I used to get to take a week off school in early May and go up to Peerless and Graham Lakes with my Dad and Uncle Konrad, right after the ice came off.  Those trips were so much fun, and man did we ever catch a ton of fish.

Any trips with my dad were always memorable for me.  We used to take the truck and camper, then our motorhome and fish all over the forrestry truck road.  Heading to lakes with family on long weekends, or countless icefishing trips all over northern Alberta.  I even dragged him out to Wisconsin to go fish a tournament on Lake Michigan, and it was the only time I ever saw him get sick from the size of the waves we were in.

He passesd away two years ago in early May after a battle with a rare kidney disease.  I miss him so much, and really wish I had taken him up to Plummers Lodge on Great Bear Lake, as he loved catching lakers and always talked about a fly in trip he went on with my Uncle when I was young. 

Thanks for all the great memories Dad!  Thanks for spening the time to teach me how to fish, and always taking me along.  Below is a picture of my dad holding a walleye from Lake Isle.

Chris K         

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josh gelinas

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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2011, 09:06:56 PM »
i remember when i was 3 years old my dad explained to me how i was someday going to become an amazing fisherman and teaching me the prayer lol " go out in the morning tossing minnows worms and flies, if you dont catch the biggest fish, make up the biggest lies!" i remember him taking me to wholesale sports when it was still on 97th and he gave me 150$ too spend on any hook i wanted but... i had to spend my first 50 in the Len Thompson isle. so the first day i went fishing it was at lac la nounne and my dad tied me to the boat first and my brand new buzz light year rod to me got me to cast out my brand new red devil and we started to troll. i remember being really scared because he told me we were fishing slew shark... at 3 years old the first image of shark popping in my head was a giant man eating thing i watched on the discovery channel so i pictured in my head huge fish with sharp teeth. i remember catching nothing all day until one massive strike i got and i was possibly the most excited kid on the planet then i was so happy i had caught a fish im sure the other side of the lake heard me screaming. after fighting the thing for what seemed like ever at the time my dad netted it. a 4lb pike and i was so somewhat sad it wasnt the massive shark i pictured in my mind but my dad assured me that was a good size for the fish i caught and i guess after that day i was hooked to the sport. and people always ask me just why i love fishing so much and how i can just sit there and wait and wait for even days with no fish and i always tell them its always worth it in the end. may not be the rush i got with my first fish but its still the greatest feelin on the planet


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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2011, 01:24:32 AM »
My fondest memories are fishing with my Grandparents. They are both gone now but, they taught me so much about the outdoors. My parents went through a period when they seperated and I lived with my grandparents for a while, as times where tough and my Mom could not make ends meet on her own.  My grandfather taught me how to fly-fish when I was 12 years old. I spent many hours fishing with him for Pike and smallmouth Bass back in the day on Lake Muskoka when I lived in Ontario. We spent the weekends at the cottage fishing on some smaller lakes that held Rainbow Trout as well. Watching my Grandpa cast a fly line was a thing of beauty. He made it look so easy. I was lucky to have a great teacher. Well eventually I moved back with my Mom and we moved along way from my Grandparents and it became hard to see them. I miss the warm summer nights fishing with my Grandpa at the cottage. I am a huge fly-fishing nut now and I still use the knowledge that he passed on to me today. He made me a better fisherman and I love him for it.  Those are my greatest fishing memories.
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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2011, 10:01:12 AM »
mine would have to be my son,  at pigeon lake,  4 years old,  catching a walleye all by himself,   and how freaked out he was when the rod bent over. ....same day...  a fish took the rod right out of his hand and into the lake
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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2011, 09:16:53 PM »
Great posts guys!

Mine would have to be a salt water fishing trip back home. I was about 15 years old and was working (summer employment) on a Cape Islander with a couple of the local fisherman. It was right after a storm and there was a tide on and the pollick were running like crazy. We were anchored off Ketch Harbour on Edie's shoal light linning for pollick. I was using a half herring on cod hook and line, all of a sudden, bang, something (didn't know what it was at the time) grabbed my hook and made off with it. First I thought I hooked a halibut but remembered I wasn't fishing deep.
Anyrate, damn thing near pulled me over the side of the boat but with the help of Will and Paddy we got it up along side of the boat, gaft him, cut his throat and let him go back into the ocean. It was a blue shark. Nothing spectacular, young one, maybe 8ft- about 100 lbs or so, but it put up one hellava fight.

The fisherman always killed all the sharks they could in their areas because they ate alot of the fish they made their living on.


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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2011, 09:36:17 PM »
Awesome stories guys!  I have many favourite memories but one of my favourites was the first time I took my daughter out when she was 5.  We were camping and decided to do some shore fishing for rainbows.  Everytime I would get one on I would hand the rod to my daughter.  She lost probably 30 before she finally got one landed.  We were so excited and it was a blast to see her face when she finally got one to shore.  We had a couple rods in and I kept checking the baits and removing weeds etc.  After the evening fishing, she managed to land 4 fish and it was all she could talk about.  Anyway, on Monday she went off to kindergarten and I guess she was telling the whole class about her fishing expedition.  I picked her up after school from the classroom to be greeted at the door by one of the teacher assistants with a big grin on her face (she is a friend and knows I am a diehard hunting/angler).  Turns out my daughters favourite part of the story was how she caught all the fish and her Dad could only catch weeds!!  I just about rolled on the floor laughing.  My daughter is 10 now and loves to fish, she is very competitive and gets upset if she doesn't catch the big fish for the day.


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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2011, 11:03:51 PM »
Not sure if I can tell you my best fishing memory. but I can tell you the future.  I have a 2 year old and for him to catch his first fish will be the greatest memory of all.



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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2011, 11:07:02 PM »
Not sure if I can tell you my best fishing memory. but I can tell you the future.  I have a 2 year old and for him to catch his first fish will be the greatest memory of all.


Right on... :)

And I hope I'm there with my new ;D


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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2011, 11:14:10 PM »
Don't worry Grandpa. Your Grandson is in good hands.  He will soon will be out fishing us both.



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Re: What is your greatest fishing memory .
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2011, 01:03:27 PM »
mine would have to be my first salmon ever. i was about 12 or 13 years old, fishing the vedder river near chilliwack BC with my dad for coho, using spoons. neither of us had caught salmon before and were giving it a try. we had hiked 30 minutes to a lower section of the river where we had heard was a good spot. after about an hour of fishing with no bites, i was retrieving my spoon and it suddenly stopped. "dad, i think i have a snag" i said. as dad came over to look, he suddenly said "no! you have a fish! the line is going upstream!!"

what ensued was a 45 minute fight between a young and very excited kid, and what turned out to be a 27 pound, 36 inch long chinook salmon. then there was the hour long hike back as i insisted on carrying the fish myself all the way back to the truck. took twice as long, but man was i pumped.

that's still the biggest salmon i've landed to date, although i've had a few chinooks in the 30, 40 and 50 pound classes right near shore and lost them as we tried to net or tail them.

another good memory i have is again with my dad. we managed to get the location of a tiny pothole lake near princeton bc. you need a 4x4, you need to know where to turn, and the lake isn't named on any maps. the first time we drove in, we didn't know what to expect. it turned into 3 days of float tube fly fishing mecca. we hammered fish all day long on dry flies and wet flies. some in the 5 pound range, most around 2 pounds. that was 8 years ago. i still fish that lake a couple times a year, although the fish seem to have gotten smaller and one of the 4x4 roads is now an easy logging road. that said, you still need to know the turn off, and the lake still isn't marked. i've also never been skunked on that lake, and i've always caught a few on dry flies.